TRIZ Textbooks:  CID Course for Children, 2-1W234
Adventures in Fantasy City. 

Topic 2.  Morphological Box (Method of Fantastic Subtraction)
Topic 3.  Unusual Inhabitants of Fantasy City (Animation Method)
Topic 4.  Magic Shop (Method of Focal Objects)

Fantasy City:
Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID), 2nd Grade, 1st Semester, Children Workbook
Natalia V. Rubina, 1998 [published in Russian]
English translation by Irina Dolina, April 2, 2001
Technical Editing by Toru Nakagawa, July 15, 2001
Published in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in English on Jul. 17, 2001 under the permission of the Author. 
(C) N.V.Rubina, I. Dolina, T. Nakagawa, 2001

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Adventures in Fantasy City
Topic 2.  Morphological Box  (Method of Fantastic Subtraction)
     Emil and Colabo are going to their friends’ party.  They prepared  an unusual present – a new toy.  Can you create new toys?

     What does a toy consist of?  Fill in the first column of the chart.

    And now name all the options of the toy parts.  Fill all the other columns.

          \     What are they?
Parts of a system \


So, Morphological Chart  is a method of searching for new ideas, that helps to consider all possible options.  The American astronomer, Tsvikki, was the first who presented the method of the morphological charts in 1942.


     Draw your toy here.

     Do you want to learn more about it?  Carry on the following tasks:
1.  Give a name to a toy.
2.  Place your toy mentally into the screen of a system in a system operator, and fill in all the other screens.

If you unite the parts from different columns, you will get a new toy, belonging only to you.

Make up rules to play with your toy.


          \     What are they?
Parts of a system \


    Topic 3.  Unusual Inhabitants of Fantasy City.
            (Animation Method)

     Tell me, please, who has left his pen, or pencil, or eraser at home?  Why haven’t your pencil boxes reminded you of them?
     Emil has got a pencil box that every morning checks if the boy has taken everything to school.  What a thoughtful and considerate pencil box…!
     Do you know that all things, all objects in Fantasy City have their own temper and habits?  Do you want to get to know them better?

     Choose any system on your table.
     What does the system you have chosen look like?

Which properties of a temper could have a Person with a similar appearance: Write down here the opposite properties of a temper:



    Draw your system in such a way that could be clear which properties of a temper your character possesses.
     In every fairy tale beside the kind and cheerful character, there is a vicious and cunning character, or a character “upside down”.

     Make a picture of a character “upside down”.

Your new friend   a character “upside down

     Write down here a small story about your new friends – the inhabitants of Fantasy City.



    Topic 4.  Magic Shop  (Method of Focal Objects)

     The magician Deli-Davai decided to get a job.  He found out that in Fantasy City there is a shop “MFO”.  The store director gave the magician a small test.  The shop “MFO” sells unusual things: nice smelling clocks, fluffy lamps, racing calendar… What else to design?

     Then Deli-Davai learned how to obtain new ideas with the help of the Method of Focal Objects.

     So, let’s choose a system, which we are going to change:

     Now name any four systems without thinking:
     Enumerate  the properties of these systems and fill in the diagram:
     The system we want to change is in “the focus” of 4 others.  That  is why the method, with the help of which we change the system, is called “the method of focal objects”.

     The combination of this system and the properties, enumerated by you, write out here:

     Add your ideas with new details (make up a story, where somebody purchased the thing you had designed, and tell us what happened…)


     Do you think the magician Deli Davai has got the job?
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