World WTSP Catalog (TN3A2 Part) Sites Descriptions | |
World TRIZ Sites Project |
Surveyor: Toru Nakagawa (OGU) |
Catalog setting: Toru Nakagawa |
Posted: Aug. 4, 2019; Updated: Sept. 22, 2019; Enhanced: Apr. 1, 2022 |
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Aug. 3, 2019)
This page basically corresponds to the information in the Index page.
For each site, the description of “About us” are exerted from the site and shown here as a quick alternative to the site descriptions. We wish the descriptions of sites to be improved later with the collaboration of many colleagues.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 1, 2022)
This page has been revised much by extending the descriptions of many sites initially evaluated as □ or □△.
Index Page | ◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country | L Listed already elsewhere |
Survey Results: Team Code: TN3A2 (Creative Think Method, in English in the world)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU) May 16, 2019; Revised Apr. 1, 2022
Sites evaluated as ◎○□ are shown.
(Mar. 29, 2022) Descriptions of sites evaluated (formerly) as □ or □△ are updated with much enhancement.
(1) Evaluation: ◎ (Most important in the World WTSP Catalogs)
TN3A2-01 ◎ Stanford Location: USA Language: en Site search 19 pages
Roles of site: (d1) Universities, (e1) Method developer Also See (Super): TN3D-14 ○ Stanford University, TN3B-15 ○ Stanford Graduate School of Business
About: What we do: Our Point of View: We believe everyone has the capacity to be creative.
Putting design to work: We build on methods from across the field of design to create learning experiences that help people unlock their creative potential and apply it to the world. Design can be applied to all kinds of problems. But, just like humans, problems are often messy and complex—and need to be tackled with some serious creative thinking. That’s where our approach comes in. Adding the's tools and methods to a person's skill set often results in a striking transformation. Newfound creative confidence changes how people think about themselves and their ability to have impact in the world.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Apr. 3, 2022): Also refer: TN3D-14 ○ Stanford University and TN3B-15 ○ Stanford Graduate School of Business ]
(2) Evaluation: ○ (Important in the World WTSP Catalogs)
Evaluation: ○□ (either ○ or □)
TN3A2-02 〇 Creative Thinking in Literacy and Language Skills Location: EU Language: en Site search 6 pages
Roles of site: (d1) Universities, (e1) Method developer
About: The Creative Thinking in Literacy & Language Skills project brings together the collective expertise of four European organisations.
The project brings together formal theories and principles of creative thinking, informal learning and ICT resources, within a range of accessible and applicable contexts that support teaching and learning within the areas of literacy and foreign language education.
Project Outputs: The project outputs include a set of ‘train the trainer’ guidelines that include the core principles of creative thinking. Through exercise based examples and theories, trainers will become proficient in teaching the principles of creative thinking within the context of learning resource and activity development.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-03 〇 OI-net (The Open Innovation Network) Location: EU Language: en Site search 25 pages
Roles of site: (d5) Research project, (e7) Networking/matching
About: The European Academic Network for Open Innovation (OI-Net) is designed to facilitate European cooperation on open innovation by outlining and exchanging up-to-date concepts, and good practices in open innovation and open innovation education.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-04 ○ IDEO Design Thinking Location: USA Language: en Site search 9 page
Roles of site: (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants ==> Also See (sub): TN3A2-40 □ IDEO Design Kit, TN3A2-29 □ IDEO University
About: About this site: At IDEO, we’re often asked to share what we know about design thinking. We’ve developed this website in response to that request. Here, we introduce design thinking, how it came to be, how it is being used, and steps and tools for mastering it. You’ll find our particular take on design thinking, as well as the perspectives of others. Everything on this site is free for you to use and share with proper attribution.
(From 2008-2018, was the home of IDEO's design thinking blog, written by our CEO, Tim Brown. You can find that blog here.)
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-05 ○ ASA (The American Science Affiliation) Location: USA Language: en Site search 511 pages
Roles of site: (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (h3) Educational organizations, (g3) Information sharing Including: TN3B-09
About: ASA's website for Whole-Person Education (home) covers a wide range of ideas about: Effective Education that improves the quality of thinking, learning, and teaching; Science & Theology (studying God's World & God's Word) and their relationships. In a two-level approach to effective learning (with the first level being analogous to Cliffs Notes, used in a good way) that is explained in A Quick Education, each page below (Creative Thinking,...) is a LINKS-PAGE that provides: 1) a quick overview of important ideas & their relationships, and 2) links to other pages that examine these ideas in more depth,
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 28, 2019About: An important goal of education is helping students learn how to think more effectively. The pages below will help you, as a learner and/or teacher, improve your skills in Creative Thinking (to generate ideas) and Critical Thinking (to evaluate ideas) and combining these skills into productive Problem-Solving Skills:
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-06 ○ CEF (Creative Education Foundation) Location: USA Language: en Site search 4 pages
Roles of site: (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations Including: TN3B-90
About: A History of CEF: Founded in 1954, the Creative Education Foundation is the recognized world leader in Applied Imagination. Alex Osborn, an adman and educator, not only founded CEF, but also invented brainstorming and co-founded the ad firm, BBDO. His classic book, Applied Imagination, continues to inspire the work of CEF. Along with Sidney Parnes, Osborn developed the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving process. For more than 50 years, CEF has been teaching adults and children in organizations, schools and communities how to use this proven process to develop new ideas, solve problems and implement solutions.
Top page: The Creative Education Foundation (CEF) is a nonprofit that sparks personal and professional transformation by empowering people with the skill set, tool set, and mind set of deliberate creativity. Our goal is to teach all people to use Creative Problem Solving to develop new ideas, solve problems, and implement solutions. Join us to unlock the creative genius in everyone!
What is Creative Problem Solving (CPS)?: CPS is a proven method for approaching a problem or a challenge in an imaginative and innovative way. It's a process that helps you redefine the problems and opportunities you face, come up with new, innovative responses and solutions, and then take action. The tools and techniques used make the process fun, engaging, and collaborative. CPS not only helps you create better solutions, it creates a positive experience that helps speed the adoption of new ideas.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-07 ○□?←○? Lateral Thinking (Dr. Edward de Bono) Location: USA Language: en Site search 6 pages
Roles of site: (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations Security Risk. ==> Also See TN3A2-88 ○ De Bono Institute, TN3A2-53 □ De Bono Thinking Systems
About: Edward de Bono is one of the pioneers of Brain Training. In 1967 he invented the world famous Lateral Thinking technique. He is a proponent of the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. He has dedicated his life to help people from around the world improve their thinking abilities and creativity skills. His courses such as Six Thinking Hats Method and thinking tools have been used by top corporations, governments and world leaders but his tools have also been used by school children. His methodologies have been proven to help people of all thinking levels to make smarter decisions, faster. Lean More about the works and ideas of Dr. de Bono click here.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): This URL actually guides to a different site. The URL below is genuine.]
==> See TN3A2-88 □ The University of Malta : De Bono Institute. .]
TN3A2-08 ◎○ Free Management Library Location: USA Language: en Site search 39 pages
Roles of site: (f3) Repository, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (g3) Knowledge sharing Including: TN3B-01
About: The Library provides free, easy-to-access, online articles to develop yourself, other individuals, groups and organizations (whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit). Since 1995, the Library has grown to be one of the world's largest well-organized collections of these types of articles and resources. The Library has gotten up to 1,000,000 visitors (not hits) per month). Many of its topics consistently rank in the top ten results from Google searches.
There are approximately 650 topics in the Library, spanning almost 10,000 links. Each topic has additionally recommended books and related Library topics. The Library is not an ezine site or "content farm".
Are the Library materials curated (evaluated) for inclusion in the Library? Yes.
Index: How to improve yourself, How to work with others (soft skills), How to work with groups (team skills), How to lead and manage in your organization, How to improve your organization, How to solve complex problems (Internal/external consulting),
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-09 〇? Creative Thinking in Literacy and Language Skills Location: EU Language: en Site search 6 pages
Roles of site: (d5) Research projects, (d1) Universities, Security Risk.
About: The Creative Thinking in Literacy & Language Skills project brings together the collective expertise of four European organisations.
The project brings together formal theories and principles of creative thinking, informal learning and ICT resources, within a range of accessible and applicable contexts that support teaching and learning within the areas of literacy and foreign language education.
Project Outputs: The project outputs include a set of ‘train the trainer’ guidelines that include the core principles of creative thinking. Through exercise based examples and theories, trainers will become proficient in teaching the principles of creative thinking within the context of learning resource and activity development.[Firefox Warning: not secure.]
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-10 ◎L←○L Amazon Location: USA (==> Global) Language: en Site search 52,800 pages
Roles of site: (f4) Book sellers ==> See TN3D-11
[Note (TN, Mar. 30, 2022): Evaluated ○ in TRIZ Site Catalogs while ◎ in Around-TRIZ site Catalogs .]
TN3A2-11 □←○L Better Human (in Medium) Location: USA Language: en Site search 68 pages
Roles of site: (a2) Public Web sites, (g3) Knowledge sharing A website in Medium, Evaluation: □←○L
About: Better Humans is a collection of the world's most trustworthy writing on human potential and self improvement by coaches, academics, and aggressive self-experimenters. Articles are based on deep personal experience, science, and research. No fluff, book reports, or listicles.
Main article: A Directory of Advice That Works (by Coach Tony, Apr 5, 2019): Below are 256 ways to be a Better Human. · One of the goals of the Better Humans publication is to develop a comprehensive collection of well-tested advice for every self-improvement topic. That might take us years, or even decades. For now, here are our best 256+ articles, along with some commentary about how the articles could work for you. I've tried to give my commentary from the perspective of a habit designer. That's my expertise. Big results come from long-term changes. Each of these articles was edited by either myself or Terrie Schweitzer.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
Evaluation: ○□
TN3A2-12 ー←〇□ Location: UK Language: en Site search 18 pages
Roles of site: (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, Security risk .
HP of Traditional and Advanced Brainstorming, with useful discussions
(Firefox Warning: not secure)
TN3A2-13 〇□ Australian Curriculum (The Australian Curriculum) Location: Australia Language: en Site search 53 pages
Roles of site: (c2) National organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (d6)Dedicated education courses Including: TN3B-76
About: The Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what all young Australians should be taught, regardless of where they live in Australia or their background. ACARA draws on the best national talent and expertise, and consults widely to develop the Australian Curriculum and resources.
In the Australian Curriculum, students develop capability in critical and creative thinking as they learn to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives and solve problems. Critical and creative thinking involves students thinking broadly and deeply using skills, behaviours and dispositions such as reason, logic, resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school and in their lives beyond school.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-14 〇□ Skills You Need Location: UK Language: en Site search 66 pages
Roles of site: (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (g3) Knowledge sharing
About: Our aim with Skills You Need is to provide information that will help you, our readers, to develop their skills, and make the most of life.
Personal skills, Interpersonal skills, Leadership skills, Learning skills, Presentation skills, Writing skills, Numeracy skills, Parenting skills
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-15 □L←〇□ BK101 (Basic Knowledge 101) (Howard Polley) Location: USA Language: en Site search 96 pages
Roles of site: (g3) Knowledge sharing, (i3) Personal Web site ==> See TN3B-82
About: BK101 is a collection of some of the worlds greatest resources of knowledge and information. Even though the research is far from being finished, BK101 is still an extremely valuable resource for valuable knowledge and information. One of the goals of BK101 is to use the knowledge resource to create a complete Education Software that will be self teaching, self directing and self testing, that will include all the educational courses from preschool through high school. The entire school curriculum will run on a laptop computer that has an Artificial Intelligent Teaching Avatar that manages your personal learning schedule and keeps track of your education progress. Students will be able to accurately measure their intelligence so they can confirm how well they understand themselves and the world around them.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-16 〇□ Board of Innovation Location: Belgium Language: en Site search 26 pages
Roles of site: (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants
Top page: We make corporates innovate/think/work like startups. We empower corporate teams to innovate and to move faster from concept to market success. Strategy programs: Our strategy programs make enterprises transform into future-proof, customer-centered organizations. Business design: We create products and services that customers love with evidence-based decisions and prove the business value in every stage of their life cycle. Talent development: With our talent development programs, we're building the capabilities that the leadership of future organizations will need.
Our mission is to share and inspire. We give innovators the tools, guides, and insights to help organizations boost the way they innovate.
Free tools and guides: Value proposition designer, Future impact wheel, Innovation taboo, Business design playbook, Revenue model cards B2C, Revenue model flowchart B2C; 50+ business model examples, Innovation matrix, Innovation A to Z
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
Note (TN, Mar. 18, 2022) The part below is revised/updated by visiting the sites.
Note (TN, Sept. 21, 2019): The part below is added by using the .docx file .
(3) Evaluation: □ (Worthy in the World WTSP Catalogs)
Evaluation: □△ (Either □ or △)
Evaluation: □ (Worthy in the World WTSP Catalogs)
TN3A2-17 □ Idea Connection (by Planbox) Location: Canada Language: en
Roles of Site: (e7) Networking/matching organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e8) Solution providers, (e1) Method developers,
Consultants; resources of about 15 creative thinking methods, results of problem solving, blog articles, etc.; based in Canada
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
About Us : IdeaConnection is an open innovation platform and expert solver network comprised of a virtual workforce of 20,000+ experts, thought leaders, scientists and innovators across 180+ countries. With an industry-best 80% solve rate, IdeaConnection creates multidisciplinary teams of hand-picked experts who are awarded on a pay-for-success basis to develop solutions to your technical challenges through services such as prize-based theoretical problem-solving, cloud-sourcing, technology scouting, technical challenge writing, specialized skilled staff augmentation and prior art citation search. Since 2007, IdeaConnection's open innovation platform has successfully solved thousands of complex challenges in a wide range of industries for clients such as ...
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 18, 2022
TN3A2-18 -← □ Creative Thinking (by Michael Michalko) Location : USA Language: en
Roles of site : (e2) Software/tool developers, Security risk
Author of the best sellers Thinkertoys (A Handbook of Business Creativity), ThinkPak (A Brainstorming Card Deck), Cracking Creativity (The Secrets Of Creative Genius), and Creative Thinkering (Putting Your Imagination to Work).
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
Note (TN, Mar. 18, 2022): Firefox blocks the access to this site because of possible risks in security.
TN3A2-19 -←□ Creativity Techniques (Wikipedia)
This article in Wikipedia is mostly lists of relevant individual methods, which should be referred separately. (Note TN: This item is neglected, because we have Wikipedia as an item.)
TN3A2-20 ○←□ Peter Fisk Location : UK Language : en
Roles of Site : (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e4) Consultants, (e1) Method developers,
[Note (TN, Mar. 31, 2022): Formerly: TN3A2-20 ー←□? Game Changers (by Peter Fisk) Location : UK Language : en Security risk . See ==> TN3A2-20a ー. ]
About Us : Short Bio : Peter Fisk is a global thought leader – author, futurist, speaker – whose career was forged in a superconductivity lab, accelerated by managing supersonic brands, shaped by working with some of the world's best companies in Europe, North America and Asia, evolved by leading a digital start-up, and formalised as CEO of the world's largest marketing network. He works with business leaders to reimagine their markets and strategies for a better future. He brings together the best in strategy and innovation, brand and customer thinking to drive smarter, sustainable growth. Peter leads GeniusWorks, an innovative business accelerator, based in London, and is professor of leadership, strategy and innovation at IE Business School in Madrid, where he is responsible for executive programs. He also works independently and with other business schools. He was Thinkers50 Global Director, founded and hosts the annual European Business Forum, and publishes the monthly "Fast Leader" magazine. He has over 30 years of practical business experience, working with over 300 companies and 55 countries … from Adidas' growth into new markets to Asahi's consumer-centric innovation, Cartier's redefined luxury and Coca Cola's growth strategy, McKinsey's leadership development to Microsoft's new approach to strategic innovation, P&G's direct to consumer strategy and Pfizer's future scanning, Santander's future bank vision and Sompo's digitally-minded leaders, Takeda's patient-centric healthcare and Tata's growth as a global business. Peter's first book "Marketing Genius" fused the brains of Einstein and Picasso to ask how would they do business today, and was translated into 35 languages. His next 8 books explore the renaissance creativity of Leonardo da Vinci, in "Creative Genius", how to innovate with purpose for positive impact, in "People Planet Profit", and learning from the world's most innovative companies, in "Gamechangers". His new book "Business Recoded" challenges leaders to have the courage to create a better future, harnessing the opportunities of a post-pandemic world, through 7 shifts built on deep dives with 49 of the world's most inspiring business leaders today. It is shortlisted for CMI Business Book of the Year 2021, and was reviewed by the Financial Times with "Wow. The book you have to read now".
[Note (TN, Mar. 31, 2022): This site posts abundant information in the forms of books (with closer indexes), lectures (with videos), articles, tools, cases of laeders, etc. This site is evaluated as ○ in place of □. ]
TN3A2-21 ○←□ The Creativity Post Location: USA Language: en
Roles of Site : (a2) Public Web sites, (a1) Dedicated for information sending,
About: The Creativity Post is a platform dedicated to sharing the very best content on creativity. We facilitate dialogue between various disciplines of inquiry, popularize the science of creativity without trivialization and showcase the work of practitioners who promote creativity from classrooms to boardrooms.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
Note (TN, Mar. 18, 2022): Many interesting and illustrative articles, essays, videos, etc. are posted actively. Pages are categorized into: Arts, Pop culture, Science, Tech, Philosophy, Psychology, Business, Education, Activism, AI and CC. I changed the Evaluation from □ to ○.
TN3A2-22 ○L←□ Mind Tools Location: UK, Language: en
Roles of Site : (e1) Method developers, (e2) Software/tools developers, (e5) Training organizaitons, (e4) Consultants ==> See TN3D-43
Note (TN, Mar. 18, 2022) See TN3D-43. Evaluated as ○。
TN3A2-24 □L←□ Think Jar Collective Location: Canada Language: en
Roles of Site : (a3) Hub sites, (a2) Public Web sites, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, ==> See TN3B-41
About Us : Think Jar Collective: Exploring how to problem solve better and help people, organizations and systems enhance their creative capacity. We aim to 'jar' status quo assumptions and spark creative action.
Think Jar Collective is a website about how to problem solve better. It's the place to go for tools, tips, training, and inspiration around helping people and organizations learn how to foster disciplined innovation. We want to demystify creativity and share the best articles, tips and techniques you can use to tackle complexity and innovate.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 18, 2022): Pages are categorized into: Articles, Interviews, Tools, Projects, Services, Search,
TN3A2-25 ○L←□L Emerald Publishing : Emerald Insight Location : UK Language: en
Roles of Site (f3) Repository, (f2) Publishers, ==> See TN3B-75
A Web site of Emerald Publishing, Many case studies of real world problems.
Note (TN, Mar. 19, 2022): Repository of many journal papers. Result of site search: TRIZ: 320 articles, "Systematic Innovation": 225 articles.
TN3A2-27 □ College Success (Lumen Learning) Location : USA Language: en
Roles of Site : (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (h3) Educational organizations,
About Us : College Success: This course provides resources for first-year college students on the path to academic and life success. Time management, effective methods of communication, career exploration, and practical tools for academic achievement are a few of the topic areas covered.
Note (TN, Mar. 19, 2022): Table of Contents include: Introduction to college success, Introduction, Goal setting and time management, Career exploration, Social interaction and diversity, Thinking and Analysis (Pattern of thought, Critical thinking skills, Creative thinking skills, Thinking with technology), Learning styles and strategies, Study skills and classroom success, Mental and physical health management, Financial management, Wrap-up.
TN3A2-29 □ IDEO : IDEO U (IDEO University) Location: USA Language : en
Roles of Site : (e5) Training organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, Including: TN3B-21; ==> Also See (super): TN3A2-04 ○ IDEO
About: IDEO U : We're part of IDEO, an award-winning global design firm that takes a human-centered, design-based approach to help organizations innovate and grow. We take a similar approach to online learning at IDEO U. We support and empower our students by giving them a unique set of skills and mindsets they can apply to their day-to-day work.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 19, 2022): Here is the list of IDEO U courses: TOPICS: Design Thinking Courses, Innovation Courses, Leadership Courses, Power Skills Courses; COHORT COURSES: Cultivating Creative Collaboration, Designing a Business, Designing for Change, Designing Strategy, From Ideas to Action, Human-Centered Service Design, Human-Centered Systems Thinking, Impactful Presentations, Insights for Innovation, Leading for Creativity, Leading Complex Projects; SELF-PACED COURSES: From Superpowers to Great Teams, Hello Design Thinking (English, Spanish), Power of Purpose, Prototyping for Digital Experiences, Unlocking Creativity.
TN3A2-30 □ UX Collective Location : Brazil Language : en
Roles of site : (a2) Public Web sites, (a1) Dedicated for information sending,
About: A big part of what we learned in UX comes from online reading: articles, tutorials, resources, blogs — it's all available out there. But there's a lot. UX is becoming increasingly popular, and with that comes a lot of clutter, noise and disorientation. The UX Collective is our attempt at curating some of that content and giving it back to the community in a more structured and digestible way.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-31 □ WikiHow Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (g3) Knowledge sharing, (a2) Public Web sites, (f8) Handbooks (open public edition)
About: WikiHow is a worldwide collaboration of thousands of people focused on one goal: teaching anyone in the world how to do anything. The average wikiHow article has been edited by 23 people and reviewed by 16 people.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-32 □? Creating Minds (Creating Minds Org.) Location : UK Language: en
Security risk
A list of nearly 100 creativity methods; by clicking the method name each explained in a page or two.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 19, 2022): Firefox blocks the access to this site because of possible risks in security
TN3A2-34 □? ASIT (Advanced Systematic Inventive Thinking) Location : Israel Language : en
Roles of site : (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e4) Consultants,
Note (TN, Mar. 19, 2022): Firefox blocks the access to this site because of possible risks in security
TN3A2-35 □ Life Hack Location : Hong Kong Language : en
Roles of site : (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e4) Consultants, (g3) Knowledge sharing, Including: TN3B-64
About Us : We Are Here To Help You Breakthrough: To help you breakthrough the limitations and sacrifices that have become normalized in life, we provide the tools you need at Lifehack. Overcome Struggles in Life : What do you struggle with right now? Choose what you want to tackle now and learn the practical strategies to shift your mindset and reshape your life. [TN, Mar. 19, 2022]
TN3A2-36 ○←□ Simplicable (by John Spacey) Location : Singapore Language : en
Roles of site : (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g5) Term dictionaries,
About: Posted by John Spacey, December 04, 2015 updated on February 28, 2019
Simplicable is a modern business and technology guide that has been updated daily since 2003. The company is based in Singapore. Mission: Explain useful ideas as directly as possible with no attempt to persuade or impress. Get to the point and try to be helpful.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 20, 2022): This site has a large number of short articles explaining various topics/themes in some objective manner mentioning various known, related approaches/stand points. It has a hierarchical yet network-type category system with the 6 top categories, i.e., A-Z, Popular, Business, Design, Tech, More ... . For example, the page "Creative Problem Solving" first lists hyperlinks to about fifty (50) pages, such as '30 Steps of an Innovation Management Process', '10 Examples of Creative Problem Solving', '120+ Types of Enrichment Activities', '42 Examples of Creativity Skills', '104 Examples of a life Change', etc., and shows brief announcement of several popular/new pages, and lastly Site Map of relevant categories. Each of the about fifty pages listed above seems to be the bottom node pages describing many items briefly and objectively in several lines each. Because of its huge accumulation of knowledge for nearly 20 years, I evaluate this site as ○ in place of □.
TN3A2-37 □ Academia Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (f3) Repository, (g4) Social networks, Including: TN2F-38
About Us : Support Academia's Mission: Academia's mission is to make every scholarly and scientific paper available for free on the Internet and to enhance academic discussion and collaboration. Support our mission by becoming a Premium member, and gain access to Academia Premium's tools to advance your career and research.
Info: We search for "Toru Nakagawa", "Nakagawa, Toru", and 2 other variants (i.e., "T. Nakagawa" and ”Nakagawa, T.") of your name in 28 million papers, books, drafts, theses, and syllabi on Academia, and around the web.
Used by academics at 17,003 universities.
--- TN, Mar. 20, 2022 ---
TN3A2-38 □ Quora Location: USA Language : en
Roles of site : (a3) Hub sites, (g4) Social networks, (g3) Knowledge sharing,
About: The heart of Quora is questions — questions that affect the world, questions that explain recent world events, questions that guide important life decisions, and questions that provide insights into why other people think differently. Quora is a place where you can ask questions you care about and get answers that are amazing.
Quora has only one version of each question. It doesn't have a left wing version, a right wing version, a western version, and an eastern version. Quora brings together people from different worlds to answer the same question, in the same place — and to learn from each other.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-39 □ APA PsycNET (American Psychological Association) Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (f3) Repository, (d4) Academic societies (in general fields),
TN3A2-40 □ IDEO : Design Kit (Subsidiary to IDEO) Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (f2) Publishers, ==> Also See (super): TN3A2-04 ○ IDEO
Descriptions of Mindset, Methods, and Case Studies, one by one in detail.
About Us : Mindsets : Human-centered design is as much about your head as your hands. These Mindsets explore and uncover the philosophy behind our approach to creative problem solving, and show that how you think about design directly affects whether you'll arrive at innovative, impactful solutions. Methods : Human-centered design is a practical, repeatable approach to arriving at innovative solutions. Think of these Methods as a step-by-step guide to unleashing your creativity, putting the people you serve at the center of your design process to come up with new answers to difficult problems. Case Studies : These inspiring stories of innovation and impact show how human-centered design gets real results. We breakdown each phase of process so you can see what the design teams did, what they learned, and how it all adds up to surprising solutions. Resources : Design Kit is hardly the only place to learn about the power of human-centered design. These books, guides, and free downloads are all great destinations to help you routinely innovate and solve big problems.
TN3A2-41 □ Visme blog (Visual Learning Center) Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e2) Software/tool developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e10) Software/Tool services (free or charged), (e5) Training organizations,
About Us : The Visme blog is a Visual Learning Center. Our mission is to become a valuable resource for readers who want actionable information and expert advice on how to become better presenters, visual communicators and visual storytellers. Our guest writers include experts of all types, from presentation designers and data visualization professionals to graphic designers, journalists and digital marketers. But they all have one thing in common: They're passionate about visual content. Create content, the easy way: translate your ideas into beautiful Presentations, Infographics and other engaging content. Create, share and download right in your browser.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-42 ○←□ IQ Matrix (by Adam Sicinski) Location : Australia Language : en
Roles of site : (e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (h3) Educational organizations, (e10) Software/Tool services (free or charged), (g3) Knowledge sharing, Including: (subsidiaries) TN3B-14,
Home: Home of 380+ life altering Mind Maps: It's like having an entire library of knowledge on a single sheet of paper. A handy life coaching reference tool for coaching clients. An ideal self-coaching tool for your personal development. Gain access to over 90 free Mind Maps, Visual tools and Personal development resources!
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Continued] Each map categorizes the most important and actionable ideas about a topic into conveniently digestible chunks. It uses keywords and questions in a sentence-like structure that's easy to follow. Each map provides you with a comprehensive bird's eye view of the topic. You subsequently gain deeper insights as you're better able to recognize how various ideas are connected to form the whole. Each IQ Matrix represents a cluster of thoughts about a single topic. It's like a neuron network of interconnected thoughts where you meticulously explore the brain of someone who has successfully mastered the topic. You then take those "thought clusters" and implant them into your own brain as you work through the map. Kind of like a software upgrade for your brain. The MasterMind Matrix (now Version 4.0) is a visual chart that provides you with deep insights into why you do what you do, and how to do things better to improve your life and achieve your goals. It's a guidance system and reference guide we can use to help us make more effective decisions to live life in more optimal ways.
[Note (TN, Mar. 21, 2022): This is a fantastic collection of knowledge/wisdom represented visually in informative Mind Maps. Currently 481 Mind Maps are shown, with steady increase (about 25-30 per year) in number. All the visual sheets are dedicated for 'Personal development for better life' in a vary wide sense. Their topic areas are categorized into: The laws of life, The laws of success, The laws of productivity, Universal principles, The brain and nervous system, and Additional terms and concepts. Such area are further classified; for example, The laws of success cover each law of Accident, Action, Applied effort, Compensation, Control, Direction, Flexibility, Forced efficiency, Giving, Likability, Opposites, Overcompensation, Persistence, Preparation, Probability, Responsibility, Service, Social validation, Synergy, and Murphy's law. Some Mind Maps of our interest include: Creative thinking, Critical thinking, Creative genius mindset, Law of cause and effect, Motivation strategy, Psychological rules, Steve Jobs, Risk taking, Solving life's problems, Developing charisma, Handling a crisis, Handling conflict, Problem solving model, Total life reinvention, Changing a paradigm, Working through change, Thrive amid chaos, and many others. Several videos by Adam Sicinski are very impressive. -- I evaluate this site as ○ in place of □。
[Note (TN, mar. 28, 2022): The following site is a subsidiary of this site. It explains how to make a set of doodle-style slides for showing cases of problem solving. IQ Doodle School ]
TN3A2-43 □ Think with Google Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (g2) Technology news, (g4) Social networks, (g8) (electric) Magazines
About Us : Compelling data. Big ideas. Creative juice. Put Google research and insight behind your thinking. Think of us as your resource for everything from high-level insights to deck-ready stats to useful tools. Here you will find the data we're exploring and the trends we're tracking along with forward-looking perspectives and behind-the-scenes looks at digital campaigns—across industries, platforms, and audiences. Latest trends and stories, Marketing resources, Advertising channels, Consumer insights, Tools for marketers
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-44 □ UC Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley : Greater Good Science Center) : Greater Good Magazine Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g8) (electric) Magazines, (g2) Technology news, (d8) Public education
About: Greater Good magazine turns scientific research into stories, tips, and tools for a happier life and a more compassionate society. Through articles, videos, quizzes, and podcasts, we bridge the gap between scientific journals and people's daily lives, particularly for parents, educators, business leaders, and health care professionals. Greater Good magazine is published by the Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley. Since 2001, the GGSC has been at the fore of a new scientific movement to explore the roots of happy and compassionate individuals, strong social bonds, and altruistic behavior—the science of a meaningful life. The GGSC is unique in its commitment to both science and practice: Not only do we sponsor groundbreaking scientific research into social and emotional well‐being, we help people apply this research to their personal and professional lives.
Topics: Big ideas, Community, Culture, Education, Media & Tech, Mind & Body, Parenting & Family, Politics, Relationships, Society, Spirituality, Workplace,
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-45 □L←□ Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto : I-Think (The I-Think initiative) Location : Canada Language : en
Roles of site : (d1) Universities, (d6)Dedicated education courses, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (d8) Public education, ==> See TN3B-73
About: The I-Think Initiative is a not-for-profit project housed at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. We believe that in order to prepare our students for the future, one of the most important roles that educators can play is to teach students the skills and mindsets necessary in solving wicked problems. To date, we have created learning experiences for: 100,000+ students, 2200+ teachers, 950+ school leaders, and 30+ partners.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 22, 2022): I-Think stands for Integrative Thinking. It is "the ability to face constructively the tension of opposing ideas and, instead of choosing one at the expense of the other, generate a creative resolution of the tension in the form of a new idea that contains elements of the opposing ideas but is superior to each." — Roger Martin.
TN3A2-46 ○←□ AI2 (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence) : Semantic Scholar Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e1) Method developers, (e2) Software/tool developers, (f3) Repository, (f5) Information retrieval, Including: TN3B-11, TN3D-18
About Us : Semantic Scholar is a free, nonprofit, academic search engine from AI2. Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2). We've pulled over 121 million scientific papers from sources like PubMed, Nature, and ArXiv. Our AI analyzes research papers and pulls out authors, references, figures, and topics. We link all of this information together into a comprehensive picture of cutting-edge research. How Semantic Scholar can help you: Gain expert knowledge faster. Get up to speed on new areas of research using our topic pages, which provide definitions, a high-level view of important research, and trends in the literature over time. Impact at a glance: Find connections between studies by seeing which research papers had the biggest impact on others.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-47 □ Small Business Trends Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (g8) (electric) Magazines, (a2) Public Web sites,
About: Small Business Trends is an award-winning hub of more than two million entrepreneurs, business owners, influencers and experts. The site features over 20,000 pages of content. We review tech products, cover small business news, and interview movers and shakers. We spotlight other small businesses and startups. Our core focus is practical content with targeted tips, trends and answers to your toughest questions. Through our team of professional editors, journalists and vetted experts, we publish new content daily. We also produce feature publications like our digital magazine, ebooks and checklists.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-48 □ Techstars Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (g2) Technology news, (h1) Industrial organizations, (a3) Hub sites,
About: Techstars is the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed. 150+ Countries, 10,000+ Mentors, 300,000+ Alumni
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 22, 2022): Mission : We believe entrepreneurs can change the world. From startup founders, to corporate employees, to visionary dreamers, entrepreneurs hold the keys to the greatest challenges of our time. They see opportunities. They take risks. And they clear the path for entire industries. At Techstars, we help grow their ideas into world-changing businesses. We believe collaboration drives innovation. We believe great ideas can come from anywhere. We give first. We act with integrity. We treat others with respect.
TN3A2-49 □ Singularity Group : Singularity University Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e5) Training organizations, (d6)Dedicated education courses, (a3) Hub sites,
Early history (Rob Nail): As I shared in a previous post, Singularity University (SU) was born out of Ray Kurzweil's insights around the disruptive forces of exponential technologies and Peter Diamandis's aspiration to use that understanding to make the world a better place. On September 20, 2008, an extraordinary group of people gathered at NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley to support the launch of SU… not merely as an academic institution, but as a global catalyst for change.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 22, 2022): About Us : Singularity Group : Our mission : We help leaders adapt to a world of accelerating change and empower them to leverage tech to improve the lives of one billion people over the next five years. Singularity Group was founded on the premise that the world's greatest problems are the world's greatest opportunities. We deeply believe that the world has all the necessary ingredients to tackle our biggest challenges and create abundance for all. We have the visionaries, the teachers, the technologies, the makers and the capital. When all of these ingredients combine, the possibility for impact becomes exponential. We are a platform for promoting new ways of thinking and innovating, a launchpad for emerging ventures and a powerful global community of doers and leaders—all poised to solve humanity's biggest problems.
Singularity University: Singularity + IU (International University of Applied Sciences (Germany)): Singularity enriched graduate and executive degree programs. Singularity Group has partnered with IU to offer accredited degree programs in applied sciences while helping students better understand how exponential technologies such as AI, VR, Robotics, and Synthetic Biology will shape industries such as Health, Energy, Transportation, and Manufacturing.
TN3A2-50 □ TeachThought: We Grow Teachers Location : Canada Language : en
Roles of site : (a2) Public Web sites, (h3) Educational organizations, (e5) Training organizations,
About: TeachThought is an idea and brand dedicated to innovation in K-12 education. This is pursued by growing teaching through thought leadership, professional development, resource curation, curriculum development, podcast publishing, and collaboration with organizations around the world.
Our Mission: TeachThought's mission is to innovate education through the growth of innovative teachers.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-51 □ Scholastic Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site: (h3) Educational organizations, (f2) Publishers, (f6) Software/tool/application sellers Including: TN3B-57
About Scholastic:Scholastic was founded in 1920 as a single classroom magazine. Today, Scholastic books and educational materials are in tens of thousands of schools and tens of millions of homes worldwide, helping to Open a World of Possible for children across the globe.
Our Mission: To encourage the intellectual and personal growth of all children, beginning with literacy.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Apr. 5, 2022): A subsite: Scholastic/Teachers .]
TN3A2-52 □ IAFOR (The International Academic Forum) : THINK Location : Japan Language : en
Roles of site : (a2) Public Web sites, (b3) International conferences,
About Us : About IAFOR : Founded in 2009, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a politically independent non-partisan and non-profit interdisciplinary think tank, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating inter-cultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational interaction and academic research. Based in Japan, its main administrative office is in Nagoya, and its research center is in the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), a graduate school of Osaka University.
About: THINK is an online magazine presenting the latest in interdisciplinary research and ideas from some of the world's foremost academics and thought leaders. As a publishing platform, THINK makes selected research presented at Staford's international, inter-cultural, interdisciplinary conferences freely available to a global academic audience.
THINK was conceived by academics, for academics, with the following objectives: To provide an international, far-reaching platform for the best research presented at IAFOR conferences, To make original, high-quality, thought-provoking multimedia content freely accessible to a wide readership, To facilitate the opportunity for academics to step outside of the traditional research publishing status quo – to get creative, explore different disciplines and to have their ideas heard, shared and discussed by a diverse, global audience.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-53 □ de Bono Thinking Systems Location : UK Language : en
Roles of site: (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e5) Training organizations, ==> Also See : TN3A2-88 ○ De Bono Institute, TN3A2-07 ○□ Lateral Thinking,
About: Welcome to the global community of de Bono Thinking Systems® (formerly known as Advanced Practical Thinking Training (APTT)). Our corporate values reflect Dr. Edward de Bono's belief that these tools can and do change the world for the better. People of all ages, cultures, professions, and levels of education who use these tools as they are designed find that they become more collaborative and less combative, more productive, and more confident in their creativity. Today, 38 of de Bono Thinking Systems®' over 300 Independent and Corporate Certified Instructors are qualified Master Trainers, who, along with de Bono, teach certification courses. Course materials are published in Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, and Turkish.
dBTS Today: Organizations whose members use these tools regularly and effectively report dramatic results in increased productivity and creativity, reduced meeting time, and improved attitudes with fewer grievances among team members. You might be surprised at the products, services, events, treaties, and negotiations initiated or resolved using Six Thinking Hats®, Lateral Thinking, The Power of Perception™, Focus on Facilitation™, Simplicity, and Six Value Medals™.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-54 □ Teaching English (British Council) Location : UK Language : en
Roles of site : (h3) Educational organizations, (c2) National organizations, (e5) Training organizations,
About: TeachingEnglish is brought to you by the British Council (The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities), the world's English teaching experts. If you want help planning your lessons or to find out more about our online training courses, you've come to the right place! We have hundreds of high-quality resources to help you in the classroom as well as articles, videos, publications and courses to help you with your continuing professional development.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-55 □ Nielsen Norman Group Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e4) Consultants, (g3) Knowledge sharing,
About: We are a UX research and consulting firm trusted by leading organizations world-wide to provide reliable guidance on user experience. Our founders, Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman, are recognized around the world for their leadership in defining the field of UX. Together, they founded Nielsen Norman Group, an elite firm dedicated to improving the everyday experience of using technology.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-56 □ EFMD Location : Belgium Language : en
Roles of site : (b1) Dedicated associations, ==> Also See (super): TN3D-113 □ EFMD Global Network
About: EFMD - The Management Development Network: An international, not-for-profit, membership organisation of business schools and corporations, based in Brussels, Belgium, with offices in Asia and the Americas. Nearly 900 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 88 countries. A unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development. Recognised globally as an accreditation body for quality & impact assessment in management with established accreditation services for business schools and business school programmes, corporate universities and online courses.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-57 □ Big Think Edge Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e11) Think tanks, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e4) Consultants,
Home: We are a video-driven development solution that delivers world-class experts and learning programs to your organization. With over 1,000 short-form, actionable video lessons and 30 new lessons added monthly, you can stay ahead of business changes to offer meaning and stimulate agility for your workforce. Our network of experts are at the top of their field or disrupting it.
Learning Programs are in categories of: Business communication, Creative methods for team leaders, Decision-making/problem solving, Design thinking, Developing and coaching talent, Diversity and inclusion, Executive presence, Innovation culture for managers, Innovation strategy for leaders, Leading others, Leading self, Millennial, Mindfulness at work, Personal productivity, and Sales & marketing
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-58 □ Business News Daily Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (g8) (electric) Magazines, (g3) Knowledge sharing,
News and articles on business are well categorized as: Start your business, Grow your business, Build your career, Lead your team, Find a solution, and further in their sub categories.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019About Us : About Business News Daily : Business News Daily is the Internet's leading authority for startup and early stage business owners to find the crucial news and information they need to launch and grow successful businesses. Our news and resource content covers more than 30 topic categories that are vital for all businesses to succeed. These categories are focused on business finance, human resources, marketing and technology. Our team of business experts and writers creates thorough, insightful resource guides to help business owners answer questions like how to find the right business loans, how to build an HR operation, and which technology best suits their needs. That technology coverage includes guidance on supporting a remote workforce, processing online and in-person payments, and choosing the right business phones and video conferencing systems. We strive to be the most authoritative source to answer essential questions and help businesses make informed buying decisions on the products that will drive them forward. We spend thousands of hours researching, writing reviews, and recommending the products we think are the best for specific business types. At Business News Daily, our mission is to educate business owners to give them the knowledge and skills to develop business plans, launch new ventures, expand their companies, and build workplaces that thrive.
TN3A2-59 □ API (Associates in Process Improvement) Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers,
Home: Associates in Process Improvement (API) develops methods, works with leaders and teams, and provides education and training to help organizations improve their products and services and to build their capability for on-going improvement.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 26, 2022): The top page introduces 5 items: W. Edward Deming; API definition of the science of improvement; PDSA Cycle (Questions drive testing, which is at the heart of science; informed action drives improved results); Spread of improvement -- together with the 'Model for improvement' with PDSA cycle (Plan - Do - Study - Action),
TN3A2-60 □ HGSE (Harvard Graduate School of Education) : Project Zero : Visible Thinking Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site :
(d5) Research projects, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (d6)Dedicated education courses
Home: Purpose and Goals: Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based approach to integrating the development of students' thinking with content learning across subject matters. An extensive and adaptable collection of practices, Visible Thinking has a double goal: on the one hand, to cultivate students' thinking skills and dispositions, and, on the other, to deepen content learning. By thinking dispositions, we mean curiosity, concern for truth and understanding, a creative mindset, not just being skilled but also alert to thinking and learning opportunities and eager to take them. What You Will Find on the Site: This site provides a convenient way to learn about Visible Thinking as well as thorough descriptions of the ideals, routines and activities that we've developed from research in K-12 schools. The six sections of this site are: Visible Thinking in Action; Getting Started; Thinking Routines; Thinking Ideals; School Wide Culture of Thinking; Additional Resources.
See: Project Zero by Harvard Graduate School of Education:
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 26, 2022): Website of Visible Thinking is blocked by Firefox browzer due to possible risks in security.
Website of Project Zero at HGSE may be better to list in our Catalog.
TN3A2-61 ○L←□L Fast Company https;// Already listed elsewhere
==> See: TN3B-24 ○ Fast Company Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (g2) Technology news (business)
TN3A2-62 □ TED - Ideas Worth Spreading : TED-ED Blog Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (g3) Knowledge sharing、(h3) Educational organizations, ==> Also See (super): TN3B-05 ◎ TED
About: What can you do with TED-Ed? Discover ideas that spark the curiosity of learners. Browse hundreds of TED-Ed animations - short, award-winning videos that will spark the curiosity of your learners. You'll also find thousands of other video-based lessons organized by the subjects you teach.;Create customized lessons for your students.; Inspire your students to share their big ideas.; Share YOUR big idea in a TED-style talk.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Ref: TN3B-05 ◎L TED Ideas Worth Spreading Location: USA Language: en
Roles: (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g10) Multimedia presentors
TN3A2-63 ◎L←□L Harvard Business Review Location : USA Language: en
Roles of site : (f1) Journals, (d1) Universities, (a2) Public Web sites for information sending, ==> See: TN3D-12
Evaluation: □△ (Either □ or △)
TN3A2-64 □△ Lateral Action (Blog by Mark McGuinness) Location : UK Language : en
Roles of site : (i4) Personal Blog sites, (g8) (electric) Magazines
About Us : I'm an award-winning poet and a coach for creatives, helping my fellow creative professionals achieve their ambitions here at Lateral Action – via my 21st Century Creative podcast, my books, and the free 21st Century Creative Foundation Course.
The 21st Century Creative Podcast : Hosted by poet and creative coach Mark McGuinness, The 21st Century Creative podcast helps you succeed as a creative professional amid the demands, distractions, and opportunities of the 21st century. Each episode features insights from Mark and interviews with outstanding creators – including artists, writers, performers, commercial creatives, directors, producers, entrepreneurs and other creative thought leaders.
TN3A2-66 □△ Personal Growth (in Medium) Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (g4) Social networking, (a3) Hub sites,
Social media, Sharing our ideas and experiences.
TN3A2-69 □△ InformED (Open Colleges Australia) Location : Australia Language : en
Roles of site : (h3) Educational organizations, (d7) Open education (MOOC etc.), (g3) Knowledge sharing,
About Us : InformED is your learning and ideas hub. It's a resource for curious minds and a platform for passionate voices. It's an island of educational insight—diligently researched and carefully curated—in a sea of endless, often repetitive information. Peruse features, guides, and e-books on creativity, critical thinking, growth mindset, game-based learning, educational technology, and more. Whether you're interested in these topics for personal or professional reasons, we've got you covered in all areas related to learning in the 21st century.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019Note (TN, Mar. 27, 2022): About Us: InformED is an Open Colleges blog all about education. We help educators stay up to date with the latest in EdTech and beyond with thought leadership in online vocational education.
TN3A2-70 □△ iMindQ Location : Malta Language : en
Roles of site : (e2) Software/tool developers,
Top page : The ultimate Mind Mapping software : Experience an intuitive mind mapping solution that inspires creativity, stimulates brainstorming and provides a unique approach to visualize, organize and present ideas.
TN3A2-71 ○←□△ Fairfax County Public Schools Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (h3) Educational organizations, (c3) Municipal organizations,
[Note (TN, Mar 27, 2022): Fairfax County,Virginia, USA, is located in Northern Virginia, and forms part of the suburban ring of Washington, D.C.
About Us : Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is a catalyst that transforms our community's most valuable potential - our children - and shapes a thriving future. We are the community's gathering place where, together, we foster creative thinking, a culture of caring, and lifelong connections. In our schools, students share a diversity of experiences that prepare them for success in a global society; teachers creatively challenge and inspire young minds; and parents actively engage in their children's future. FCPS is one of the largest school divisions in the U.S. with 198 schools and centers. We serve a diverse student population of more than 180,000 students in grades prekindergarten through 12, speaking over 200 languages.
FCPS website explains the following categories of education activities (together with a number of videos each): Categories of Education Systems: Academies and specialized programs - High school, Adult education, Nontraditional school programs (includes alternative programs), Early childhood education, Elementary school academics (K-6), English for speakers of other languages, Grading and reporting, Grasuation requirements and course planning, High school academics (9-12), Middle school academics (7-8), Summer learning, Special education instruction. Categories of areas: Advanced academic programs, Career and technical education, College success program, Early childhood program, Economics and personal finance, Family life education, Fine arts program, Get2Green program, Health and physical education, Educational technology team, Language arts program, Library services, Mathematics program, Nontraditional school programs, Online campus, Science program, Social studies program, Special education instruction, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), Work-based learning, World languages program.
--- Since all these school education activities are interesting, I decided to evaluate this website as ○ in place of □△。
TN3A2-72 ○L←□△ ITHAKA : JSTOR Location : USA Language: en
Roles of site : (f3) Repository, (g7) Libraries Evaluation ○L←□△. ==> See TN3D-54
JSTOR is a digital library for scholars, researchers, and students. JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
TN3A2-73 □←□△ Inside the Box (by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg) https// Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e1) Method developers, (e2) Software/tool developers
The Innovate! Inside the Box is a web application that facilitates the use of Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT). SIT is a comprehensive suite of Thinking Tools, Principles, Facilitation, Project Management, and Organizational Innovation programs. The five unique techniques in this app are the core of the SIT method, and were developed through rigorous research, studying thousands of patents and inventive solutions.
Book: "Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results" (by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg). Want a truly creative organization? Then think Inside the Box. The traditional view says that creativity is unstructured and doesn't follow rules or patterns. That you need to think "outside the box" to be truly original and innovative. That you should start with a problem and then "brainstorm" ideas without restraint until you find a solution. Inside the Box shows that more innovation— and better and quicker innovation—happens when you work inside your familiar world (yes, inside the box) using a set of templates that channel the creative process in a way that makes us more—not less—creative. These techniques were derived from research that discovered a surprising set of common patterns shared by all inventive solutions. They form the basis for Systematic Inventive Thinking, or SIT, now used by hundreds of corporations throughout the world, including industry leaders such as Johnson & Johnson, GE, Procter & Gamble, SAP, and Philips. Many other books discuss how to make creativity a part of corporate culture, but none of them uses the innovative and unconventional SIT approach described in this book. With "inside the box" thinking, companies and organizations of any size can creatively solve problems before they develop—and innovate on an ongoing, systematic basis. This system really works!
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-74 □←□△ iDevelop Teacher Training Location : Spain Language : en
Roles of site : (d5) Research projects, (h3) Educational organizations, (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending,
About: iDevelop is an international training provider specialized in the development of professionals working in the educational sector by promoting, supporting and providing training activities in accordance with the Erasmus + principles and ET 2020 framework for cooperation in education and training.
Thanks to this background, iDevelop have launched a wide range of courses and training events which provide all the necessary tools to improve the skills of teachers and school staff.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-78 □△ Mind Werx International Location : Australia Language : en
Roles of site : (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending,
About: Since 1999 we have worked with organisations large and small, in the public, private and not for profit sectors, in 22 countries, to help creativity and innovation flourish from the boardroom to the front-line with design thinking and serious creativity tools. Focused Training: Design thinking and learning skills programs and presentations delivered across Australia and internationally. Proven Methods: design thinking using critical and creative thinking tools to help you Think, Learn and Innovate better.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-79 □△ LiveTiles Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers,
About: We're a global team passionate about transformative enterprise solutions and intelligent design, out to reshape the way people interact with technology. LiveTiles is defining the market for the intelligent workplace by giving developers and business users tools to easily create dashboards, employee portals, and corporate intranets that can be further enhanced by artificial intelligence and analytics features.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-80 □←□△ The Conversation Location : Australia (==> International) Language : en
Roles of site : (g8) (electric) Magazines, (a2) Public Web sites, (g3) Knowledge sharing,
About: The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. Our team of professional editors work with university, CSIRO and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public. Access to independent, high-quality, authenticated, explanatory journalism underpins a functioning democracy. Our aim is to allow for better understanding of current affairs and complex issues. And hopefully allow for a better quality of public discourse and conversations.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): This is a unique style of (mass)media, incorporation of academia and journalism on wide variety of topics. Evaluated as □ in place of □△.]
TN3A2-81 □△ Macat - Critical thinking tools Location : UK Language : en
Roles of site : (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations,
About: Macat is a global leader in developing critical thinking skills. Our unique solutions helps institutions, businesses and individuals to effectively measure, analyses, and develop critical thinking, contributing to greater personal and professional success.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): About Us : Macat's Approach: Macat has created the only robust skills based proprietary model and definition of critical thinking: The PACIER Model. The PACIER model effectively breaks down critical thinking into its component parts to allow more accurate and accessible development: Problem solving, Analysis, Creative thinking, Interpretation, Evaluation, and Reasoning. The PACIER model has been developed in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, the London School of Economics and Political Science, OECD PISA and several UK testing boards. The framework was ratified in 2016 in the world's largest critical thinking study of over 10,000 individuals.
-- (TN) Further descriptions of these methods may be accessed on the registration basis only. ]―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
TN3A2-82 ○□ Entrepreneur (Magazine) Location : USA (==> International) Language : en
Roles of site : (g8) (electric) Magazines, (g2) Technology news (business) Including: TN3E-55
(From Wikipedia) Entrepreneur is an American magazine and website that carries news stories about entrepreneurship, small business management, and business. The magazine was first published in 1977.[2][3] It is published by Entrepreneur Media Inc., headquartered in Irvine, California.[4] The magazine publishes 10 issues annually, available through subscription and on newsstands. It is published under license internationally in Mexico, Russia, India, Hungary, the Philippines, South Africa, and others.[5] Its editor-in-chief is Jason Feifer and its owner is Peter Shea.[6]
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): URL goes to "Entrepreneur Asia Pacific" (located in India), while goes to "Entrepreneur US" (located in USA).
TN3A2-84 ○L ← L NCBI (National Center for Biology Information)
Roles of site: (c2) National organizations, (d2) Research institutes ==> See TN3E-20
[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): See ==> TN3E-20 ○ NCBI ]
TN3A2-85 ○L← L ToolsHero Location : Netherlands Language : en
Roles of site : (e2) Software/tool developers, (e10) Software/Tool services, (a2)Public Web sites for information sending, (g3) Information sharing ==> See TN3D-45 ○ ToolsHero
ToolsHero helps people with an online global platform to explore, apply and share management theories and methods in their context anytime, anywhere and any device.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): See ==> TN3D-45 ○ ToolsHero]
TN3A2-86 ○□ Design Thinking Academy Location : Netherlands Language : en
Roles of site : (e5) Training organizations, (h3) Educational organizations
About: DesignThinkers Academy was initiated by the Founders of DesignThinkers Group. DesignThinkers Group is one of the leading design driven innovation agencies helping organizations around the world making the transition from being strictly product orientated and sales driven, towards being service oriented and human centered. We are represented in 25 countries and train, develop and facilitate multidisciplinary teams and communities of change.
Mission: ... DesignThinkers Academy aims to inspire people and teams by organizing thought-provoking events and lectures, training and personal coaching programs to help organizations build the necessary capabilities, culture and mind-set using Design Thinking tools and methods. Our aim with the DesignThinkers Academy Network is to create an open network to facilitate and inspire a rich conversation between creative thinkers and doers. We strive for a learning community that has a positive impact on people's lives, careers and our ever-changing world.
What is Design Thinking?: Design Thinking inspires and challenges a team to learn by doing and strengthens their ability for creative problem solving. It helps organisations build the necessary environment and mentality to make change happen. Design Thinking is human-centered, it places people at the heart of a challenge. Design Thinking is an activity-based, iterative and continuous process with a strong emphasis on learning-by-doing, empathy and co-creation. In Design Thinking various disciplines are connected, from research and strategy to design and policy.Design Thinkers Group: DT Research Lab, DT Academy, DT Network, DT Thinktank, DT Concept Studio
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-87 ◎○L← L Research Gate Location : Germany Language : en
Roles of site : (f3) Repository, (g4) Social networking, See ==> TN3C-23 ◎
[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): See ==> TN3C-23 ◎○ Research Gate Germany (f3) Repository ]
TN3A2-88 ○←□ ←L University of Malta : De Bono Institute (The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking and Innovation) Location : Malta Language : en
Roles of Site : (e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (d6)Dedicated education courses, (d2) Research institutes ==> Also See : TN3A2-07 ○□ Lateral Thinking, TN3A2-53 □ De Bono Thinking Systems
About Us : The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking and Innovation (formerly The Edward de Bono Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking) was set up at the University of Malta in collaboration with Professor Edward de Bono in 1992. Initially, our Institute was concerned primarily with teaching Professor de Bono's thinking tools at the University of Malta (UM). Over the years we have expanded and diversified our activities, and now offers a wide range of courses and events to UM students and to the general public in the following four interrelated subject areas: Creativity, Innovation management, Entrepreneurship, and Future studies.
---- (TN, Mar. 28, 2022)
[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): The formerly accessed URL actually guides to a different site.]
TN3A2-89 □ Drew Boyd Innovator Location : Canada Language : en
Roles of site : (j1) Individual researcher, (i4) Personal blog sites, (e4) Consultants
About: Drew Boyd is a global leader in creativity and innovation, international public speaker, award-winning author and innovation blogger, and university professor. He teaches teams, businesses and governments how to solve tough problems to create a culture of innovation and a flowing pipeline. Drew reframes the innovation process in a way that makes people more—not less—creative. And co-author of the book "Inside the Box". Blogs and Videos of lectures,
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 29, 2022): See the following 2 websites:
==> See TN3A2-73 □ Inside the Box (by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg) https//
==> See TN3B-60 □ SIT (Systematic Inventive Thinking) .]
TN3A2-91 □△ ? PMP (Project Management Practitioners) Location : UK Language : en
Roles of site : (e4) Consultants Security risk.
About: PMP is a multinational team with key team members from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UK. We have business partners in the USA, Canada, Malaysia and Pakistan. Our team's diversity is one of its core strengths. Our team's experience in Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Training, Consultancy, and Programme and Project Delivery (including core documentation) is over multiple decades but we are still driven by the motivation of youth and the drive to deliver on our promise. We guarantee results and return on investment and achieve excellence in everything we do. We work with clients to build the best team to deliver projects. We work with candidates to enhance their career. We create "Consultancy A Teams" that work seamlessly with clients to achieve their objectives. We provide post-delivery support, and in terms of project documents provide 20 days free post -sales support.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 29, 2022): This URL is not accessible with Firefox.]
TN3A2-93 □ CESIE Location : Italy Language : en, Italian
Roles of site : (h3) Educational organization, (d2) Research institutes, (a1) Dedicated for information sending,
About: CESIE is a European centre of studies and initiatives established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of sociologist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). Our Mission: To promote educational innovation, participation and growth. Our Vision: The world is only one creature.
The World is a pomegranate: CESIE's pomegranate symbolises the 'fruitful' unity of people and groups growing together under the same peel. CESIE's pomegranate grows on all types of grounds becoming for us symbol of prosperity in education. CESIE breaks with an ethnocentric global drive and focuses on individuals and diversity. Doing so, we apply the teaching of Danilo Dolci who developed innovative educational nonviolent methods (such as the "strike in reverse" –working without pay- through which individuals initiated unauthorized public works projects, by and for the grass-roots in the '50 in Sicily).
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
TN3A2-95 ◎L← L Youtube Location : USA (==> Global) Language : en, many
Roles of site : (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g10) Multimedia presentors ==> See TN3D-10
[Note (TN, Apr. 1, 2022): Evaluated as ○ in the TRIZ Site Catalogs, while as ◎ in the Around-TRIZ site catalogs.]
TN3A2-96 ◎L← L Slide Share Location : USA (==> Global) Language : en
Roles of site : (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g10) Multimedia presentors ==> See TN3B-04
[Note (TN, Apr. 1, 2022): Evaluated as ○ in the TRIZ Site Catalogs, while as ◎ in the Around-TRIZ site catalogs.]
Deleted Sites (△ or -←)
TN3A2-20a ー←□? Game Changers (by Peter Fisk) Location : UK Language : en Security risk ; This site is renewed as below:
==> TN3A2-20 ○ Peter Fisk
TN3A2-23 △←□ Cambridge Assessment International Education Location: UK Language: en
Roles of Site: (h3) Educational organizations, (d1) Universities,
TN3A2-26 ―←□ Ambition & Balance (Doist)
TN3A2-28 -←□ TRIPOD: Build a Free Website of Your Own
TN3A2-65 -←□△ 75 Tools For Creative Thinking Location : Netherlands Language : en
Roles of site : (e2) Software/tool developers, Security risk.
75 plain methods, each written in a card, forming a Toolbox
Note (TN, Mar. 27, 2022): Access to this website is blocked by Firefox browzer due to possible risks in security. Evaluated as ー.
TN3A2-67 ー← □△ MacMillan Study Skills Location : UK Language : en
Roles of site : (h3) Educational organizations, Site Closed
Note (TN, Mar. 27, 2022): Top page says: ”Macmillan International Higher Education has closed its doors, but all of its products are in new homes.” The new site, MacMillan Learning , posts published textbooks only. Thus this site is deleted in our WTSP Catalogs.
TN3A2-68 ー← □△ The Peak Performance Center Irrelevant
Note (TN, Mar. 27, 2022): I decided to delete this site in our WTSP Catalogs, because their topics do not match with our interest.
TN3A2-75 -← □△ World of Digits - Blog Location : USA Language : en
Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): Access to this website is blocked by Firefox browser due to possible risks in security.
TN3A2-76 -←□△ IQ Doodle School ==> Subsidiary to TN3A2-42 ○←□ IQ Matrix
About: Your Doodle Course Teacher:Adam Sicinski: Hi, my name is Adam. And I'll be your instructor as you move through this course. You might be wondering who I am. Well, I'm a qualified life coach residing in Melbourne Australia. But I'm known more for the mind maps I create on the IQ Matrix website. And now I want to teach you the fundamentals of doodling to help you learn how to express yourself visually, how to expand your creativity, how to solve problems, and so much more.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019
[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): This is treated as a subsidiary site of TN3A2-42 ○←□ IQ Matrix. ]
TN3A2-77 △←□△ Think Company Location : USA Language : en
Roles of site : (e8) Solution providers, (e4) Consultants,
About: Think Company was founded on the idea that great customer/employee experiences and software products start with careful research and evidence-based design. Our experience proves that products and services built on this solid foundation will delight users and drive business success. We're an energetic, growing company equipped to help you tackle just about any design challenge.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): This is a company of "contents designers". Their work seems specific to customer requirements of designing systems of customers' contents. I have changed the evaluation from □△ to △。]
TN3A2-83 ー← □△ Wabisabi Learning
Roles of site : (h3) Educational organization Security risk. Including: TN3B-95
Top page: Seeing the possibilities. Shaping the future of education.: We transform learning around the world through our apps, resources, professional learning, consultancy and foundation. Seeing the possibilities. Shaping the future of education.
Note (TN, Sept 26, 2019) I do not understand well the philosophy and methods of this education program.
--- Written by Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 21, 2019[Note (TN, Mar. 28, 2022): The URL and its seemingly successor are not accessible with Firefox.]
TN3A2-90 ー← △- James Clear
(i4) Personal blog sites
About: Hi, I'm James Clear. I'm the author of Atomic Habits, the creator of the Habits Academy, a weightlifter, and a travel photographer in over 30 countries. My writing is focused on how we can create better habits, make better decisions, and live better lives. I combine ideas from a wide range of disciplines including biology, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and more.
TN3A2-92 - Lifehacker
TN3A2-94 -← L Inside the Box (Innovation in Practice) Listed already elsewhere
[Note (TN, Mar. 29, 2022): This URL guides to TN3A2-89 □. Thus deleted here.]
Index Page | ◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country | L Listed already elsewhere |
(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on May 26, 2022.. Access point: Editor: