TRIZ Textbooks:  CID Course for Children, 3-2G2
Topic 2. Practice Work on Solving Problems
Planet of Unsolved Misteries:
Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID), 
3rd Grade, 2nd Semester, Methodical Guide-Book
Natalia V. Rubina, 1999 [published in Russian]
English translation by Irina Dolina, Jun. 17, 2001
Technical Editing by Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 17, 2002.
Posted in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in English on Feb. 19, 2002 under the permission of the Author.
(C) N.V. Rubina, I. Dolina, and T. Nakagawa 2002

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Topic 2. Practice Work on Solving Problems
     The work on solving problems should be organized in such a way that each child independently would be able to handle according to a pattern as many problems as possible.  It would be very convenient for the practice work to use team methods of educating.  One of the forms of conducting this class might be the following.  The class is split into groups of 4-5 kids.  A group solves a problem according to the pattern.  Then the children are rearranged in the way that each new group got the representatives of all initial groups.  Now each of them explains how the problem that was considered in his group can be solved.  Thus, working in a group, everyone has to understand very well the given problem and be able to explain its solution to his classmates.
     In the “Workbook on CID for 3rd grade, 2nd Semester”, there are special forms that will help the children to solve problems according the pattern.
     In “Card index to the CID lessons for 3rd grade, part 2” there is a selection of problems for working in class and at home.

     To sum up there is one more extract from G. Altov’s book “And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared".
     “I often have to answer a question: how to become an inventor?  Sometimes this question is articulated another words: “Please, look at my project and tell me: do I have a chance to become an inventor?”  The projects sometimes are rather weak but it doesn’t mean anything.  When I was in third grade it occurred to me: what if to make an “empty” airship?  The lighter the gas that fills the balloon, the stronger the carrying capacity.  Thus, a genius idea appeared: if there is an empty space inside a airship, the carrying capacity will be maximum.  The fact that the atmospheric pressure would crush such an airship didn’t even occur to me…
     So, how to become an inventor?
     This questions doesn’t differ from the question how to become a writer, a surgeon, an architect, a pilot, etc.
     As a matter of fact, everyone is able to become a professional (in any field).  One has to get a school diploma at first, then to study five or six years more.  There are educational institutions for most of the professions: technical schools,  vocational schools, institutes, etc.  If a profession is new, one has to study by oneself.  How one could become a camera-man in 1910?  Only mastering this profession in the course of practical work.  How did the people become professionals in spaceship engineering in 1930?  One had to master a new profession by oneself using books, in the course of practical work in groups studying jet movement.  Many people became space-ship engineers after they had worked in similar fields of technology: glider-pilots turned into specialists in spaceship construction; an engineer dealing with steam turbines started to devise turbo-jet engines; and so on.  In the end of 1950s the prognosis science – a science about predicting future began to form.  Today it is an universally recognized science, there are lots of books, magazines are being issued, conferences and congresses are being conducted.  Where do the professionals in prognosis come from?  They have come to this field of science from other spheres.  Before that they were engineers, economists, historians…
     I want to underline: anyone is able to become a professional.  One has to study, that’s all.  Out of thousand people, graduated from school, probably, the whole thousand can become professionals.  In real life this doesn’t happen, but we are considering the question in principle.  Thus a thousand out of a thousand.  Then out of a thousand only a hundred become Masters.  And again I want to underline: actually everyone can become a Master.  But in reality only one out of ten professionals become Master, because it requires hard work.  A professional studies hard for 5-6 years, maybe for 10 years.  Master studies all his life.  A professional works seven-eight hours a day, maybe even nine-ten hours.  Master devotes all his time to work.  Sometimes people say: “Look, what a talented person he is.  He gets everything easily…”  These are senseless words.  Real talent is 99 or even 100 per cent hard work.
     So what?
     Then, out of ten Masters one becomes Grand Master.  And in this case not everything depends on a person himself.  First of all the society has to develop a demand in production, that Grand Master can give.  Somebody has to order a unique building and in the process of constructing this building Master will grow into Grand Master.  There are other factors.  It is necessary, for example, that the sphere of activities where Master works has reserves for development.  In 19th century there were many great Masters who projected and built sailing vessels.  The evidence of which are famous tea clippers.  But Robert Fulton, a watchmaker, an artist, and an inventor, who built a plain ship, became Grand Master.
     When people ask: ”How to become an inventor?”, they mean not an ordinary inventor, but a Master or even a Grand Master.  Now you know the answer to this question.  First one has to become a professional and this is available to all.  And then time will show…
     There are no schools for preparing the inventors so far.  But there are different schools, courses, public institutions of inventive creativity.  And it is necessary to begin with books.  At least from this one.”
    G. Altov: “And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared, “Detskaya Literatura”, Moscow, p. 101-102.

Appendix 1.  Smart Little People


  1. Altov, G.: "And Suddenly The Inventor Appeared",  Moscow, “Detskaya Literatura” 1989.

  3. Altshuller, G. S.: "To Find An Idea", Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1991.

  5. Granovskaya, R. M.: "Elements of Practical Psychology", Sankt-Petersburg, Publishing House,  "Svet", 1997.

  7. Grinder and Bendler: "From a Frog into a Princess",  (Neuro-linguistic programming)

  9. Petrusinsky, V. V. (ed.): "Games: Educating, Training, Recreation", Moscow,  "Novaya shkola", 1994.

  11. Murashewska, I. N. and Nesterenko, A. A.: Seminar Papers, 1994-1995.

  13. Murashewska I. N.:  "When I Become a Magician", Poznanie: issue No. 5- Riga, 1993

  15. Rubin, M. S.:  Articles.

  17. Rubina, N. V.:  "Program of CID Course for the Elementary School", Petrozavodsk, 1996.

  19. Rubina, N. V.:  "Workbook on CID (Creative Imagination Development) for the Second Grade (second semester)", Petrozavodsk, 1998.

  21. Altshuller, G. S. (ed.): "Theory and Practice of Solving Creative Problems", Gorkii, 1976.
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