WTSP Working Material: | |
Preliminary Internet Search (3A2) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope |
Posted: May 18, 2019 |
For going to Japanese pages, press buttons.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, May 16, 2019)
This is the second trial of the '3rd round' Preliminary Internet Search of TRIZ-related Web sites in a wider scope. The sites written in English and located in the whold world are surveyed.
Revising the preceding (3A) case, the key words are set as: Creative Think Method (without using the wild card).
In this setting, the results have become much better than the (3A) case.In the present page, the process of searching and handling the sites is described first, and then the Web sites obtained with significance are shown in a simple tabular form where the sites are re-arranged according to the importance in our WTSP Catalogs.
A .docx file is attached to show some more details of the individual sites. The initial part of the .docx file (describing the ◎ and ○ sites) is illustrated as examples at the bottome of this HTML page .
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country | L Listed already elsewhere |
Japanese page |
Preliminary Internet Search (3A2) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords Creative Think Method
Preliminary Search for WTSP sites widely in the English Language in the whole world
(3A2) Keyword: Creative Think Method
May 16, 2019, Toru Nakagawa
The conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: Creative Think Method
(b) Language of the sites: English
(c) Location of the sites: Not specified (i.e., the whole world)
(d) Searcher's location: Not used (i.e., neutral from Japan)
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.japan(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the search for TRIZ-related pages inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxResults:
194 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. Recorded in a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Survey again with the keyword site:[URL of the site domain] Creative Think Method.Note: The search result this time looks much better than the former (3A)
cf. (3A) with the keywords of Creat* Think* Method* (May 1-2, 2019)
Thus the (3A) result will be referred later only with minor stress.Further working process:
Have visited the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Name of the site and URL of the site are recorded.
--- This record of site title is placed before the page title output by the search engine.For most of the sites, the description in ‘About us’ and similar pages are quoted here, for obtaining the rough idea of the sites. (This is a tentative alternative to the description of site introduction.)
Then the sites are roughly evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ ☐ △-
Note: In cases of two marks together, they mean evaluation choices not sure yet. E.g., □△ means ‘□or △’.
Note: There are many Web sites in the fields where I am not so familiar (e.g., social networks, blogs, etc.).
Thus the present evaluation should be regarded tentative and need to be checked by other people familiar in these various fields.Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Sites are now re-arranged according to the grade ◎ ○ □ △ -.
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 1 site)
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== ( 10 sites, including 2 already listed sites)
○□: (5 sites)☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (47 sites, including 3 already listed sites)
□△: (18 sites)△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ===== (29 sites, including 3 already listed sites)
△-: (2 sites)L: Already listed elsewhere (without specifying the level): === (15 sites)
- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== ( 56 sites)
For each site, the description of “About us” are exerted from the site and shown.
The page shown by the search engine is now deleted, because of no significant value left.In the Web site “TRIZ Home Page in Japan”, the sites evaluated as ◎ ○ □ △ are shown in a tabular form. (See below in this page.)
A .docx file is attached, where some more details of each sites are shown for the basis of further work.
Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines.
Survey Results: (Simplified for posting in HTML (May 16, 2019, TN))
194 sites rearranged in the order of their evaluation.
Evaluation symbol; Site name; URL of the site domain; and Note
Note: The record shown below forms a table. You may select the whole table at once and Copy & Paste it into MS Word or Excel without specifying any particular format.
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Note |
Evaluation: ◎ (Most important in the World WTSP Catalogs) |
◎ |
Stanford d.school |
https://dschool.stanford.edu/ |
Evaluation: ○ (Important in the World WTSP Catalogs) |
〇 |
Creative Thinking in Literacy and Language Skills |
https://www.creativethinkingproject.eu/ |
〇 |
OI-net (The Open Innovation Network) |
https://oi-net.eu/ |
○ |
IDEO Design Thinking |
https://designthinking.ideo.com/ |
○ |
ASA (The American Science Affiliation) |
https://www.asa3.org/ASA/ |
○ |
Creative Education Foundation |
https://www.creativeeducationfoundation.org/ |
○ |
Lateral Thinking (Dr. Edward de Bono) |
https://www.edwddebono.com/ |
○ |
Free Management Library |
https://managementhelp.org |
〇 |
Creative Thinking in Literacy and Language Skills |
https://www.creativethinkingproject.eu/ |
○L |
Amazon |
https://www.amazon.com/ |
Listed already elsewhere |
○L |
Better Human (Medium) |
https://betterhumans.coach.me・ |
Subsidiary to Medium, listed already elsewhere |
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |
Evaluation: ○□ (either ○ or □) |
〇□ |
Brainstorming.co.uk |
https://www.brainstorming.co.uk/ |
〇□ |
Australian Curriculum |
https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/ |
〇□ |
Skills You Need |
https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ |
Based in UK |
〇□ |
BK101 (Basic Knowledge 101) |
https://www.basicknowledge101.com/ |
〇□ |
Board of Innovation |
https://www.boardofinnovation.com/ |
Evaluation: □ (Worthy in the World WTSP Catalogs) |
□ |
Idea Connection |
https://www.ideaconnection.com/ |
□ |
Creative Thinking (by Michael Michalko) |
https://creativethinking.net/ |
□ |
Creativity Techniques (Wikipedia) |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity_techniques |
□ |
Game Changers (by Peter Fisk) |
https://www.thegeniusworks.com/ |
□ |
The Creativity Post |
https://www.creativitypost.com/ |
□ |
Mind Tools |
https://www.mindtools.com/ |
□ |
Cambridge Assessment International Education |
https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/ |
□ |
Think Jar Collective |
https://thinkjarcollective.com/ |
□ |
Emerald Insight |
https://www.emeraldinsight.com/ |
□ |
Ambition & Balance (Doist) |
https://doist.com/ |
□ |
College Success (Lumen Learning) |
https://courses.lumenlearning.com/ |
□ |
TRIPOD: Build a Free Website of Your Own |
http://ozpk.tripod.com/ |
□ |
IDEO U (IDEO University) |
https://www.ideou.com/ |
Subsidiary to IDEO |
□ |
UX Collective |
htgtps://uxdesign.cc/ |
□ |
WikiHow |
https://www.wikihow.com/ |
□ |
Creating Minds (Creating Minds Org.) |
https://creatingminds.org/ |
□ |
Creating Minds (Creating Minds Org.) |
https://creatingminds.org/ |
□ |
ASIT (Advanced Systematic Inventive Thinking) |
https://www.start2think.com/ |
□ |
Lifehack |
https://www.lifehack.org/ |
□ |
Simplicable (by John Spacey) |
https://simplicable.com/ |
□ |
Academia |
https://www.academia.edu/. |
□ |
Quora |
https://www.quora.com/ |
□ |
APA PsycNET (American Psychological Association) |
https://psycnet.apa.org/ |
□ |
Design Kit (by IDEO Org) |
https://www.designkit.org/ |
Subsidiary to IDEO |
□ |
Visme blog (Visual Learning Center) |
https://visme.co/ |
□ |
IQ Matrix |
https://blog.iqmatrix.com/ |
□ |
Think with Google |
https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/ |
□ |
Greater Good Magazine (Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley) |
https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/ |
□ |
I-THINK (The I-Think Initiative, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) |
https://www.rotmanithink.ca/ |
□ |
Semantic Scholar (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)) |
https://www.semanticscholar.org/ |
□ |
Small Business Trends |
https://smallbiztrends.com/ |
□ |
Techstars |
https://www.techstars.com/ |
□ |
SingularityHub (Singularity University) |
https://singularityhub.com/ |
□ |
TeachThought: We Grow Teachers |
https://www.teachthought.com |
□ |
Scholastic/Teachers |
https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/ |
□ |
https://think.iafor.org/ |
□ |
de Bono Thinking Systems |
https://www.debonothinkingsystems.com/ |
□ |
Teaching English (British Council) |
https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/ |
□ |
Nielsen Norman Group |
https://www.nngroup.com/ |
□ |
https://www.efmd.org/ |
□ |
Big Think Edge |
https://www.bigthinkedge.com/ |
□ |
Business News Daily |
https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/ |
□ |
API (Associates in Process Improvement) |
https://www.apiweb.org/ |
□ |
Visible Thinking (by Project Zero) |
https://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/ |
□L |
Fast Company |
https://www.fastcompany.com/ |
Already listed elsewhere |
□L |
TED-ED Blog |
https://blog.ed.ted.com/ |
Subsidiary to TED, Listed already elsewhere |
□L |
Harvard Business Review |
https://hbr.org/ |
Listed already elsewhere |
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |
Evaluation: □△ (Either □ or △) |
□△ |
Lateral Action (Blog by Mark McGuinness) |
https://lateralaction.com/ |
□△ |
75 Tools For Creative Thinking |
https://75toolsforcreativethinking.com/ |
□△ |
Personal Growth (Medium) |
https://medium.com/personal-growth/ |
□△ |
MacMillan Study Skills |
https://www.macmillanihe.com/ |
□△ |
The Peak Performance Center |
https://thepeakperformancecenter.com/ |
□△ |
InformED (Open Colleges Australia) |
https://www.opencolleges.edu.au/informed/ |
□△ |
iMindQ |
https://www.imindq.com/ |
□△ |
Farifax County Public Schools |
https://www.fcps.edu/ |
□△ |
Jstor |
https://www.jstor.org/ |
□△ |
Inside the Box (by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg) |
https//www.insidetheboxinnovation.com/ |
□△ |
iDevelop Teacher Training |
https://idevelopcourses.com/ |
Based in Spain |
□△ |
World of Digits - Blog |
https://creativecorporateculture.com/ |
□△ |
IQ Doodle School |
https://school.iqdoodle.com/ |
□△ |
Think Company |
https://www.thinkcompany.com/ |
□△ |
Mind Werx International |
https://mindwerx.com/ |
□△ |
LiveTiles |
https://www.livetiles.nyc/ |
□△ |
The Conversation |
https://theconversation.com/ |
Based in Australia |
□△ |
Macat - Critical thinking tools |
https://www.macat.com/ |
Based in UK |
Evaluation: △ (Worthy in the Country WTSP Catalog) |
△ |
https://www.heflo.com/ |
△ |
Innovation Management |
https://www.innovationmanagement.se/ |
△ |
Creativity at Work(by Lind Naiman) |
https://www.creativityatwork.com/ |
△ |
Inc. |
https://www.inc.com/ |
△ |
Startacus |
https://startacus.net/ |
△ |
LAB Creative Thinking |
http://labcreativethinking.com/ |
△ |
CoThink: the motivactors |
https://www.cothink.com/ |
△ |
Triggers Cards |
https://www.trytriggers.com/ |
△ |
Inkbot Design |
https://inkbotdesign.com |
△ |
Mayo Oshin |
https://mayooshin.com/ |
△ |
THNK School of Creative Leadership |
https://www.thnk.org/ |
△ |
RCTT (Republican Center for Technology Transfer) Belarus |
https://ictt.by/eng/ |
△ |
RedStar Kim (Kim Tasso) |
https://kimtasso.com/ |
△ |
Enterprise Design Thinking (IBM) |
https://www.ibm.com/ |
△ |
New & Improved |
https://newandimproved.com/ |
△ |
Skyword |
https://www.skyword.com/ |
△ |
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. |
https://www.kauffman.org/ |
△ |
The Learning Exchange |
https://thelearningexchange.ca/ |
△ |
College Info Geek |
https://collegeinfogeek.com/ |
△ |
NIT (Northern Institute of Technology Management in Hamburg) |
https://www.nithh.de/ |
△ |
Artworks Creative Communities |
https://www.artworkscreative.org.uk/ |
△ |
Destination Think! |
https://destinationthink.com/ |
△ |
SAP User Experience Community |
https://experience.sap.com/ |
△ |
Design Thinking for Educators |
https://designthinkingforeducators.com/ |
△ |
EdSource |
https://edsource.org/ |
Based in California, USA |
△ |
Kioulanis (by Spisos Kioulanis) |
https://kioulanis.gr/ |
Based in Greece |
△L |
htttps://www.ascd.org/ |
Already listed elsewhere |
△L |
Amazon.jp |
https://www.amazon.co.jp/ |
Already listed elsewhere, subsidiary to amazon.com |
△L |
Amazon.uk |
https://www.amazon.co.uk/ |
Listed already elsewhere, Subsidiary to Amazon.com |
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |
Evaluation: △- (Either △ or -) |
△- |
Operation Meditation |
https://operationmeditation.com/ |
△- |
Sparring Mind |
https://www.sparringmind.com/ |
L (Listed already elsewhere, but check it. If duplicated, delete it here.) |
L |
Entrepreneur Asia Pacific |
https://www.entrepreneur.com/ |
Listed already somewhere |
L |
Wabisabi Learning |
https://www.wabisabilearning.com/ |
Already listed somewhere |
L |
NCBI (National Center for Biology Information) |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ |
Listed already elsewhere |
L |
ToolsHero |
https://www.toolshero.com/ |
Listed already elsewhere |
L |
Design Thinking Academy |
https://www.designthinkersacademy.com/ |
Listed already elsewhere |
L |
Research Gate |
https://www.researchgate.net/ |
Listed already somewhere else. |
L |
Edward de Bono |
https://www.edwdebono.com/ |
Listed already somewhere else |
L |
Drew Boyd Innovator |
https://drewboyd.com/ |
Subsidiary of ASIT Web site, already listed |
L |
James Clear |
https://jamesclear.com/ |
Listed already elsewhere |
L |
PMP Practitioners |
https://pmp-practitioners.com |
Under maintenance |
L |
Lifehacker |
https://lifehacker.com/ |
Listed already elsewhere |
L |
https://cesie.org/ |
Inaccessible |
L |
Inside the Box (Innovation in Practice) |
https://www.innovationinpractice.com |
Listed already elsewhere |
L |
Youtube |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8w0rJhztJ4 |
Already listed |
L |
Slide Share |
https://www.slideshare.net/. |
Already listed elsewhere |
Evaluation: - (Irrelevant or not worthy of WTSP Catalogs) |
- |
Koozai |
https://www.koozai.com/ |
- |
Creative Thinking Techniques (a IRM white paper) |
https://www.miun.se/siteassets/fakulteter/nmt/summer-university/creativethinkingpdf |
- |
Fairygodboss |
fairygodboss.com/ |
- |
Lynda.com |
www.lynda.com/ |
- |
MiroBlog |
miro.com/blog/creative-techniques/ |
- |
We Can Creative |
www.wecancreative.com/ |
- |
The Balance Careers |
www.thebalancecareers.com |
- |
Top Universities |
www.topuniversities.com/ |
- |
Optus |
members.optusnet.com.au/ |
- |
Zety |
zety.com/ |
- |
University of South Australia |
study.unisa.edu.au |
- |
Derek Christensen |
www.derekchristensen.com/ |
- |
Newcastle Universtiy |
www.ncl.ac.uk/ |
- |
Azavista Event Technology |
www.azavista.com/ |
- |
Buffer |
buffer.com/ |
- |
Enhancv |
enhancv.com/ |
- |
Big Think |
bigthink.com/ |
- |
American Express |
www.americanexpress.com/ |
- |
Reader’s Digest |
www.rd.com/ |
- |
Marketing Donut |
www.marketingdonut.co.uk/ |
- |
Think Design |
think.design |
- |
StartUp Mindset |
startupmindset.com/ |
- |
Verywell Mind |
www.verywellmind.com |
- |
Scientia Socialis |
www.scientiasocialis.lt/ |
- |
James Muir |
puremuir.com/ |
- |
Business Dictionary |
www.businessdictionary.com/ |
- |
Oz Content |
ozcontent.com/ |
- |
Think Creative Collective |
academy.thinkcreativecollective.com/ |
- |
Adam Jorlen |
adamjorlen.com/ |
- |
Rule of Three |
rule-of-three.co.uk/ |
Not accessible due to security reasons |
- |
Hektoen International: A Journal of Medical Humanities |
hekint.org/ |
- |
Adobe Blog |
theblog.adobe.com/ |
- |
AJTE (Australasian Journal of Technology Education) |
ajte.org/index.php/AJTE/ |
- |
European-American Journals |
www.eajournals.org/ |
- |
The New York Times |
www.nytimes.com/ |
- |
Shutterstock blog |
www.shutterstock.com/ |
- |
European Commission |
ec.europa.eu/ |
Though the report in PDF is interesting, the site is too broad for WTSP |
- |
hal-mines-paristech.archives-ouvertes.fr/ |
Can’t open the document |
- |
Forbes |
www.forbes.com/ |
- |
The New Yorker |
www.newyorker.com/ |
- |
HuffPost Life |
www.huffpost.com/ |
- |
Canva |
www.canva.com/ |
- |
University of Florida, College of Education |
education.ufl.edu/ |
- |
The Atlantic |
www.theatlantic.com/ |
- |
CiteSeerX(Pennsylvania State University) |
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/ |
- |
ERIC (Institute of Education Sciences) |
https://eric.ed.gov/ |
- |
Journal of Orthodontics & Endodontics |
orthodontics-endodontics.imedpub.com/ |
- |
Marketing Land |
marketingland.com/ |
- |
Thinkibility |
thinkibility.com/ |
- |
Deaptment of Educational Psychology and Counselling (National Taiwan Normal University) |
www.epc.ntnu.edu.tw/ |
- |
www.aabe.sakura.ne.jp/ |
Inaccessible |
- |
www.dcu.ie/ |
Inaccessible |
- |
Brain Pickings |
www.brainpickings.org/ |
- |
Xplaner (by Dave Gray) |
www.xplaner.com/ |
- |
JYX Digital Repository (University of Jyväskylä , FInland) |
jyx.jyu.fi/ |
Based in Finland |
- |
HGneumaticos |
hgneumaticos.com.ar |
Inaccessible |
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |
Detailed Record of Sites in the .docx File for Further Work.
The initial part, describing the ◎ and ○ sites:
Evaluation: ◎ (Most important in the World WTSP Catalogs)
◎ Stanford d.school https://dschool.stanford.edu/
About: What we do: Our Point of View: We believe everyone has the capacity to be creative.
Putting design to work: We build on methods from across the field of design to create learning experiences that help people unlock their creative potential and apply it to the world. Design can be applied to all kinds of problems. But, just like humans, problems are often messy and complex—and need to be tackled with some serious creative thinking. That’s where our approach comes in. Adding the d.school's tools and methods to a person's skill set often results in a striking transformation. Newfound creative confidence changes how people think about themselves and their ability to have impact in the world.
Evaluation: ○ (Important in the World WTSP Catalogs)
〇 Creative Thinking in Literacy and Language Skills https://www.creativethinkingproject.eu/
About: The Creative Thinking in Literacy & Language Skills project brings together the collective expertise of four European organisations.
The project brings together formal theories and principles of creative thinking, informal learning and ICT resources, within a range of accessible and applicable contexts that support teaching and learning within the areas of literacy and foreign language education.
Project Outputs: The project outputs include a set of ‘train the trainer’ guidelines that include the core principles of creative thinking. Through exercise based examples and theories, trainers will become proficient in teaching the principles of creative thinking within the context of learning resource and activity development.
〇 OI-net (The Open Innovation Network) https://oi-net.eu/
About: The European Academic Network for Open Innovation (OI-Net) is designed to facilitate European cooperation on open innovation by outlining and exchanging up-to-date concepts, and good practices in open innovation and open innovation education.
○ IDEO Design Thinking https://designthinking.ideo.com/
About: About this site: At IDEO, we’re often asked to share what we know about design thinking. We’ve developed this website in response to that request. Here, we introduce design thinking, how it came to be, how it is being used, and steps and tools for mastering it. You’ll find our particular take on design thinking, as well as the perspectives of others. Everything on this site is free for you to use and share with proper attribution.
(From 2008-2018, designthinking.ideo.com was the home of IDEO's design thinking blog, written by our CEO, Tim Brown. You can find that blog here.)
○ ASA (The American Science Affiliation) https://www.asa3.org/ASA/
About: An important goal of education is helping students learn how to think more effectively. The pages below will help you, as a learner and/or teacher, improve your skills in Creative Thinking (to generate ideas) and Critical Thinking (to evaluate ideas) and combining these skills into productive Problem-Solving Skills:
○ Creative Education Foundation https://www.creativeeducationfoundation.org/
○ Lateral Thinking (Dr. Edward de Bono) https://www.edwddebono.com/
About: Edward de Bono is one of the pioneers of Brain Training. In 1967 he invented the world famous Lateral Thinking technique. He is a proponent of the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. He has dedicated his life to help people from around the world improve their thinking abilities and creativity skills. His courses such as Six Thinking Hats Method and thinking tools have been used by top corporations, governments and world leaders but his tools have also been used by school children. His methodologies have been proven to help people of all thinking levels to make smarter decisions, faster. Lean More about the works and ideas of Dr. de Bono click here.
○ Free Management Library https://managementhelp.org
About: The Library provides free, easy-to-access, online articles to develop yourself, other individuals, groups and organizations (whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit). Since 1995, the Library has grown to be one of the world's largest well-organized collections of these types of articles and resources. The Library has gotten up to 1,000,000 visitors (not hits) per month). Many of its topics consistently rank in the top ten results from Google searches.
There are approximately 650 topics in the Library, spanning almost 10,000 links. Each topic has additionally recommended books and related Library topics. The Library is not an ezine site or "content farm".
Are the Library materials curated (evaluated) for inclusion in the Library? Yes.
Index: How to improve yourself, How to work with others (soft skills), How to work with groups (team skills), How to lead and manage in your organization, How to improve your organization, How to solve complex problems (Internal/external consulting),
〇 Creative Thinking in Literacy and Language Skills https://www.creativethinkingproject.eu/
About: The Creative Thinking in Literacy & Language Skills project brings together the collective expertise of four European organisations.
The project brings together formal theories and principles of creative thinking, informal learning and ICT resources, within a range of accessible and applicable contexts that support teaching and learning within the areas of literacy and foreign language education.
Project Outputs: The project outputs include a set of ‘train the trainer’ guidelines that include the core principles of creative thinking. Through exercise based examples and theories, trainers will become proficient in teaching the principles of creative thinking within the context of learning resource and activity development.
○L Amazon https://www.amazon.com/ Listed already elsewhere
○L Better Human (Medium) https://betterhumans.coach.me/ Subsidiary to Medium, listed already elsewhere
Evaluation: ○□ (either ○ or □)
〇□ Brainstorming.co.uk https://www.brainstorming.co.uk/
HP of Traditional and Advanced Brainstorming, with useful discussions
〇□ Australian Curriculum https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/
About: The Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what all young Australians should be taught, regardless of where they live in Australia or their background. ACARA draws on the best national talent and expertise, and consults widely to develop the Australian Curriculum and resources.
In the Australian Curriculum, students develop capability in critical and creative thinking as they learn to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives and solve problems. Critical and creative thinking involves students thinking broadly and deeply using skills, behaviours and dispositions such as reason, logic, resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school and in their lives beyond school.
〇□ Skills You Need https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ Based in UK
About: Our aim with Skills You Need is to provide information that will help you, our readers, to develop their skills, and make the most of life.
Personal skills, Interpersonal skills, Leadership skills, Learning skills, Presentation skills, Writing skills, Numeracy skills, Parenting skills
〇□ BK101 (Basic Knowledge 101) https://www.basicknowledge101.com/
About: BK101 is a collection of some of the worlds greatest resources of knowledge and information. Even though the research is far from being finished, BK101 is still an extremely valuable resource for valuable knowledge and information. One of the goals of BK101 is to use the knowledge resource to create a complete Education Software that will be self teaching, self directing and self testing, that will include all the educational courses from preschool through high school. The entire school curriculum will run on a laptop computer that has an Artificial Intelligent Teaching Avatar that manages your personal learning schedule and keeps track of your education progress. Students will be able to accurately measure their intelligence so they can confirm how well they understand themselves and the world around them.
〇□ Board of Innovation https://www.boardofinnovation.com/
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country | L Listed already elsewhere |
World TRIZ Extended Index |
World Around TRIZ Basic Index |
World Around TRIZ Extended Index |
Source documents for World WTSP Catalogs |
(A7) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Apr. 3, 2020.. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp