WTSP Working Material: | |
Preliminary Internet Search (3B) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope |
Posted: Jun. 23, 2019 |
For going to Japanese pages, press buttons.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 21, 2019)
This is the 3rd trial of the '3rd round' Preliminary Internet Search of TRIZ-related Web sites in a wider scope. The sites written in English and located in the whold world are surveyed.
Extending the preceding (3A2) case, the key words are set as:
(Creative OR innovative OR Systematic) Problem Solve (Method OR Process OR Technique).
In this setting, the former theme 'Creative Thinking' is extended toward more objective one, i.e., 'Creative Problem Solving'; thus many more practical Web sites have obtained in the present survey.This page is designed similar to the previous page of the (3A2) case:
In the present page, the process of searching and handling the sites is described first , and then the Web sites obtained with significance are shown in a simple tabular form where the sites are re-arranged according to the importance in our WTSP Catalogs.A .docx file is attached to show some more details of the individual sites. The initial part of the .docx file (describing the ◎ and ○ sites) is illustrated as examples at the bottome of this HTML page .
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country |
Japanese page |
Preliminary Internet Search (3B) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope
Preliminary Search for WTSP sites widely in the English Language in the whole world
(3B) Keyword: (Creative OR innovative OR Systematic) Problem Solve (Method OR Process OR Technique)
Jun. 21, 2019, Toru Nakagawa
The conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: (Creative OR innovative OR Systematic) Problem Solve (Method OR Process OR Technique)
(b) Language of the sites: English
(c) Location of the sites: Not specified (i.e., the whole world)
(d) Searcher's location: Not used (i.e., neutral from Japan)
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.japan(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the search for TRIZ-related pages inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxResults:
179 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. Recorded in a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Survey again with the keyword site:[URL of the site domain] (Creative OR innovative OR Systematic) Problem Solve (Method OR Process OR Technique).Note: The search result this time looks very good, and relevant.
Further working process:
Visit the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Name of the site and URL of the site are recorded.
--- This record of site title is placed before the page title output by the search engine.For most of the sites, the description in 'About us' and similar pages are quoted here, for obtaining the rough idea of the sites.
Following the Practice Guide posted recently, information of Site Location, Site Language, and Roles of the site are recorded. However, Site Location is not easy to find in many cases, and Site Languages (especially besides English) are not checked thoroughly. The two information need to be examined later. In the present case, I put much attention in finding the Roles of the site. (The 'About us' pages are useful to find the Roles.)
Then the sites are roughly evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ ☐ △ -
Note: In cases of two marks together, they mean evaluation choices not sure yet. E.g., □△ means '□or △'.
Note: L: Already listed elsewhere
Duplication of sites in various survey outputs is not checked closely. This duplication problem need to be handled later when we integrate the documents from many defferent Teams.Note: There are many Web sites in the fields where I am not so familiar (e.g., social networks, blogs, etc., especially in USA).
Thus the present evaluation should be regarded tentative and need to be checked by other people familiar in these various fields.Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Sites are now re-arranged according to the grade ◎ ○ □ △ -.
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 8 sites, including 7 already listed sites)
◎○: ( 2 sites, including 1 already listed site)○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== ( 15 sites, including 5 already listed sites)
○□: ( 11 sites, including 2 already listed sites)☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 58 sites, including 7 already listed sites)
□△: ( 6 sites, including 0 already listed sites)△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ===== ( 31 sites, including 1 already listed sites)
△-: ( 1 sites, including 0 already listed sites)- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== ( 39 sites, including 0 already listed sites)
For each site, the description of "About us" are exerted from the site and shown.
The page shown by the search engine is now deleted, because of no significant value left.In the Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", the sites evaluated as ◎ ○ □ △ are shown in a tabular form.
Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines.
Survey Results: (Simplified for posting in HTML (Jun. 21, 2019, TN))
172 sites rearranged in the order of their evaluation.
Evaluation symbol; Site name; URL of the site domain; and Note
Note: The record shown below forms a table. You may select the whole table at once and Copy & Paste it into MS Word or Excel without specifying any particular format.
Eval |
Sitge name |
Site domain URL |
site search pages |
Country |
Language |
Roles |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ( 8 site , including 7 already listed sites) |
◎ | Free Management Library |
http://managementhelp.org/ | 37 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
◎L |
Wikipedia |
http://en.wikipedia.org/ | 45,900 |
en |
(g3) knowledge sharing |
◎L |
YouTube |
http://www.youtube.com/ | 46,300 |
en |
(g3) knowledge sharing |
◎L |
Slide Share |
http://www.slideshare.net/ | 140,000 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
◎L |
TED Ideas Worth Spreading |
http://www.ted.com/ | 73 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
◎L |
Amazon |
http://www.amazon.com/ | 43,100 |
en |
(f4) Book sellers |
◎L |
The TRIZ Journal |
http://triz-journal.com | 970 |
en |
(a2) Public Web sites |
◎L |
TRIZ Home Page in Japan |
https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/ | 383 |
jp | en |
(a1) Dedicated for Information sending |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
◎〇 : ◎ or 〇(Most) important in the World WTSP Catalog (2 sites, including L 1) |
◎〇 |
ASA (American Scientific Affiliation) |
http://www.asa3.org/ | 347 |
USA | en |
(g3) Information sharing |
◎〇L |
ASQ (American Society for Quality) |
http://asq.org/ | 730 |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ======(15 sites, including L 5 sites) |
○ |
Semantic Scholar |
www.semanticscholar.org/ | 655,000 |
USA | en |
(f3) Repository |
○ |
Synecticsworld |
http://synecticsworld.com | 45 |
USA | en |
(e1) Method developers |
○ |
MIT Sloan School of Management |
http://mitsloan.mit.edu/ | 559 |
en |
(d1) Universities |
○ |
IQ Matrix: 300+ self-growing mind maps (Adam Sicinski) |
http://blog.iqmatrix.com | 171 |
au | en |
(e1) Method developers |
○ |
Stanford Graduate School of Business | www.gsb.stanford.edu/ | 360 |
en |
(d1) Universities |
○ |
TeachEngineering:STEM curriculum for k-12 |
www.teachengineering.org | 697 |
USA | en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
○ |
Breakthrough e-Coach |
www.1000ventures.com/ | 266 |
ru | en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
○ |
Scientific Research: An Academic Publisher |
http://www.scirp.org/ | 14,300 |
Panama | en |
(f2) Publishers |
○ |
Community Tool Box (Center for Community Health and Development, the University of Kansas) |
http://ctb.ku.edu/ | 382 |
USA | en, Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi |
(d3) Laboratories |
○L |
Research Gate |
http://www.researchgate.net/ | 7,060,000 |
de | en |
(f3) Repository |
〇L |
IDEO U (IDEO University) |
http://www.ideou.com/ | 33 |
USA | en |
(e5) Training organizations |
○L |
Harvard Business Review |
http://hbr.org/ | 2,120 |
USA | en |
(f2) Publishers |
○L |
LnkedIn |
www.linkedin.com/ | 369,000 |
en |
(g4) Social networks |
○L |
Fast Company |
http://www.fastcompany.com/ | 3,230 |
en |
(g2) Technology news (business) |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
○□: ( 11 sites, including L 2 sites) |
○□ |
Odyssey of the Mind (a Creative Competitions Inc. program) |
www.odysseyofthemind.com/ | 56 |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
〇□ |
SAGE Journals |
http://journals.sagepub.com/ | 114,000 |
USA | en |
(f3) Repository |
○□ |
Cite Seer X |
http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/ | 330,000 |
en |
(f3) Repository |
○□ |
Wiley Online Library |
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ | 179,000 |
USA | en |
(f2) Publishers |
〇□ |
Edutopia (George Lucas Educational Foundation) |
www.edutopia.org/ | 313 |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
○□ |
The University of Nottingham |
www.nottingham.ac.uk | 737 |
UK |
en |
(d1) Universities |
○□ |
Teacher Vision |
www.teachervision.com/ | 56 |
USA | en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
○□ |
FPSPI (Future Problem Solving Program International) |
www.fpspi.org/ | 37 |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
〇□ |
Khan Academy |
www.khanacademy.org/ | 7,410 |
USA | en |
(h3) Educational Organizations |
○□ L |
MindTools |
http://www.mindtools.com | 296 |
UK | en |
(e5) Training organization |
○□L |
Springer Link |
http://link.springer.com/ | 370,000 |
Netherland | en |
(f2) Publishers |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog =====( 58 sites, including L 7 sites) |
□ |
Innovation Management |
http://innovationmanagement.se/ | 577 |
Sweden |
en |
(a3) Hubsite |
□ |
Lucid chart |
www.lucidchart.com/ | 29 |
USA | en |
(e2) Software developers |
□ |
You Can Choose To Be Happy (Tom G. Stevens PhD) |
www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/ | 233 |
en |
(i3) Personal Web sites |
□ |
IdeaConnection (Build on the Genius of Others) |
www.ideaconnection.com/ | 338 |
Canada |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
□ |
WikiBooks (Open books for an open world) |
http://en.wikibooks.org/ | 2,490 |
USA, global |
en, many other |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Think Jar Collective |
http://thinkjarcollective.com/ | 23 |
USA | en |
(h4) User groups |
□ |
Climer Consulting (Dr. Amy Climer) |
http://www.climerconsulting.com/ | 83 |
Panama | en |
(e4) Consultants |
□ |
Frontiers |
www.frontiersin.org/ | 7,930 |
Switzerland | en |
(f2) Publishers |
□ |
Ideas To Go |
www.ideastogo.com/ | 27 |
USA | en |
(e4) Consultants |
□ |
RapidBI |
http://rapidbi.com | 24 |
UK | en |
(i4) Personal Blog sites, |
□ |
Taylor & Francis Online |
www.tandfonline.com/ | 222,000 |
USA | en |
(f2) Publishers |
□ |
Creative Problem Solving (Resources for CPS Practitioners by OmniSkills, LLC) |
http://www.creativeproblemsolving.com/ | 7 |
USA | en |
(e1) Method developers |
□ |
start2think.com |
http://www.start2think.com/ | 11 |
Israel |
en |
(e1) Method developer |
△ |
Méthode de créativité ASIT(Advanced Systematic Inventive Thinking) |
https://www.asit.info/ | 2 |
France |
fr |
(e4) Consultant |
□ |
Basadur (Applied Innovation) |
www.basadur.com/ | 42 |
Canada | en |
(e1) Method developers |
□ |
Adobe Blog |
http://theblog.adobe.com/ | 274 |
en |
(h2) Companies |
□ |
ERIC (Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education) |
http://eric.ed.gov/ | 86,000 |
en |
(c2) National organizations |
□ |
InLoox |
www.inloox.com/ | 14 |
Germany | en |
(h2) Companies |
□ |
New & Improved |
http://newandimproved.com/ | 34 |
Canada | en |
(e4) Consultants |
□ |
CRC Press (Talor & Francis Group) |
www.crcpress.com | 315 |
USA | en |
(f2) Publishers |
□ |
Muzli |
http://medium.muz.li/ | 88 |
Israel | en |
(a3) Hub sites |
□ |
Scholastic |
www.scholastic.com/ | 513 |
USA | en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
□ |
Interaction Design Foundation |
http://www.interaction-design.org/ | 228 |
USA | en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
□ |
http://kaicentre.com/ | 36 |
UK | en |
(e5) Training organization |
□ |
SIT (Systematic Inventive Thinking) |
www.sitsite.com | 98 |
Israel |
en |
(e1) Method developers |
□ |
ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) PEER (Papers on Engineering Education Repository) |
http://peer.asee.org/ | 6,150 |
USA | en |
(d4) Academic societies |
□ |
Project Renaissance (Win Wenger) |
http://www.winwenger.com/ | 66 |
en |
(i3) Personal Web site |
□ |
Bright Hub Project Management |
www.brighthubpm.com/ | 53 |
USA | en |
(i3) Personal Web sites |
□ |
Life Hack |
www.lifehack.org/ | 994 |
? | en |
(g4) Social networks |
□ |
Britannica |
www.britannica.com/ | 548 |
USA | en |
(g5) Term Dictionaries |
□ |
Hat Rabbits |
http://hatrabbits.com/ | 97 |
Netherlands |
en |
(e4) COnsultants |
□ |
Potential |
www.potential.com/ | 15 |
USA | en |
(e5) Training organization |
□ |
PEX (Process Excellence) Network |
www.processexcellencenetwork.com/ | 63 |
USA | en |
(h4) User groups |
□ |
Forbes |
www.forbes.com/. | 6,070 |
USA | en |
(g1) Mass Media |
□ |
Mediate.com:Everything meditation |
www.mediate.com/ | 863 |
USA | en |
(e5) Training organization |
□ |
EiE (Engineering is Elementary) Blog |
http://blog.eie.org/ | 19 |
en |
(d3) Laboratories |
□ |
GoodReads |
www.goodreads.com/ | 23,400 |
USA | en |
(f4) Book sellers (Book recommendations) |
□ |
I-Think (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) |
http://www.rotmanithink.ca/ | 14 |
Canada |
en |
(d3) Laboratories |
□ | RaisingChildre.net.au (The Australian Parenting Website) |
http://raisingchildren.net.au/ | 16 |
Australia |
en |
(d3) Laobratories |
□ |
Emerald Insight |
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ | 102,000 |
UK | en |
(f2) Publishers |
□ |
The Australian Curriculum |
http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/ | 312 |
Australia |
en |
(c2) National organizations |
□ |
UserTesting Blog |
www.usertesting.com/ | 25 |
UK | en |
(i4) Personal Blog sites |
□ |
Design Council |
www.designcouncil.org.uk/ | 93 |
UK |
en |
(c4) Professional organizations |
□ |
www.jstor.org/ | 133,000 |
USA | en |
(f3) repository |
□ |
SPC for Excel Software |
www.spcforexcel.com/ | 7 |
USA | en |
(e2) Software developers |
□ |
CyberLeninka Open Science Hub |
http://cyberleninka.org/ | 39,600 |
Russia | en |
(f3) Repository |
□ |
BK101 (Basic Knowledge 101) (Howard Polley) |
http://www.basicknowledge101.com/ | 143 |
? | en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing, |
□ |
World Scientific: Connecting Great Minds |
www.worldscientific.com/ | 11,200 |
USA | en |
(f2) Publishers |
□ |
Verywell Mind |
www.verywellmind.com | 66 |
USA | en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Hub Spot |
http://blog.hubspot.com/ | 583 |
USA | en |
(g4) Social network |
□ |
Career Foundry |
http://careerfoundry.com/ | 27 |
? | en |
(e5) Training organizations |
□ |
Q-1 (Quality-One International) |
http://quality-one.com/ | 10 |
USA | en |
(e4) Consultants |
□ |
Study.com |
http://study.com/ | 4,570 |
USA | en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
□ |
Saylor.org Academy |
http://resources.saylor.org/ | 162 |
USA | en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
□L |
Creative Education Foundation |
www.creativeeducationfoundation.org | 26 |
en |
(e5) Training organizations, |
□L |
NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) PMC (PubMed Central) |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ | 98,400 |
en |
(f3) Repository |
□L |
Science DIrect |
www.sciencedirect.com/ | 246,000 |
UK | en |
(f2) Publishers |
□L |
ToolsHero |
www.toolshero.com | 43 |
Germany | en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
□L |
Inc. |
www.inc.com/ | 4,250 |
USA | en |
(g1) Mass media |
□L |
Wabisabi Learning |
http://www.wabisabilearning.com/ | 85 |
USA | en |
(e5) Training organizations |
□ L |
Odyssey of the Mind BC |
www.odysseybc.ca/ | 1 |
Canada |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
□△: ( 6 sites) L 0 |
□△ |
Sources of Insight (Proven Practices for personal effectiveness) (J.D. Meier) |
http://sourcesofinsight.com | 71 |
en |
(i4) Personal blog |
□△ |
Idea Sandbox |
http://idea-sandbox.com | 75 |
USA | en |
(e4) Consultants |
□△ |
Negotiation Experts |
www.negotiations.com | 33 |
Australia, UK, USA |
en |
(e5) Training organizations |
□△ |
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice |
www.estp.com.tr/ | 204 |
Turkey |
en |
(f1) Journals |
□△ |
Universal Class | http://www.universalclass.com/ | 128 |
en |
(d5) Training organizations |
□△ |
Flevy Blog | http://flevy.com | 395 |
Bahamas | en |
(g2) Technology news (business) |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ===== ( 31 sites, including L 1 site) |
△ |
CEOsage (Scott Jeffrey |
http://scottjeffrey.com/ | 17 |
USA | en |
(i4) Personal blog sites |
△ |
Harvard DCE (Harvard University Division of Continuing Education) |
www.extension.harvard.edu/ | 20 |
en |
(e5) Training organizations |
△ |
Coursera |
http://ja.coursera.org/ | 113 |
Japan |
en |
(e5) Training organizations |
△ |
Designorate |
www.designorate.com/ | 92 |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
SmartStorming |
http://www.smartstorming.com/ | 18 |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
Brian Tracy International |
http://scottjeffrey.com/ | 20 |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
TBAE (Team Building and Events) |
www.extension.harvard.edu/ | 69 |
South Africa, USA |
en |
(e5) Training organizations |
△ |
EBA (Educational Business Articles) (Lee Candy) |
http://ja.coursera.org/ | 15 |
UK |
en |
(i4) Personal Blog sites |
△ |
Litemind (Luciano Passuello) | www.designorate.com/ | 39 |
en |
(i4) Personal blog sites |
△ |
The Happy Manager |
http://www.smartstorming.com/ | 20 |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
Creative Edge Focusing |
www.cefocusing.com/ | 35 |
en |
(e1) Method developers |
△ |
TINYpulse |
www.tinypulse.com/ | 37 |
India |
en |
(h2) Companies |
△ |
Strategies for Managing Change (Stephen Warrilow) |
www.strategies-for-managing-change.com/ | 6 |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultant |
△ |
Ryans Tutorials |
http://ryanstutorials.net/ | 8 |
en |
(i3) Personal Web sites |
△ |
Scholarly Commons (California Western School of Law, San DIego) | http://scholarlycommons.law.cwsl.edu/ | 91 |
en |
(f3) Repository |
△ |
University Human Resources (The University of Iowa) | http://hr.uiowa.edu/ |
en |
(d1) Universities |
△ |
Information Services & Technology (NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology)) |
http://web.njit.edu/ | 255 |
en |
(d1) Universities |
△ |
Thought Egg |
http://thoughtegg.com/ | 3 |
en |
(i4) Personal Blog sites |
△ |
Operational Excellence Consulting |
www.operational-excellence-consulting.com/ | 2 |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
Koozai |
www.koozai.com/ | 15 |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
Purdue e-Pubs (Purdue Univerity) |
http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/ | 1,900 |
en |
(f3) Repository, (d1) Universities |
△ |
Creativity at Work (Linda Naiman) |
www.creativityatwork.com/ | 38 |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
DB (Discover Business) |
www.discoverbusiness.us | 11 |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
△ |
iMIndQ |
www.imindq.com/ | 14 |
en |
(e2) Software developers |
△ |
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
www.cls.utk.edu/ | 26 |
en |
(d1) Universities |
△ |
Inkbot Design |
http://inkbotdesign.com | 50 |
UK |
en |
(h2) Companies |
△ |
Chron (Houston Chronicle) |
http://smallbusiness.chron.com | 433 |
en |
(g1) Mass Media |
△ | Productive Flourishing | www.productiveflourishing.com/ | 26 |
en |
(h4) User groups |
△ |
Scholastic Pr1me Mathematics | http://scholasticprimemathematics.com/ | 7 |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
△ |
Classy |
www.classy.org/ | 34 |
en |
(e2) Software developers |
△L |
CPSI2019 (Creative Problem Solving Institute) |
http://cpsiconference.com/ | 7 |
en |
(b3) International Conferences |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
△-: ( 1 sites) |
△- |
bartleby |
www.bartleby.com/ | 4,430 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== ( 39 sites, including L 0 is) |
- |
Wrike |
www.wrike.com/ | 75 |
en |
- |
Launch Cats |
www.launchcats.org/ | 3 |
en |
- |
Nicole Colter (Creativity Evangelist) |
http://nicolecolter.com/ | 11 |
en |
(i4) Personal blog sites |
- |
AB (Astrid Baumgardner) (Coacing + Training) |
www.astridbaumgardner.com/ | 49 |
en |
(i4) Personal blog sites |
- |
Money crashers |
www.moneycrashers.com/ | 20 |
en |
(h4) User groups |
- |
Daily Bruin |
http://dailybruin.com/ | 26 |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
- |
Andrew Zenyuch |
http://andrewzenyuch.com/ | 10 |
en |
(i4) Personal Blog sites |
- |
MusiciansWay.com (Gerald Klickstein) |
www.musiciansway.com/ | 27 |
en |
(i4) Personal Blog sites |
- |
Leadership Thoughts |
www.leadershipthoughts.com/ | 23 |
en |
(i4) Personal blog sites |
- |
The Improv Effect |
http://improveffect.com/ | 2 |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
- |
AdCracker | http://dailybruin.com/ | 2 |
en |
(h2) COmpanies |
- |
First the trousers then the shoes |
http://andrewzenyuch.com/ | 13 |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
- |
The Balance Careers |
www.musiciansway.com/ |
en |
- |
Grape People |
www.leadershipthoughts.com/ |
en |
- |
Chanty |
http://improveffect.com/ | 8 |
en |
(g4) Social networks |
- |
Optus |
http://www.optusnet.com.au/ | 33 |
Australia |
en |
(g4) Social networks |
- |
translated.by you! |
http://translatedby.com/ | 29 |
en |
- |
MOR Associates |
http://www.morassociates.com/ | 5 |
en |
(e4) Consultantgs |
- |
The Game Aisle |
www.thegameaisle.com | 1 |
en |
- |
Academic Exchange Quarterly |
www.rapidintellect.com/ | 11 |
en |
- |
Legal Problem Solving |
www.legalproblemsolving.org/ | 1 |
en |
- |
Ohioline (Ohio State University Extension) |
http://ohioline.osu.edu/ | 3 |
en |
- |
BD (Business Dictionary) | www.businessdictionary.com/ | 50 |
en |
(g3) Term dictionaries |
- |
Free code camp |
http://medium.freecodecamp.org/ | 23 |
en |
(h4) Useer groups |
- |
Doria | http://www.doria.fi |
en |
― |
http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/ |
en |
- |
Brain Pickings |
www.brainpickings.org/ | 55 |
en |
(h4) User groups |
- |
https://medium.com/kaizen-habits/ | 3 |
en |
― |
24alife |
www.24alife.com/ | 2 |
en |
- |
en |
- |
Eller Executive Education (The University of Arizona) |
http://executive.eller.arizona.edu/ | 4 |
en |
(d1) Universities |
- |
Corvus International Inc. |
www.corvusintl.com/ | 1 |
en |
- |
Student Academic Success Services (Queen's University, Canada) |
http://sass.queensu.ca/ | 26 |
Canade |
en |
(d1) Universities |
- |
Cleverism |
www.cleverism.com/ |
en |
- |
West Campus High School |
http://westcampus.scusd.edu/ | 1 |
en |
- |
Rexnord |
http://rexnordcorporation.com/ | 6 |
en |
- |
Design Kit (IDEO org) |
www.designkit.org/ | 11 |
en |
- |
Participate | http://app.participate.com/ | 2 |
en |
- |
http://training.hr.ufl.edu/ | 2 |
en |
- |
http://www.idmais.org/ |
en |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Detailed Record of Sites in the .docx File for Further Work.
The initial part, describing the ◎ and ○ sites:
Evaluation: ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ( 8 site , including 7 already listed sites)
◎ Free Management Library managementhelp.org/ このサイト内で検索 37 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ◎
About: Purpose of the Library: The Library provides free, easy-to-access, online articles to develop yourself, other individuals, groups and organizations (whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit). Since 1995, the Library has grown to be one of the world's largest well-organized collections of these types of articles and resources. The Library has gotten up to 1,000,000 visitors (not hits) per month). Many of its topics consistently rank in the top ten results from Google searches.
Who provides the library?: Authenticity Consulting, LLC, provides the Library as a free community resource. The Library has its own logo and domain name, apart from Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Carter McNamara, of Authenticity Consulting, LLC, began putting resources on the Internet for others, back in the very early 1990s when he had the privilege of working with the "Gopher" tool at the University of Minnesota.
All the articles are well categorized into: How to: Improve Yourself, Work With Others, Work With Groups, Lead and Manage in Your Organization, Improve Your Organization, Consult to Solve Problems in Organizations
◎L WIkipedia en.wikipedia.org/ このサイト内で検索 45,900 pages
Country: usa Language: en Role: (g3) knowledge sharing Evaluation: ◎L
(TN) The page 'Creative Problem Solving' is rather poor. But there are many relevant pages
◎L YouTube www.youtube.com/ このサイト内で検索 46,300 pages
Country: Language: Role: Evaluation: ◎L
◎L Slide Share www.slideshare.net/ このサイト内で検 140,000
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ◎L
◎L TED Ideas Worth Spreading www.ted.com/ このサイト内で検索 73 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ◎L
About: Our organization: TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.
Our Mission: Spread ideas: TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. On TED.com, we're building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world's most inspired thinkers — and a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other, both online and at TED and TEDx events around the world, all year long. In fact, everything we do — from our Conferences to our TED Talks to the projects sparked by The Audacious Project, from the global TEDx and TED Translators communities to the TED-Ed lesson series — is driven by this goal: How can we best spread great ideas?
◎L Amazon www.amazon.com/ このサイト内で検索 43,100 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f4) Book sellers Evaluation: ◎L
◎L The TRIZ Journal triz-journal.com このサイト内で検索 970 pages
Country: Language: (a2) Public Web sites Role: Evaluation: ◎L
◎L TRIZ Home Page in Japan https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/ このサイト内で検索 383 pages
Country: Language: Role: (a1) Dedicated for Information sending Evaluation: ◎L
◎〇 : ◎ or 〇 (Most) important in the World WTSP Catalog (2 sites, including L 1)
◎〇 ASA (American Scientific Affiliation) www.asa3.org/ このサイト内で検索 347 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Information sharing Evaluation: ◎〇
About: ASA's website for Whole-Person Education (home) covers a wide range of ideas about: Effective Education that improves the quality of thinking, learning, and teaching; Science & Theology (studying God's World & God's Word) and their relationships.
In a two-level approach to effective learning (with the first level being analogous to Cliffs Notes, used in a good way) that is explained in A Quick Education, each page below (Creative Thinking,...) is a LINKS-PAGE that provides: 1) a quick overview of important ideas & their relationships, and 2) links to other pages that examine these ideas in more depth,
◎〇L ASQ (American Society for Quality) asq.org/ このサイト内で検索 730 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (b1) Dedicated associations Evaluation: ◎〇L
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (15 sites, including L 5 sites)
○ Semantic Scholar www.semanticscholar.org/ このサイト内で検索 655,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f3) Repository Evaluation: ○
Top: Semantic Scholar is a free, nonprofit, academic search engine from AI2 (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence). Supplement your research with Semantic Scholar
How it works: We've pulled over 165 million scientific papers from sources like PubMed, Nature, and ArXiv. Our AI analyzes research papers and pulls out authors, references, figures, and topics. We link all of this information together into a comprehensive picture of cutting-edge research.
○ Synecticsworld synecticsworld.com このサイト内で検索 45 pages
Country: Language: Role: (e1) Method developers Evaluation: ○
Home: Synecticsworld is a leading authority on the human dynamics of creativity, innovation, and collaboration. We partner with organizations to create powerful, lasting change by helping them invent breakthrough solutions, products and services; develop growth strategies; and build innovative cultures and capabilities.
Our story: Back in the 1950s, our founders Bill Gordon, George Prince and their team studied thousands of hours of tape recorded innovation sessions to find the answer to "what is really going on between the people in the group to help them create and implement successfully?" They called the answer the Synectics Creative-Problem-Solving Methodology, which has expanded into the Synecticsworld's expertise on how people work creatively and collaboratively to create innovative solutions to some of the world's most difficult challenges.
○ MIT Sloan School of Management mitsloan.mit.edu/ このサイト内で検索 559 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (d1) Universities Evaluation: ○
About: The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice.
○ IQ Matrix: 300+ self-growing mind maps (Adam Sicinski) blog.iqmatrix.com このサイト内で検索 171 pages
Country: Language: Role:(e1) Method developers Evaluation: ○
About The Author: Adam Sicinski: Adam is a life coach, mind mapper, doodler and visual thinker. He founded IQ Matrix in 2008 and has created over 400 self-growth mind maps. He also teaches doodling for personal development and transformation. Learn more at IQ Doodle School. Feel free to also get in touch and send Adam a message.
○ Stanford Graduate School of Business www.gsb.stanford.edu/ このサイト内で検索 360 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (d1) Universities Evaluation: ○
○ TeachEngineering:STEM curriculum for k-12 www.teachengineering.org このサイト内で検索 697 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ○
About: TeachEngineering is a digital library comprised of standards-based engineering curricula for K-12 educators to make applied science and math come alive through engineering design.
Educators have FREE access to our ever-growing collection of activities, lessons, units, maker challenges, sprinkles, and living labs. Many generous sponsors and partners have helped to establish, develop and promote this collection to help make teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) easy and accessible for K-12 educators everywhere.
○ Breakthrough e-Coach www.1000ventures.com/ このサイト内で検索 266 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g3) Knowledge sharing Evaluation: ○
Home: We don't teach, we inspire → innovations! Since 2001
○ Scientific Research: An Academic Publisher www.scirp.org/ このサイト内で検索 14,300 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○
About: About SCIRP: Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) is one of the largest Open Access journal publishers. It is currently publishing more than 200 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. SCIRP serves the worldwide academic communities and contributes to the progress and application of science with its publication.
○ Community Tool Box (Center for Community Health and Development, the University of Kansas) ctb.ku.edu/ このサイト内で検索 382 pages
Country: Language: English, Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi Role: (d3) Laboratories Evaluation: ○
About: The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. It offers thousands of pages of tips and tools for taking action in communities. Want to learn about community assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation, advocacy, and other aspects of community practice? Then help yourself to over 300 educational modules and other free tools. Under continuous development since 1994, the Community Tool Box is widely used in teaching, training, and technical support. Currently available in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi, and with millions of user sessions annually, it has reached those working in over 230 countries around the world.
Who We Are : The Community Tool Box is a public service of the University of Kansas. It is developed and managed by the KU Center for Community Health and Development and partners nationally and internationally. The Community Tool Box is a part of the Center's role as a designated World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health and Development. We are especially grateful to our funders and contributors.
○L Research Gate www.researchgate.net/ このサイト内で検索 7,060,000 pages
Country: Language: en Role: (f3) Repository Evaluation: ○L
〇L IDEO U (IDEO University) www.ideou.com/ このサイト内で検索 33 pages
Country: Language: Role: Evaluation: 〇L
○L Harvard Business Review hbr.org/ このサイト内で検索 2,120 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○L
About: Company Overview: Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) was founded in 1994 as a not-for-profit, wholly-owned subsidiary of Harvard University, reporting into Harvard Business School. Our mission is to improve the practice of management in a changing world. This mission influences how we approach what we do here and what we believe is important.
The three market groups Higher Education, Corporate Learning, and Harvard Business Review Group, produce a variety of media including print and digital (Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Review Press Books, Harvard Business School Cases, Brief Cases, blogs), events (Participant-Centered Learning Seminars, Custom Events, Webinars), and online learning (Harvard ManageMentor, Leadership Direct, Online Courses, Simulations). Through these publishing platforms, Harvard Business Publishing is able to influence real-world change by maximizing the reach and impact of its essential offering—ideas. Read our corporate brochure to learn more about our business.
○L LnkedIn www.linkedin.com/ このサイト内で検索 369,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g4) Social networks Evaluation: ○L
○L Fast Company www.fastcompany.com/ このサイト内で検索 3,230 pages
Country: Language: Role: (g2) Technology news (business) Evaluation: ○L
About: Fast Company is the world's leading business media brand, with an editorial focus on innovation in technology, leadership, world changing ideas, creativity, and design. Written for and about the most progressive business leaders, Fast Company inspires readers to think expansively, lead with purpose, embrace change, and shape the future of business.
Launched in November 1995 by Alan Webber and Bill Taylor, two former Harvard Business Review editors, Fast Company magazine was founded on a single premise: A global revolution was changing business, and business was changing the world. Discarding the old rules of business, Fast Company set out to chronicle how changing companies create and compete, to highlight new business practices, and to showcase the teams and individuals who are inventing the future and reinventing business.
○□: ( 11 sites, including L 2 sites)
○□ Odyssey of the Mind (a Creative Competitions Inc. program) www.odysseyofthemind.com/ このサイト内で検索 56 pages
Country: USA Language: en Role: (h3) Educational organizations Evaluation: ○□
Home: Odyssey of the Mind is an international creative problem-solving program that engages students in their learning by allowing their knowledge and ideas to come to life in an exciting, productive environment. Participants build self-confidence, develop life skills, create new friendships, and are able to recognize and explore their true potential. OotM proves that students can have fun while they learn.
Odyssey problems have challenged students to design mechanical dinosaurs, invent new factory machinery, build working vehicles, write a new chapter to Moby Dick, put a twist on classic artworks, turn Pandora's Box into a video game, and so much more.
Since 1978, OotM problems have challenged students to go beyond conventional thinking and incorporate creative problem solving in learning.
Every year, competition in the global scale is held. World Final Competitions.
〇□ SAGE Journals journals.sagepub.com/ このサイト内で検索 114,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f3) Repository Evaluation: 〇□
Top page: SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals
Open Access: SAGE supports both gold open access publication and green open access archiving:
SAGE Choice is offered on all SAGE's subscription journals and allows authors to make their published article freely available for an article processing charge. SAGE pure gold open access journals. SAGE also supports green open access archiving for authors publishing in traditional subscription journals
○□ Cite Seer X citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/ このサイト内で検索 330,000
Country: USA Language: Role: (f3) Repository Evaluation: ○□
About: CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that has focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge. Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeerx attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. CiteSeerx has developed new methods and algorithms to index PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web. Citeseerx provides the following features.
○□ Wiley Online Library onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ このサイト内で検索 179,000 pages
Country: Language: Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○□
〇□ Edutopia (George Lucas Educational Foundation) www.edutopia.org/ このサイト内で検索 313 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (h3) Educational organizations Evaluation: 〇□
About: George Lucas Educational Foundation: Our Foundation is dedicated to transforming K-12 education so that all students can acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives. Founded by innovative and award-winning filmmaker George Lucas in 1991, we take a strategic approach to improving K-12 education through two distinct areas of focus: Edutopia and Lucas Education Research.
Edutopia: Edutopia is a trusted source shining a spotlight on what works in education. We show people how they can adopt or adapt best practices, and we tell stories of innovation and continuous learning in the real world.
○□ The University of Nottingham www.nottingham.ac.uk このサイト内で検索 737 pages
Country: UK Language: Role: (d1) Universities Evaluation: ○□
○□ Teacher Vision www.teachervision.com/ このサイト内で検索 56 pages
Country: Language: Role:(h3) Educational organizations Evaluation: ○□
About: TeacherVision is a monthly subscription resource that offers innovative and reputable resources and thought leadership for K-12 teachers. Our library of over 22,000 resources is created by experienced teachers and industry experts including education publishers and licensed education professionals. Our team at TeacherVision is made up of veteran teachers, and seasoned professionals that are passionate about education. Our TeacherVision advisory board, made up of certified and current classroom teachers, creates and vets our content to ensure that our resources are accurate, timely, and reflect what teachers need to best support their students, and grow their teaching practice.
○□ FPSPI (Future Problem Solving Program International) www.fpspi.org/ このサイト内で検索 37 pages
Country: USA Language: Role: (h3) Educational organizations Evaluation: ○□
About: What is FPSPI?: FPSPI is a dynamic international program involving thousands of students annually from around the world. Developed in 1974 by creativity pioneer Dr. E. Paul Torrance, Future Problem Solving (FPS) provides competitive and non-competitive components for today's curriculum via a six-step model which teaches critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and decision making.
OUR MISSION: To develop the ability of young people globally to design and achieve positive futures through problem solving using critical and creative thinking.
〇□ Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org/ このサイト内で検 7,410 pages
Country: Language: Role: (h3) Educational Organizations Evaluation: 〇□
About: A personalized learning resource for all ages: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.
○□L MindTools www.mindtools.com このサイト内で検索 296 pages
Country: Language: Role: Evaluation: ○ □ L
○□L Springer Link link.springer.com/ このサイト内で検索 370,000 pages
Country: Language: en Role: (f2) Publishers Evaluation: ○□L
Home: Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.
Browse 12,833,612 resources : (52%) Articles 6,747,973, (34%) Chapters 4,396,282, (8%) Conference Papers, 1,089,306, (4%) Reference Work Entries 544,519, (0%) Protocols 55,481, (0%) Videos 51
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country | L Listed already elsewhere |
World TRIZ Extended Index |
World Around TRIZ Basic Index |
World Around TRIZ Extended Index |
Source documents for World WTSP Catalogs |
(A7) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Apr. 3, 2020.. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp