World WTSP Catalog (TN2A Part) Site Descriptions | |
World TRIZ Sites Project |
Surveyor: Toru Nakagawa (OGU) |
Catalog setting: Toru Nakagawa |
Posted: Aug. 4, 2019 |
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Aug. 3, 2019)
Descriptions of sites expected in this page are not documented well, because at that time I wanted to survey more sites rather than describe individual sites closely. This page actually corresponds to the information in the Index page. We wish descriptions of sites to be written later with the collaboration of many colleagues.
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Pre2-(2A)-English-World (Mar. 15, 2019, Nakagawa Toru)
(1) Evaluated ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 6 sites) ==
International TRIZ organization
TN2A-01 ◎ MATRIZ (The International TRIZ Association) Location: USA Language: en, ru
Roles: (b1) Dedicated association, (b3) International conferences
Site search 328 pages
TN2A-02 ◎ AI (The Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies) https:// Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (b1) Dedicated association, (b3) International conferences Site search 906 pages
TN2A-03 ◎ ETRIA (The European TRIZ Association) Location: EU Language: en
Roles: (b1) Dedicated association, (b3) International conferences Site search 76 pages
Important public Web sites in TRIZ
TN2A-04 ◎? ← ◎ TJ (The TRIZ Journal) Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (a2) Public Web sites, (a1) Dedicated infromation sending Site search 3,030 pages
The TRIZ Journal started as early as in 1996 as a Web site dedicated for introducing and proliferating TRIZ, by the co-editors of Ellen Domb and Jim Kowalick. It posted several to ten articles every month written by the editors and various authors over the world, thus served for spreading the understanding of classical and modernized TRIZ in the Western world. The operation of TRIZ Journal was handed to Real Innovation Network in 2006 but stopped posting new aticles in 2010. BMGI re-launched it in 2015 but stopped new posting in 2016. Even during these difficult years, the archives of all the articles were kept accessible.
In January 2018, Darrell Mann, Systematic Innovation, re-launched the TRIZ Journal as the public Web site. A wide variety of articles are posted regularly and frequently, mostly by the Editor himself.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 27, 2019[Note (TN, Feb. 22, 2022): The browsers, Firefox and Google Chrome, say "This site is not secure to access" and blocks any trial to access. Thus Evaluation is now expresseed as ◎?. ]
TN2A-05 ◎L TRIZ Home Page in Japan (English) Location: Japan Language: en, jp
ROles: (a2) Public Web sites, (a1) Dedicated infromation sending Site search 1,170 pages
See JP-01
TN2A-06 ◎ ICG T&C (ICG Training & Consulting) Location: Netherlands Language: en
(e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers Site search 132 pages
About: Founded and centered in the Netherlands in 2003 by TRIZ Master Valeri Souchkov, ICG T&C is a company operating with an international network united by the common goals and mission: to develop and bring to the market the best methods, tools, and solutions which boost, leverage, and manage creativity and innovation. Among our customers are both large and small organizations which are willing to not just observe but to create future. Prior to founding ICG T&C, Valeri Souchkov co-founded Invention Machine Labs in 1989 which pioneered promotion of TRIZ and Systematic Innovation in Western Europe, USA, and Asia. ... In 2000 Valeri Souchkov initiated and co-founded the European TRIZ Association (ETRIA).
Top page: Our mission is to empower the world with TRIZ-based Systematic Innovation which brings a process of producing breakthrough innovative solutions to a radically new level and helps our customers to transform a fuzzy innovation front-end to a predictable, manageable and highly productive process.
Why TRIZ and Systematic Innovation?: ... Methods and tools of TRIZ and Systematic Innovation organize and support a process from dealing with ill-defined initial situations towards producing and selecting new ideas with the highest value/costs ratio thus making dealing with an innovation "fuzzy front-end" manageable and predictable. ... Recently enriched with a number of new tools, such as Root Conflict Analysis, Function Analysis, Technology-Market Evolution Matrix, Value-Conflict Mapping, and Innovation Roadmap TRIZ makes it possible to establish a well-structured process of achieving continuous innovation and developing breakthrough ideas for new products, technologies and services in a systematic way. ... Today, innovation becomes a well-planned activity which integrates a wide range of methods, tools, as well as organizational culture, management support, and other crucial ingredients. Such a system becomes available to everyone involved to innovation processes thus immensely increasing the innovative productivity of organizations and individuals.
Note (TN, Sept. 27, 2019): This site has a well-organized top page, not only showing their own training and consulting activities but also introductions, papers, and overviews of TRIZ and Systematic innovation in a wider scope.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 27, 2019
(2) Evaluated ○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (15 sites) ====
TN2A-07 ○ JTS (Japan TRIZ Society) http:// Location: Japan Language: jp, en
Roles: (b1) Dedicated associations, (b4) Domestic conferences (Mostly in Japanese) Site search 188 pages
TN2A-08 ○ Design Society Location: UK Language: en
RFoles: (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies Site search 481 pages
Consultancy / Methods
TN2A-09 ○ Oxford Creativity location: UK Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants, (g3) Knowledge sharing Site search 263 pages
TN2A-10 ○ GEN-TRIZ Location: Canada, USA Language: en
ROles: (e4) Consultants, Site search 31 pages
TN2A-11 ○ AiMTRIZ (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ ) Location: Germany Language: en
Roles: (e5) Training organizations, (e4) Consultants Site search 32 pages
Knowledge sharing
TN2A-12 ○L←○ Wikipedia Location: USA (==> Global) Language: en, many
Roles: (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g5) Term dictionaries ==> See TN3D-08 Site search 1,580 pages
[Note (TN, Apr. 2, 2022): Wikipedia is evaluated as ○ in the WTSP TRIZ Catalogs, while as ◎ in the WTSP Around-TRIZ Catalogs. ]
TN2A-13 ○L←○ YouTube Location: USA (==> Global) Language: en, many
Roles: (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g10) Multimedia presenters (Note: Many Irrelevant pages) ==> See TN3D-10 Site search 68,600 pages
[Note (TN, Apr. 1, 2022): Evaluated as ○ in the TRIZ Site Catalogs, while as ◎ in the Around-TRIZ site catalogs.]
TN2A-14 ○L ←○ SlideShare ocation: USA Language: en, many
Roles: (g3) Knowledge sharing、(g10)Multimedia presentors ==> See TN3B-04 Site search 2,920 pages
[Note (TN, Apr. 1, 2022): Evaluated as ○ in the TRIZ Site Catalogs, while as ◎ in the Around-TRIZ site catalogs.]
TN2A-15 ○L←○ LinkedIn Location: USA Language: en, many
Roles: (g4) Social networks、(a3) Hub sites, ==> See TN3C-03 Site search 9,630 pages
Social Networking Service, mostly for professionals. The site search may be useful for checking TRIZ-relevant companies, persons, sites, etc.
[Note (TN, Apr. 3, 2022): This site is evaluated as ○ in the WTSP TRIZ Catalogs, while as ◎ in the WTSP Around-TRIZ Catalogs. ]
TN2A-16 ◎○L← ○ Research Gate Location: Germany Language: en, many
Roles: (f3) Repository, (g4) Social networking, Site search 42,900 pages
TN2A-17 ◎○L←○ Science Direct Location: UK Language: en, many Site search 2,030 pages
Roles: (f2) Publishers ==> See TN3D-16 ◎○
TN2A-18 ○L←○ Springer : SpringerLink Location: Netherlands Language: en, many Site search 2,890 pages
Roles: (f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository, (f1) Journals, ==> See TN3B-35
[Note (TN, Apr. 16, 2022): Springer Link is evaluated as ○ for the TRIZ Catalogs, while as ◎ for the Around-TRIZ Catalogs. ]
TN2A-19 ○ Amazon Location: USA (==> Global) Lang: en, many
Roles: (f4) Book sellers Site search 5,390 pages See TN3D-11
[Note (TN, Mar. 30, 2022): See TN3D-11 for the site description. This site is evaluated as ○ in the WTSP TRIZ Site Catalogs, while as ◎ in the WTSP Around-TRIZ Sitge Catalogs.]
TN2A-33 ○←□ IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) Location: UK Language: en
Roles: (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies Site search 18 pages
About: Working to engineer a better world: We are the IET and we inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world. As a diverse home across engineering and technology, we share knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter. It's why we are uniquely placed to champion engineering.
A brief history of the IET: We've come a long way - from the foundation of the Society of Telegraph Engineers in 1871 to the creation of the IET in 2006.
Our Mission: To inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society.
Our Strategic Priorities: Support the transition of students and young professionals into engineering careers. Engagement with professional development to ensure and demonstrate and grow engineering competency. Deliver user-centric knowledge solutions for rapid access to relevant content and services. Demonstrating the public relevance of engineering to society and as a positive career choice. Working across disciplinary, corporate and geographic boundaries to improve innovation and impact.Evaluation changed into ○ from □.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 27, 2019
TN2A-38 ◎ 12Manage Location: Netherlands Language: en, and 11 languages
Roles: (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g5) Term dictionaries, (e7) Networking/matching organizations Site search 16 pages
Evaluation changed into ◎ from □ , on Management
Top page: Welcome to the world's #1 website about management: Advance yourself in business administration and management. All you need to know about your management subject on one page. Discuss issues with managers, consultants and academics in our business forums. Sign up for free
About: Organizational Purpose: 12manage was founded in 2006 to make management know-how available all over the world. In particular for people who can not afford an MBA. Profile: 12manage is an on-demand knowledge platform for managers, specialists and academics about management. The members of this network are mostly senior managers (60%), as well as management specialists (20%) and management academics (20%). Our knowledge centers are referenced by ± 1,000,000 members. See also: What people think of 12manage.
Knowledge Centers about Management: 12manage provides for each management method, model or concept: a concise description, its history, calculation, usage and application, process steps, strengths and benefits, limitations and disadvantages, assumptions and conditions, references, as well as an interactive member forum. Premium members have additional access to best practices, expert tips, powerpoint presentations, micro-learning videos, resources, and recent news for each method. Our explanations focus on concepts that are both scientifically accepted and applicable in management practice.
12 Disciplines, 12 Languages: All management knowledge centers are classified into 12 management disciplines: Change & Organization, Communication & Skills, Decision-making & Valuation, Ethics & Responsibility, Finance & Investing, Human Resources, Knowledge & Intangibles, Leadership, Marketing, Program & Project Management, Strategy and Supply Chain & Quality. All management disciplines and knowledge centers are available in English, plus the following 12 languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
Management Dictionary and More: 12manage also provides a Management Dictionary with 2000 entries, Management Issues, a Management Start Page, and useful Management Links. We distribute a weekly newsletter.
Special Interest Groups: 12manage members can participate in our SIGs, allowing to network and exchange information with peers all over the world. There is a SIG for each management knowledge center in each language.
Editor, Contributors: 12manage is edited independently (Editor). We try to make using 12manage as simple and user-friendly as possible. We'd like to thank those that made a contribution to 12manage, including the most important people, see our Wall of Fame.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 27, 2019
(3) Evaluated ☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (24 sites) ====
TN2A-20 ☐ TRIZfest (International conference held by MATRIZ) (TRIZfest2018 at Lisbon) Location: Portugal Language: en
ROles: (b3) International conferences Site search 7 pages
TN2A-21 ☐ TFC (TRIZ Future Conference) (International conference held by ETRIA) (TFC2015 at Berlin) Location: Germany Language: en
Roles: (b3) International conferences Site search 23 pages
TN2A-22 ☐ Apeiron (Association for Reason-based Innovation, Italy) Location: Italy Language: en, it
Roles: (b1) Dedicated associations Site search 55 pages
(Note: works, but not )
TN2A-23 ☐ TFC (TRIZ Future Conference) (International conference held by ETRIA) (TFC2018 at Strasbourg) Location: France Language: en
Roles: (b3) International conferences Site search 59 pages
TN2A-24 ○L← ☐ NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Location: USA Language: en Site search 92 pages
Roles: (c2) National organizations, (d2) Researh institutes ==> See TN3E-20
TN2A-25 ☐ University of Twente Research Information Location: Netherlands Language: en, Dutch
Roles: (d1) Universities Site search 76 pages
TN2A-26 ☐ Ideaplant Location: Japan Language: jp, en
Roles: (e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers Site search 20 pages
TN2A-27 ☐ Location: Sweden Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants Site search 32 pages
TN2A-28 ☐ The TRIZ Group Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants Site search 29 pages
TN2A-29 ☐ TRIZ-RI Group Location: Czech, Russia Language: en, ru
Roles: (e4) Consultants Site search 40 pages
TN2A-30 ☐ Innovation-TRIZ Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants Site search 53 pages
TN2A-31 ☐ InnoSupport Location: Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants Site search 167 pages
TN2A-32 ☐ Liberating Structures Location: USA Language: en, fr, de, Dutch, ru
Roles: (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies Site search 135 pages
TN2A-34 ☐ TRIZ Consulting, Inc. Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants Site search 22 pages
TN2A-35 ☐ Emeraldinsight Location: UK Language: en
Roles: (f3) Repository, (f2) Publishers Site search 87 pages ==> See TN3B-75
TN2A-36 ☐ Technical Innovation Center, Inc. Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants Site search 54 pages
TN2A-37 ☐ TRIZ XXI (TRIZ 21) Location: Spain Language: Spanish
Roles: (e4) Consultants Search site 0 (in English)
TN2A-39 ☐ Google Play Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (f6) Software/applications/tools sellers Site search 28 pages
Social Networking Services
TN2A-42 ○L←□ ToolsHero Location: Netherlands Language: en Site search 12 pages
Roles: (e2) Software/tool developers, (e10) Software/Tool services, (a2)Public Web sites for information sending, (g3) Information sharing ==> See TN3D-45
On management
TN2A-43 ☐ Meetup Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (g4) Social networks Site search 681 pages
A Social Networking Service
Knowledge sharing
TN2A-44 ☐ MachineDesign Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (g2) Technology news Site search 15 pages
TN2A-45 ☐ IEEE Xplore Digital library Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (f3) Repository, (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies Site search 1,680 pages
TN2A-46 ☐ Hindawi Location: UK Language: en
Roles: (f2) Publishers Site search 53 pages
Open access publishing
TN2A-47 ◎ Systematic Innovation Inc. (Darrell Mann)
UK en (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (f2) Publisher
Note (TN, Sept. 27, 2019): Darrell Mann has been working very actively for promoting TRIZ in the modernized form, naming 'Systematic Innovation' in a much wider sense. He authored "Hands-on" book series, including: Systematic Innovation (Technical), Systematic Innovation for Business & Management, Systematic (Software) Innovation, Matrix 2010, trenDNA, Innovation Capability Maturuity Model, etc. One of the unique basis of his research has been the extensive analysis of patent DB in the world. The Web site posts a large number of articles reflecting his thoughts ans activities as consultants and lecturers.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 27, 2019
TN2A-48 ◎ AULIVE (Simon Dewulf)
Australia en (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (f2) Software/tool developers, (e5) Training organization
Note (TN, Sept. 27, 2019): Simon Dewulf, former owner of CREAX in Belgium, moved to Australia and started AULIVE Pty Ltd in 2012. The AULIVE site has 4 branch sites.
(A) Innovation Logic ( Top page: AULIVE brings Innovation Logic, a collection of hands-on tools and a systematic method designed to demystify and systematize the space of creativity, innovation and value creation. With 20 years research and development in the domain of innovation, we have distilled the AULIVE method as 6 easy steps to innovate products or processes, with the inspiration tools. --- The steps are: Aim: value and function, Use: resources in time and space, Link: your product or process DNA, Import: inspiraton from outside, Vary: change for better function, Elect: ideas to concepts.
(B) Patent Inspiration ( This site provides with a useful tool for patent searches. In the free space, the operation of the software is fully demonstrated with a case in two videos. Surveying patents is possible at the text level freely but needs registration for visualizing them in various graphs.
(C) More Inspiration ( This site is a large collection (currently 4961) of example of Innovations, each shown with a photo/vidoe and explanation. They have tags of industries and products. It is remarkable that the essence of innovation of each case is explained with the installed property and the resultant function. Such properties and functions are well categorized and symbolized (in addition to the text), thus many cases of the same property (or of the same function) are readily shown by clicking the symbol of property (or function). This site is very useful for obtaining inspiration from various cases.
(D) Production Inspiration ( You can select a function you want to perform and select a state you want to operate on, then a number of ways (i.e., production methods) to achieve the function are shown with illustrations. E.g., 'Corrodes' 'Solid' gives you 19 production ways.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 27, 2019
(A7) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on May 26, 2022.. Access point: Editor: