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Preliminary Internet Search (3C) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope |
Posted: Jul. 6, 2019 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 5, 2019)
This is the 4th trial of the '3rd round' Preliminary Internet Search of TRIZ-related Web sites in a wider scope. The sites written in English and located in the whold world are surveyed.
Extending the preceding cases further, the key words are set as:
Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology).
Since 'Innovation' is lately supposed most important keyword for businesses, technologies, and society, it covers a very wide region of inerests, including creativitey, creative thinking, creative problem solving, inventions, Intellectual properties, business revolution, society change, etc. etc. Innovation management and Innovation strategy are the keywords carried not only by consultants but also almost all the govenments and universities. Thus this survey has detected many (200) sites, and yet has missed still much more.This page is designed similar to the previous pages of the (3A2) and (3B) cases:
In the present page, the process of searching and handling the sites is described first , and then the Web sites obtained with significance are shown in a simple tabular form where the sites are re-arranged according to the importance in our WTSP Catalogs.A .docx file is attached to show some more details of the individual sites. The initial part of the .docx file (describing the ◎ and ○ sites) is illustrated as examples at the bottome of this HTML page .
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country |
Japanese page |
Preliminary Internet Search (3C) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope
Preliminary Search for WTSP sites widely in the English Language in the whole world
(3C) Keyword: Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)
Jul. 5, 2019, Toru NakagawaThe conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)
(b) Language of the sites: English
(c) Location of the sites: Not specified (i.e., the whole world)
(d) Searcher's location: Not used (i.e., neutral from Japan)
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.japan(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the search for TRIZ-related pages inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxResults:
200 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. Recorded in a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Survey again with the keyword site:[URL of the site domain] Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)Note: The search result this time looks very good, and relevant.
Further working process:
Visit the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Name of the site and URL of the site are recorded.
--- This record of site title is placed before the page title output by the search engine.Using the URL output by the option (f), the internal search of the site is carried out. The number of pages hit with this survey is recorded as the No. of pages. Taking a glance at the output page titles and text excerpts are useful for roughly understand the nature of the site.
For most of the sites, the description in 'About us' and similar pages are quoted here, for obtaining the rough idea of the sites.
Following the Practice Guide posted recently, information of Site Location, Site Language, and Roles of the site are recorded. However, Site Location is not easy to find in many cases, and Site Languages (especially besides English) are not checked thoroughly. The two information need to be examined later.
In the present case, I put much attention in finding the Roles of the site. (The 'About us' pages are useful to find the Roles.)
Then the sites are roughly evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ ☐ △ -
Note: In cases of two marks together, they mean evaluation choices not sure yet. E.g., □△ means '□or △'.
Note: There are many Web sites in the fields where I am not so familiar (e.g., innovation management as business,).
Many universities and graduate schools are detected. Since it is difficult to select good ones, most of them are evaluated as □. Probably we should better select somewhat more severely.
Thus the present evaluation should be regarded tentative and need to be checked by other people familiar in these various fields.After having processed all the sites, the record of the displayed page for each site is erased, because it has no usage any more.
Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Sites are now re-arranged according to the grade ◎ ○ □ △ -.
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 3 sites, including 3 already listed sites)
◎○: ( 0 sites, including 0 already listed site)○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (27 sites, including 10 already listed sites)
○□: ( 9 sites, including 1 already listed sites)☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (66 sites, including 7 already listed sites)
□△: (12 sites, including 1 already listed sites)△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ===== (67 sites, including 0 already listed sites)
△-: ( 3 sites, including 0 already listed sites)- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== ( 19 sites, including 0 already listed sites)
For each site, the description of "About us" are extracted from the site and shown.
The page shown by the search engine is now deleted, because of no significant value left.In the Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", the sites evaluated as ◎ ○ □ △ are shown in a tabular form.
Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines.
Survey Results: (Simplified for posting in HTML (Jul. 5, 2019, TN))
207 sites rearranged in the order of their evaluation.
Evaluation symbol; Site name; Site domain URL; No. of pages hit in the site search; Countly; Language; and Roles of the site
Note: The record shown below forms a big table. You may select the whole table at once and Copy & Paste it into MS Word or Excel without specifying any particular format.
Detailed Record of Sites in the .docx File for Further Work.
The initial part, describing the ◎ and ○ sites:
: ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 3 sites, including 3 already listed sites)
◎L Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/ このサイト内で検索 1,800 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ◎L
◎L YouTube www.youtube.com/ このサイト内で検索 12,700,000 ages
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ◎L
◎L LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/ このサイト内で検索 46,300,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g4) Social networks Evaluation: ◎L
Evaluation: ◎○: ◎ or 〇 (Most) important in the World WTSP Catalog ( 0 sites, including 0 already listed site)
Evaluation: ○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (27 sites, including 10 already listed sites)
○ Strategyn strategyn.com/ このサイト内で検索 329 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (e4) Consultants Evaluation: ○
About Us: Since 1991, Strategyn has turned jobs-to-be-done theory into the world's most powerful innovation process: Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI). This patented innovation process is the cornerstone of our success. We use it to help companies invent and launch breakthrough products and services. Learn how over two decades we have evolved the innovation process from an art to a science, and then contact us to discuss how we can help your company grow.
Home: Outcome-Driven Innovation® (ODI) is a strategy and innovation process that ties customer-defined metrics to the "job-to-be-done", making innovation measurable and predictable. The process employs qualitative, quantitative, and market segmentation methods that reveal hidden opportunities for growth. ODI has an 86 percent success rate—a five-fold improvement over the industry average.
○ Innovation Management. innovationmanagement.se/ このサイト内で検索 10,100 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g2) Technology news (innovations), (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○
About: InnovationManagement.se is one of the internet's preeminent resources for innovation news and best practices. The content on the site is written for and by professionals who are working in the field of innovation. They are interested in learning how to optimize innovation programs; generate new projects, products, and solutions; and track new mindsets and technology trends.
Since our founding in 2009, we have invited innovation leaders from around the world to share their insights and, as a result, we have grown to a network of more than 12,000 innovation leaders, artists, intrapreneurs, and more. All of our content is free and searchable. IM.se is consistently recognized as a top-ten innovation blog globally.
○ OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) www.oecd.org/ このサイト内で検索 61,800 pages
Country: Language: Role: (c1) International Organization Evaluation: ○
About: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. We draw on almost 60 years of experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow.
Together with governments, policy makers and citizens, we work on establishing international norms and finding evidence-based solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and creating jobs to fostering strong education and fighting international tax evasion, we provide a unique forum and knowledge hub for data and analysis, exchange of experiences, best-practice sharing, and advice on public policies and global standard-setting.
○ IdeaScale ideascale.com/ このサイト内で検索 4,500 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (e2) Software developers Evaluation: ○
About: IdeaScale is the largest cloud-based innovation software platform in the world with more than 25,000 customers and 4.5 million users. The software allows organizations to involve the opinions of public and private communities by collecting their ideas and giving users a platform to vote. The ideas are then evaluated, routed, and implemented, making IdeaScale the engine of crowd-powered innovation. IdeaScale's client roster includes industry leaders, such as Citrix, Marriott Vacations Worldwide, NASA, the New York City Police Department, Princess Cruises and many others.
○ Capgemini www.capgemini.com/ このサイト内で検索 78,000 pages
Country: France Language: Role: (e4) Consultants Evaluation: ○
About: Our Company: A global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation, Capgemini is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients' opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms.
Capgemini Invent is our Group's digital innovation, consulting and transformation brand. Capgemini Invent combines strategy, technology, data science and creative design to solve the most complex business and technology challenges.
○ edX www.edx.org/ このサイト内で検索 996 pages
Country: Language: Role: (d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations Evaluation: ○
About: The Mission: Increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere; Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online; Advance teaching and learning through research
Our Story: edX is the trusted platform for education and learning. Founded by Harvard and MIT, edX is home to more than 20 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world and industry-leading companies. As a global nonprofit, edX is transforming traditional education, removing the barriers of cost, location and access. Fulfilling the demand for people to learn on their own terms, edX is reimagining the possibilities of education, providing the highest-quality, stackable learning experiences including the groundbreaking MicroMasters® programs. Supporting learners at every stage, whether entering the job market, changing fields, seeking a promotion or exploring new interests, edX delivers courses for curious minds on topics ranging from data and computer science to leadership and communications. edX is where you go to learn.
○ Gartner www.gartner.com/ このサイト内で検索 74,900 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (e4) Consultants Evaluation: ○
About: Founded in 1979, we are the leading research and advisory company. We've expanded well beyond our flagship technology research to provide senior leaders across the enterprise with the indispensable business insights, advice and tools they need to achieve their mission-critical priorities and build the organizations of tomorrow. Together with our clients, we fuel the future of business so that a more successful world takes shape.
○ IESE Business School (University of Navarra) www.iese.edu このサイト内で検索 2,400 pages
Country: Spain Language: Role: (d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations Evaluation: ○
About: At IESE Business School we want to educate leaders to whom we can entrust the future of business and society. As the business school of the University of Navarra, our activities are centered around three management axes: a global mindset, a general management approach, a people-centered vision, with the ethics and social responsibility that entails. We believe that companies are, above all, communities of people who work better in an atmosphere of respect and trust.
○ Class Central www.classcentral.com このサイト内で検索 2,110 pages
Country: Language: Role: (e7) Networking/matching organizations, (h3) Educational organizations Evaluation: ○
About: Our goal is to make online education work for everyone. Class Central is a listing of online courses. We aggregate courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. We focus primarily on free (or free to audit) courses from universities, offered through massive open online course (MOOC) platforms. Whatever you are interested in learning, it is more than likely that our catalog includes a course that will meet your needs. Through Class Central, you can find courses; review courses you've taken (and read other people's reviews); follow universities, subjects and courses to receive personalized updates; and also plan and track your learning.
○ Arthur D Little www.adlittle.com/ このサイト内で検索 90 pages
Country: Language: Role: (d4) Consultants Evaluation: ○
○ Forbes www.forbes.com/ このサイト内で検索 1,240,000 pages
Country: USA, Language: Role: (g1) Mass media Evaluation: ○
○ ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management) www.ispim-innovation.com/ このサイト内で検索 pages
Country: Language: Role: (b1) Dedicated associations Evaluation: ○
About: ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management – is an association of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector, all sharing a passion for innovation management - how to successfully create new products, processes and services from ideas, to stimulate economic growth and well-being. Formed in Norway in 1983, ISPIM has members in over 70 countries and is the oldest, largest and most active innovation network in Europe, expanding rapidly in the Americas and Asia-Pacific.
○ McKinsey & Company www.mckinsey.com/ このサイト内で検索 8,160 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (e4) Consultants Evaluation: ○
○ Steve Blank steveblank.com/ このサイト内で検索 76 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (i3) Personal Website Evaluation: ○
About Steve: Refer to his own introduction at https://steveblank.com/about/ (TN. It's amazing, and too long to quote here.)
From Wikipedia: Steve Blank (born 1953) is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur based in Pescadero, California.
Blank is recognized for developing the customer development method that launched the lean startup movement, a methodology which recognized that startups are not smaller versions of large companies, but require their own set of processes and tools to be successful. His Lean Launchpad class (taught as the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps) has become the standard for commercialization for all federal research.
Blank writes and teaches about customer development and the lean startup method. He is an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at Stanford; lectures at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, and is a senior fellow at Columbia University. He has written four books: The Four Steps to the Epiphany, Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost, The Startup Owner's Manual and Holding a Cat by the Tail.
○ The Tech Interactive www.thetech.org/ このサイト内で検索 780 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (g6) Museums, exhibitions Evaluation: ○
About: The Tech Interactive is a family-friendly science and technology center in the heart of downtown San Jose. Our hands-on activities, experimental labs and design challenge experiences empower people to innovate with creativity, curiosity and compassion. The Tech is a world leader in the creation of immersive STEAM education resources to develop the next generation of problem-solvers locally, nationally and globally. We believe that everyone is born an innovator who can change the world for the better.
In 2015 The Tech was awarded the National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the highest honor a United States museum, science center or cultural institution can achieve. We are driven by our mission: to inspire the innovator in everyone.
○ JTBD (Jobs-to-be-Done)(Tony Ulwick) jobs-to-be-done.com/ このサイト内で検索 100 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants Evaluation: ○
About: Jobs-to-be-Done + Outcome-Driven Innovation: Jobs-to-be-Done.com, by Tony Ulwick, is a place where people can come to (i) learn how to put Jobs-to-be-Done Theory (JTBD) into practice with proven frameworks and templates, and (ii) read case studies and examples of success using the Outcome-Driven Innovation process.
○ Idea to Value (Edited by Nick Skillicorn) www.ideatovalue.com/ このサイト内で検索 640 pages
Country: UK Language: Role: (a2) Public Web sites Evaluation: ○
About: Idea to Value is a community about improving everyone's ability to generate new ideas and turn them into something amazing. Our insights come from experts in Innovation Management, Psychology, Neuroscience, Art, Business Leadership and many more. Our articles and media on creativity and innovation help people like you break through whatever is stopping your ideas from happening and figuring out how to make your innovations successful. We also have a large collection of templates and tools only available to our members. Don't wait any longer, sign up for your free account today!
○L Emerald Publishing www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/ このサイト内で検索 1,950 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○L
About: Emerald Publishing was founded in 1967 to champion new ideas that would advance the research and practice of business and management. Today, we continue to nurture fresh thinking in applied fields where we feel we can make a real difference, now also including health and social care, education and engineering. Emerald manages a portfolio of over 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1,500 teaching cases. Emerald Publishing is part of Emerald Group.
○L Science Direct www.sciencedirect.com/ このサイト内で検索 846,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○L
○L Research Gate www.researchgate.net/ このサイト内で検索 13,500,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f3) Repository Evaluation: ○L
○L Inc. www.inc.com/ このサイト内で検索 37,200 pages
Country: Language: Role: Evaluation: ○L
○L MIT Technology Review www.technologyreview.com/ このサイト内で検索 8,610 pages
Country:USA Language: Role: (f1) Journals Evaluation: ○L
○L Springer Link link.springer.com/ このサイト内で検索 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○L
○L Harvard Business Review hbr.org/ このサイト内で検索 60,900 pages
Country: Language: Role: Evaluation: ○L
○L Coursera www.coursera.org このサイト内で検索 9,990 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (h3) Educational organizations Evaluation: ○L
About: Our Story: Coursera was founded in 2012 by two Stanford Computer Science professors who wanted to share their knowledge and skills with the world. Professors Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng put their courses online for anyone to take - and taught more learners in a few months than they could have in an entire lifetime in the classroom. Since then, we've built a platform where anyone, anywhere can learn and earn credentials from the world's top universities and education providers.
○L Wiley Online Library onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ このサイト内で検索 850,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○L
〇L Taylor & Francis Online www.tandfonline.com/ このサイト内で検索 2,000,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: 〇L
Evaluation: ○□: ( 9 sites, including 1 already listed sites)
○□ LEAD Innovation Management www.lead-innovation.com/ このサイト内で検索 513 pages
Country: Austria Language: en, es, de Role: (e4) Consultants Evaluation: ○□
○□ European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) eit.europa.eu/ このサイト内で検索 6,970 pages
Country: EU Language: Role: (c4) Professional organizations Evaluation: ○□
About the EIT: The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) is an independent body of the European Union set up in 2008 to deliver innovation across Europe. The EIT brings together leading business, education and research organisations to form dynamic cross-border partnerships. These are called Innovation Communities and each is dedicated to finding solutions to a specific global challenge. EIT Innovation Communities develop innovative products and services, start new companies, and train a new generation of entrepreneurs. Together, we power innovators and entrepreneurs across Europe to turn their best ideas into products, services, jobs and growth.
○□ IMP³rove Academy: European Innovation Management Academy www.improve-innovation.eu/ このサイト内で検索 415 pages
Country: Language: Role: (e5) Training organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ○□
About: IMP³rove – European Innovation Management Academy offers innovation management support services on a global scale. With our holistic approach to innovation management, the comprehensive services offerings and the global network, we have set the standard for innovation management assessment and related support services.
Our vision: IMP³rove – European Innovation Management Academy is perceived world-wide as the knowledge hub that continuously and significantly contributes to the wealth and competitiveness in Europe and beyond. This vision is based on our holistic approach to innovation management, our value-creating innovation management assessments, our unique databases and international networks. Our systematic training and certification schemes, consulting and support services in innovation management and advanced research will bring our vision to life.
Our story: Since almost 10 years IMP³rove helps public and private clients to enhance innovation management practices for growth. Emerged from the European Commission's flagship program "IMP³rove", it is now a "born global" company that serves as an international knowledge hub for better innovation management support services.
○□ IMD (International Institute for Management Development) www.imd.org/ このサイト内で検索 2,970 pages
Country: Switzerland Language: Role: (d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizatons Evaluation: ○□
About: IMD is an independent business school with Swiss roots and global reach. Focused on developing leaders and transforming organizations, IMD designs and delivers interventions that challenge what is and inspire what could be.
For the last 8 consecutive years, IMD has been ranked #1 in the world for Open executive programs and in the top three overall for executive education (Financial Times 2012-2019).
○□ MDPI www.mdpi.com/ このサイト内で検索 pages
Country: Switzerland Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○□
About: A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Based in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. Our 205 diverse, peer-reviewed, open access journals are supported by over 35,500 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is freely available and all content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
With further offices in Beijing and Wuhan (China), Barcelona (Spain) and Belgrade (Serbia), MDPI has published the research of 263,500 individual authors and our journals receive more than 5.8 million monthly webpage views.
○□ Study Portals www.studyportals.com/ このサイト内で検索 66 pages
Country: Language: Role: (d1) Universities Evaluation: ○□
About: Studyportals is the global study choice platform. Empowering the world to choose education.
Studyportals began as a spin-off from a couple of large international study associations. It was born out of frustration, a total lack of information and overview of the fast-growing number of international Master's programmes in Europe. In 2007, Mastersportal was born and proved to be a roaring success. Soon after, Bachelors, PhD, Short Courses, Distance Learning and Preparation courses portals followed suit. In 2018, we helped over 36 million students around the world to explore study programmes and make an informed choice, throughout over 190,000 courses at 3,200+ educational institutes across 110 countries.
○□ EY: Building a better working world www.ey.com/ このサイト内で検索 24,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (e4) Consultants Evaluation: ○□
About: At EY, our purpose is Building a better working world. The insights and quality services we provide help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
Our locations: With over 700 office locations in over 150 countries, we provide local knowledge with global experience.
○□L Study.com study.com/ このサイト内で検索 8,930 pages
Country: Language: Role: (h3) Educational organization Evaluation: ○□L
About: Our mission is to make education accessible. With short and fun videos, taught by great teachers, we help students easily master any subject and achieve their educational goals.
○□L World Scientific www.worldscientific.com/ このサイト内で検索 43,100 pages
Country: Singapore Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○□L
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country |
Japanese page |
(A7) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Apr. 3, 2020.. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp