World WTSP Catalog (JP Part) Sites Descriptions | |
World TRIZ Sites Project |
Surveyor: Toru Nakagawa (OGU) |
Catalog setting: Toru Nakagawa |
Posted: Jul. 26, 2019; Updated: Jul. 29, 2019; Feb. 13, 2020; Aug. 22, 2021 |
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 26, 2019)
This is the first trial of the First Preliminary version of World WTSP Catalogs.
Basic Structure is shown in the following figure. In the present case:
Team Code: JP
Index file: Index-JP.html Index-JP.xlsx
Site description file: Sites-JP.html Sites-JP.docx
Each site is described with respect to the following items (items are separated multiple spaces):
Anchor pont: (in front of the site description) (not visible in the Web page, but visible and editable in the HTML editors) the ID of anchor point is he same as the Site code.
Site code: Proper numbering given to each site: in the form of XY-##, where XY is the Team code, ## is the numbering. This numbering may not be the same as the position of the site in this file.
Site name: Name given by the site owner, and shown as the title of the Web site. When an abbriviation is used, write in the form: Abbriviation (Full name). In case the leadership of the owner/editor/author is clear for the site, the keyperson's name should be shown in the form: Site name (Keyperson).
Site URL: URL of the site domain, not the front page. In case a site is operated in multiple countries or in multiple languages with different domain or subdomain, show the multiple domains/subdomains together with the countries/languages.
Site location: Located country of the main office of the sie owner. Sometime the sites do not show the location in the site description.. For automatic detection of the site location, we can use the 'WhoIs' survey software, e.g. and check the Registrant country. However some sites do not disclose their locations in these registration sites. .
Site language: Important sites are often operated in multiple languages. List up such languages. Put the main language at the top. (in the Index Table, show the main language and en if used.)
Roles of the site: See the categorazation in the instructions of "Index Schemes". put the most appropriate category first, and one or two more, if appropriate.
Site search pages: Number of pages detected by the search inside the site. Please note that the keyword is sometimes 'TRIZ' while others like 'Creative Think Method', etc.depending on the Team (or cases).
Single line description: used in the Index Table (or Index).
Note: any comment. When listed elsewhere (by other Teams/Cases) more closely, the Site code should be refered here.
Description: introduction to the site in 3 to 10 lines in free format. In case of large number of surveys, excerpts from top pages, 'About us' pages, etc. are used for quick alternative.
Sites Descriptions , TRIZ sites
JP-01 ◎ TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (in Japanese) (in English) Location: jp Language: en, jp
Roles: (a2) Public Web site, (a1) Dedicated information sending, (e1) Method developer, (d1) Universities Including: TN3B-08 Closer site description: SiteIntro-JP-01-THPJ.html
Editor: Toru Nakagawa (Professor (1998-2012)/Professor Emeritus (2012- ) of Osaka Gakuin University). He established this site in Nov. 1998 (Nov. 1 in Japanese and Nov. 15 in English), and has been posting new TRIZ-related information actively with unfixed interval of 2 to 4 weeks constantly till present.
The site posts introductory articles, overviews, papers, conference reports, etc. on TRIZ with a wider scope. Pages in Japanese and pages in English are posted more or less in parallel. The articles/papers are written not only by the Editor (in Japanese and in English), but also by many Japanese authors (in Japanese and some in English translation) and by many overseas authors (in Japanese translation and some in English). It has four 'Entrance Pages' adapted for four types of readers (i.e., for Children and high school students, for Students and the general public, for Engineers and researchers novice to TRIZ, and for Practitioners and experts of TRIZ); they show categorized lists of (pretty many) recommended pages with annotation.
The Editor's research themes have evolved from (a) introduction and proliferation of (classical and modernized) TRIZ, to (b) introduction and extension of USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking), (c) proposal of Generalized Methodology for Creative Problem Solving (CrePS), and (d) Research on the Principal Contradiction ('Liberty vs. Love') of Human Culture.
--- [Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
Site Description Form WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project) (Version: 2019/6/13 TN)
Team: JP Site Code: JP-01 Writer: Toru Nakagawa Date: 2020/2/13
Site Name **
TRIZ Home Page in Japan
Site domain URL ** in English in Japanese
Site Location **
Refer the codes
Site Language **
en, jp
Refer the codes
Roles of Site **
(a2) Public Web site, (a1) Dedicated information sending, (e1) Method developer, (d1) Universities,
Refer the codes
Evaluation **
◎ Most important in the world
Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marksSingle-line Description *
Public Web site dedicated for TRIZ proliferation in Japan and in the world. Editor Toru Nakagawa
Application phase *
(b) Problem finding and analysis phase, (c) Solution generation phase, (g) Others: Education
Refer the codes
Application Fields *
(c) Engineering , (a) General/universal, (g) Humanity fields
Refer the codes
Methods *
(e) Systems analysis, (g) Idea generation tools, (n) Modernized TRIZ methods; USIT method, Six-Box Scheme
Refer the codes
Description of Introduction *
Active public site in TRIZ since 1998, publicizing many articles by various international authors besides the editor Toru Nakagawa. Selected papers by Japanese authors are posted in English, while those by international authors in Japanese translation. Nakagawa's Personal Reports of TRIZCONs and ETRIA TFCs are unique.
His research papers concern Introduction of TRIZ into Japan, Extension of USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking), Development of CrePS (Creative Problem Solving Methodology), and Principal Contradiction of Human Culture.Free format, in 5-10 lines
Further Detailed Information
Please refer much detailed introduction in the html file:
Site Introduction for the WTSP Catalogs: TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Written by Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 12, 2020): SiteIntro-JP-01-THPJ.html
Note of description
Written as a sample
Remarks for further revision
Note: Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System" (2019/5/18 TN).
** Mandatory, * Desirable
(c) Close Site Descrition:
Site Introduction for the WTSP Catalogs: TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Written by Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 12, 2020):
JP-03 ○ JTS (Japan TRIZ Society (NPO)) (in Japanese) (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (b1) Dedicated association Site search (in English) 189 pages
Nation-wide NPO center for promoting TRIZ in Japan. Holding Japan TRIZ Symp. every year
Japan TRIZ Society is the nation-wide Center for promoting and proliferating TRIZ in Japan, established officially in December 2007 on the basis of Japan TRIZ CB.
It has organized TRIZ Symposium in Japan every year (from the Fourth in 2008 to the Thirteenth in 2017). The Symposium till 2012 was held for 3 days with actively calling for participation/presentation by overseas people, but later since 2013 it was held for 2 days and with mostly-domestic participation/presentation except invited Keynote speakers from abroad. Every year many user industries gave their presentations on TRIZ usage and promotion. (Almost) all the presentations were shown with slides in Japanese and in English in parallel. Keynote Lectures and Award-winning presentations (about 5 papers every year, voted by the participants) are publicly posted in the Web site about 3 months later, and all other presentations are posted in the 'Members only' pages of the site.
The short TRIZ introduction article in this HP is rather poor unfortunately, I think. In Japan TRIZ Society, four study groups are running for several years.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-09 ○ IDEA Corp. (Mamoru Zenko) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e4) Consultants
Most active TRIZ Consultants in Japan, promoting QFD-TRIZ-Taguchi Method.
IDEA is a consulting firm specialized in TRIZ, starting in 2003 by spinning off from ITEQ, and has been actively conducting trainings and consulting in industries and open seminars. IDEA has particular strength in applying QFD-TRIZ-TM in an integrated manner to new product development, and in consulting with big and SME companies in such a strategy.
The Web site explains to use the following four IDEA-style scientific development methods in an integrated way: Seeds-driven Quality Deployment (SDCD, for developing new business fields), IDEA-QFD (for developing new products in existing business fields), IDEA-TRIZ (for innovative problem solving with break-through solutions), and IDEA-TM (for implementing new solutions optimally). Various documents of these TRIZ-related methods are downloadable free of charge (with registration). IDEA also sells TechOptimizer and Goldfire Innovator of Invention Machine (later under IHS) as a dealer and promotes the use of software tools together with their methods.
At Japan TRIZ Symposia, several industrial customer companies reported their successful results of promoting/applying IDEA ways in their new product development, confirming the effectiveness of IDEA’s methods and consulting.
The following two blog sites were operated several years ago, but have not been updated recently:
Blog by Mamoru Zenko, President: ' I'm fine, today, too' (Diary by IDEA President):
Blog by Masahiro Kuwahara, Senior consultant: ‘Daily inventive monolog by a TRIZ consultant’:[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-10 ○ MOST LLC (Kazuya Yamaguchi) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e4) Consultants
TRIZ consultants, promoting QFD-TRIZ-Taguchi Method and AI.
Since 2001 Kazuya Yamaguchi led the innovation of development process and quality management in Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co. (renamed into Panasonic Communications Co. (PCC) in 2003) by using scientific methods including quality engineering, TRIZ, and QFD. He retired from PCC in 2007 and started a consulting firm, MOST LLC, together with his several colleagues who worked together for the PCC process innovation.
MOST's philosophy is “To propose and provide methods for drastic innovation applicable in the era of AI (Artificial Intelligence, e.g., IoT and Factory big data)”. More specifically it proposes "to use scientific technology tools in the world (e.g., QFD, TRIZ, Quality engineering (or TM), MATLAB, and some other universal-use tools) effectively, to improve the current styles of research, development, design, and manufacturing into new business promotion styles with high efficiency, and to put your business on a sustainable and growing curve by obtaining maximal results in achievements."
Their methods are written closely by the MOST members in their books (or white papers), which are available in their HP with free downloading (without registration). They include:
(1) "Improve your quality, then your costs get reduced (recommendations to Taguchi Method)" by Kazuya Yamaguchi (95 pages).
(2) "How to eliminate the needs of remaking software in the market due to bugs (recommendations to Taguchi Method)" by Kazuya Yamaguchi (27 pages).
(3) "We can design without remaking! (Parameter design in Taguchi Method)" by Ikuro Hamada (59 pages).
(4) "Method to realize No. 1/only-one products easily (TRIZ)" by Kiyoaki Matsui (28 pages).
(5) "Method to develop epoch-making products easily (QFD-TRIZ-TM and Technology and IP strategies)" by Kazuya Yamaguchi (42 pages).
(6) "Method to achieve visual inspection drastically efficiently (MATLAB and TM)" by Ken-ichi Kawano (30 pages).
(7) "Method to achieve acoustic inspection drastically efficiently (MATLAB and TM)" by Ken-ichi Kawano (30 pages).
(8) "Business strategy for executives to raise their performance surely (Raising performance/results come from raising members)" by Kazuya Yamaguchi (31 pages).
All these textbooks are impressive with their strong encouraging messages.[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
Site Description Form WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project) (Version: 2020/6/11 TN)
Team: JP (Japan) Site Code: JP-10 Writer: Kazuya Yamaguchi Date: 2020/8/20Posted here in English (translated by TN) (Aug. 22, 2021)
Item Description
Site Name **
MOST LLC (Kazuya Yamaguchi)
Site domain URL **
Site Location
**jp Japan
Refer the codes
Site Language
**ja Japanese
Refer the codes
Roles of Site **
(e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending
Refer the codes
Evaluation **
〇 Important in the World WTSP Catalog
Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marksSingle-line Description *
Trace records in consulting in the whole engineering fields, by use of QFD-TRIZ- Taguchi Method.
Application phase *
(c) Solution generation phase: (c1) Idea generation, (c2) Solution building, (c3) Solution evaluation and selection
Refer the codes
Application Fields *
(c) Engineering: all the subfields (c1) (c2) (c3) (c4) (c5) (c6) (c7) (c8) (c9)
Refer the codes
Methods *
(b) Needs and problem finding: (b2) Quality Function Deployment (QFD),
(g) Idea generation tools: (g1) Use of typical patterns of idea generation,
(h) Solution building methods: (h1) Design methods
(j) Solution implementation methods: (j3) Mass productionRefer the codes
Description of Introduction
*MOST LLC has obtained from many companies/laboratories, who used to have serious difficulties, the reputations that they were navigated well to wonderful solutions through the consultation. In our HP, many extraordinary/useful books authored by our team are downloadable without charge. "You too can solve difficult, so far unsolvable, problems surely!"
Why don't you come to visit our HP to read articles? We hope you start your actions and get successful in your business.Free format, in 5-10 lines
Further Detailed Information
"You too can solve difficult, so far unsolvable, problems surely!" (in Japanese)Optional
Note of description
Written by Kazuya Yamaguchi in Japanese (Aug. 20, 2020), translated into English by TN (Aug. 22, 2021)
Remarks for further revision
Note: Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP DB System" (2020/6/11 TN). ** Mandatory, * Desirable
Close Site Introduction in Free Format:
SiteIntro-JP-10-MOST-KazuyaYamaguchi.html "You too can solve difficult, so far unsolvable, problems surely!" (by Kazuya Yamaguchi, in Japanese)
JP-12 ○ Ideation Japan, Inc. (Teruyuki Kamimura) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations
TRIZ consultants, with connection to Ideation Intrenational Inc. and having strength in intellectual properties.
Ideation Japan was raised by Teruyuki Kamimura, a patent attorney, in 2010 and currently is the only agency of International Ideation Inc. (USA) in Japan.
In Ideation International, TRIZ Masters (and collaborators of G. Altshuller since 1970s) Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman, et al. developed TRIZ further in depth to form a new and big system named Ideation-TRIZ (or I-TRIZ). The system is composed of 3 main components, i.e., Inventive Problem Solving (IPS), Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD), and Directed Evolution (DE). Such methods are supported by software tools which install well-systematized solution prototypes (called System Operators).
The HP of Ideation Japan posts many introductory articles on these methods in a way easy to understand. Multiple issues of pamphlets are downloadable (free of charge, with registration), and videos of an introductory seminar (14 parts, over 3 hours in total) can be seen free of charge (without registration). Ideation Japan conducts seminars on I-TRIZ and its software tools pretty frequently (with or without charge) as a part of its active proliferation activities.
In 2013 it established 'I-TRIZ Promotion Association' for the purpose of promoting their private I-TRIZ certification.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-14 ○ TRIZ Study (Shinsuke Kurosawa) (in Japanese) (in English, List of Contents in their original languages) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (a1) Dedicated for information sending Site search (in English) 56 pages
Posting Russian references by G. Altshuller and by MATRIZ in Japanese translation.
This site intends to be a Web site for the people who want to study TRIZ deeply in the Japanese language. The site owner is Shinsuke Kurosawa, formerly at SANNO Institute of Management. He is very fluent in Russian and has been working to study and proliferate TRIZ since mid-1990s.
This site is of special importance in Japan in the points that many original TRIZ papers written by G. Altshuller are posted in Japanese directly translated from Russian. He also posts Japanese translation of various documents authorized by MATRIZ (i.e., International TRIZ Association), e.g., TRIZ Textbook for MATRIZ Level 1 certification, TRIZ Body of Knowledge (BOK), etc. Besides them he introduces a number of papers on modern TRIZ in Russia, especially those related to education with TRIZ.
A wonderful article in this site for introduction to TRIZ is the instructions and worksheets of "16 steps in TRIZ for you to use today (for solving your problems)", which he has originally written down concisely. As the process for solving problems, he shows the sequential points of focus in 6 main steps (i.e., problem/task/ideality, situations/viewpoints, inventive principles, resources, strategies/contradictions, and action plan) having 16 sub-steps in total. For each sub-step, he shows in a worksheet the questions to think, and in the text in parallel he describes the instructions, simple examples, and a consistent set of case study. The process is so simple and yet powerful that engineers novice to TRIZ may be able to work with it for him/herself even today.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-18 ○ (Osamu Kumasaka) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e7) Networking/Matching organizations
Active portal site with the original 'Monodukuri Matrix' from users needs (60) to various methods (108).
This is a nice portal site which has produced and implemented a mechanism for connecting (a) Issues in monodukuri (or manufacturing in general) (and the industries having them) with (b) Methods useful for solving the issues (and the professionals in such methods). The basis of this mechanism is the 'Monodukuri Engineering Matrix' which Osamu Kumasaka built during his R&D work for Pioneer Corp. The Matrix has rows of 60 Issues for monodukuri (i.e., Planning 7, Development & design 15, Manufacturing 22, and Quality in market 6) and columns of 118 Methods for solutions (including Strategy techniques 9, TRIZ 8, USIT 1, Quality engineering 8, etc.). In the Matrix cells, applicability and usefulness of the method for the issue is shown with the 4-grade evaluation (i.e., 3, 2, 1, and 0).
Kumasaka started this site in 2012 after his retirement. First he obtained supports and registrations by many professionals (currently 138), and obtained their contributions of introductory articles on individual methods and their usage (currently 1600 articles, 2-3 pages each), training texts (currently 490 documents), and application case studies (currently 950 cases), for publicly posting in the site. Users (in industries) may choose an issue most relevant to his/her problem from the list of 60 Issues, then is led by the Matrix to possibly applicable/useful methods, and can further study the methods closely by reading their introductions and case studies. If a user asks a question (or raise his/her own issue) openly at the site, any professionals may reply to it openly at the site as well.
All these basic use of the site is free of charge for the users (some of them need registration without charge), while there are additional services of seminars and individual consultation with charge. The site is now operated with annual support money and payback for consulting arrangement from the registered professionals. Professionals seem to find merits in the site for paying such money. Recently, the site started a service by professionals to support SMEs for their applications to governmental grants.
Because of the accumulation of useful information and appropriate operation mechanism, this portal site is now growing steadily year after year. This is certainly a significant business model started by Osamu Kumasaka.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-02 □ (Former) Japan TRIZ CB (Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan) (in Japanese) (in English)
Location jp Language jp, en Roles (b1) Dedicated association
Former nation-wide center for promoting TRIZ in Japan. Holding Japan TRIZ Symp. 2005‐2007
The first nation-wide organization for promoting TRIZ in Japan, established in 2005, by the collaboration of TRIZ users and promoters. Japan TRIZ CB organized TRIZ Symposium in Japan (First in 2005 till Third in 2007). The Web site posted the records and presentations in these Symposia. At the end of 2007, the organization turned officially into Japan TRIZ Society (NPO) (see elsewhere). The Web pages are still active inside "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3.]
JP-07 □ Cybernet Systems Co., Ltd. (in Japanese) (in English) (only partial) Location jp Language jp Roles (e3) Dealers Site search (in English) 15 pages
System integration company dealing the Goldfire Innovator software of IHS.
General Agency in Japan of Invention Machine Corp. (USA) since 2007. The company is promoting the sales of the software tool, Goldfire Innovator (the successor of TechOptimizer), and conducting seminars on it. Goldfire Innovator is capable to access to a huge body of information sources (not limited to patent DBs) in science and technology with its powerful semantic analysis tools, and hence to conduct surveys and knowledge sharing/management in a much wider scope than ordinary TRIZ techniques for problem solving. In 2012 Invention Machine was merged into IHS (USA) with the hope to utilize even wider information sources in the world.
The Web site of Cybernet Systems posts introductions to the functions and usage of Goldfire, monthly articles on 'What can you do with Goldfire?', and user supporting information, etc. Inviting many user industries, Cybernet Systems held Invention Machine User Conference annually in 2009 to 2011 and Goldfire Innovation Forums annually in 2013 to 2017.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-16 □ Pro-Engineers (Shigeru Kasuya) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e4) Consultants,
(g3) Knowledge sharing
Posting many articles introducing TRIZ/USIT especially with examples of TRIZ 40 principles
Shigeru Kasuya worked for SONY and later for Fuji Xerox, and started his consulting firm 'Pro-Engineer' in 2006. His site states its purpose as "TRIZ & Support for Differentiating Technology Development". He intends to support not only the usage of TRIZ but also more widely the development of new technologies/products, innovation in business processes, human resource development of researchers and engineers, etc.
The top page of his Web site is a tightly packed index to a lot of information in the site. There are interesting articles such as abstract documents of his various seminars, articles in newspapers and journals mentioning about his work, his answers to questions/issues raised by various industry users (over 40 articles, which are posted also in the Q&A corner of,). He also shows his own examples for 40 Inventive principles; they include illustrated examples for all the 104 sub-principles, examples from the areas of IT/SW, chemistry, and biology.
Contradiction Matrix (in the classical form) is also installed in the HP so that the inputs of an improving parameter and a worsening parameter return the outputs of four inventive principles. He writes an interesting suggestion that a simple Google search with a keyword of target object and a second keyword of function/property can give the information very similar to the results from TRIZ Effects database. At the end of the site, several case studies of solving problems with TRIZ are demonstrated. This is an interesting site giving us a lot of new suggestions.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-17 □ IdeaPlant (Rikie Ishii) (in Japanese) , Rikie Ishii's Activity Report (in Japanese) , (in English) (only partly) Location jp Language jp Roles (e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers
Promoting idea generation methods by using originally designed small tools
IdeaPlant was a name of a group organized by Rikie Ishii in 2005 in Sendai, with the intention of 'a place for growing seeds of ideas into large trees'. (The group seems to have worked in the name of 'Miyagi TRIZ Study Group' for a certain time.) Ishii made the IdeaPlant as a business in 2009.
He has been working energetically for raising creative persons and creative organizations, mostly by devising/practicing/proliferating the methods/processes/tools for enhancing the idea generation. He has produced 'TRIZ Brainstorming Cards' (i.e., playing cards with simplified phrases and illustrations of TRIZ 40 Principles), 'BreStir' (i.e., a playing process for enjoying and activating the Brain Storming using some specialized cards), among others.
He conducts many 'Workshops for enhancing idea generation' at various industries, universities, high schools, local communities, etc., getting high reputation on his vivid way of workshops. His activities at various places in Japan (and some in neighboring countries) are reported frequently in his blog "Activity Reports by Rikie Ishii". He also actively uses various IT media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SlideShare, etc. We can learn his way of workshops and idea generation through his presentation slides, "Techniques for creative idea generation" at his 5-hour mini-lecture and workshop held in Kyoto in February 2018. . His presentation is always attractive with his illustrations and good design sense.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-29 □ MEMODAS (Kimihiko Hasegawa) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e2) Software/tool developers
Develped a software tool for generting/expanding ideas by using 8 cells around in a fractal manner
MEMODAS is a software tool for supporting idea generation by writing keywords/ideas in 8 cells around a JP-center cell and forming further a fractal network of ideas visually.
Sites Descriptions, Sites Around TRIZ
JP-36 ○ Idea Marathon Institute (Takeo Higuchi) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations
Established a method for cultivating creativity by simply generating and recording one (or more) ideas every day.
A simple method to think of and write down one idea (or more) every day. Proven to be effective for training oneself to be creative in 3 months, in companies, universities, kinder gardens, schools, etc.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-19 □ J-STAGE (operated by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp, en Site search (in English, in TRIZ) 71 pages
Roles (f3) Repository, (c2) National organizations, Including: TN3D-42
Official electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan, operated by JST under MEXT.
J-STAGE is an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan, developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), under MEXT.
It posts academic publications in Japan exhaustively, including over 2000 journals, conference proceedings, and reviews published by various academic societies and research organizations in Japan. Up-to-date issues and back numbers (back to the old initial issues for important journals) of journals are available. Users may be registered without charge, and can read and download abstract and the first page for any paper freely. Full text of individual papers may be, depending on the journal, either readable and downloadable freely, or accessible under individual authentication by the publishing society, or accessible after individual payment.
The Yahoo search inside the J-STAGE site with the keyword TRIZ gives 291 hits. It may be possible that some more TRIZ-related papers published in old days are newly restored here in coming years. We should watch this site as an important and reliable academic information source.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3]
JP-24 □ Dai-ichi Kousha (Akihiro Katahira) (in Japanese) (in English, on Fuda-Yose Tool) Location jp Language jp Roles (i3) Personal Web site, (e2) Software/tool developers
Develped "Fuda-Yose" software tool for effective visual thinking to get and expand ideas.
Akihiro Katahira started to build this site in 2013 and has been developing it further till present. He understands that the act of Thinking is the repetition of two phases, i.e., 'Thinking out' (to get an idea useful for him/herself) and 'Evaluation and decision'. Then in this Web site Katahira is trying to figure out 'What should we do to Think out better and more effectively?'.
He posts many interesting working papers on 'How to Think out' according to his own thoughts and in his own terms. Recently he developed and published a software tool of 'Fuda-Yose method', which allows to handle many labels (on which any keywords, short sentences, or figures are written) to move them around in various arrangements on the Excel window for stimulating users to think out. The Fuda-Yose Tool is also introduced in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" together with a number of application examples.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-37 □ Netman (Ken-ichi Nagaya) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp Roles (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations
Consulting and training especially on the methods for making any trained/taught things fixed.
Promoter of IT-based learning. Improving PDCA cycle, he proposes P (Goal setting) - D (Habitual actions) - C (Reflection) - F (Feedback) - A (Action improvement). PDCFA can be supported by a group c-learning software system.
JP-39 □ JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) (in Japanese) ; (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (c2) National organizations
National center for promoting science and technology under the Ministry, MEXT.
National center for promoting science and technology under the Ministry, MEXT. Responsible for proposing S&T strategic plans to MEXT and leading/promoting front-end researches along the strategy.
JP-40 □ NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) (in Japanese) ; (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (c2) National organizations
National agency for managing R&D under METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). It leads and funds pioneering R&D projects.
National agency for managing R&D under METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). It leads and funds pioneering R&D projects in the fields shown in its name.
JP-42 □ JCS (Japan Creativity Society) (in Japanese) ; (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies
Academic society (since 1979) on creativity in education, psychology, industries, society, etc.
Academic society established in 1979, focused on creativity in the aspects of education, psychology, methods, applications, industrial use, social promotion, etc. Publishing an academic journal, and organizing annual research conferences.
JP-43 □ JUSE (Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers) (in Japanese) ; (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (b1) Dedicated association
Having led the QC movements (including QC, TQC, TQM) in Japan since 1946
Restarted in 1946 and led the QC movements (including QC, TQC, TQM) in Japan after World War II. Active in trainings on business management. Though the areas of intended goals overlaps with TRIZ, it looks like JUSE is not interested in TRIZ.
JP-44 □ JSQC (Japanese Society for Quality Control) (in Japanese) ; (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies
Academic society (since 1970) for research in quality-management technologies and their applications
Established in 1970 for furthering research into quality-management technologies and their applications.
JP-45 □ SJVE (Society of Japanese Value Engineering) (in Japanese) ; (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (b1) Dedicated association
VE aims at designing systems focusing on function/cost. Two groups inside SJVE have been working actively to study and apply TRIZ in the process of VE.
VE aims at designing systems focusing on function/cost, and is close to TRIZ. Two groups inside SJVE have been working actively to study and apply TRIZ in the process of VE.
[Written by Nakagawa T. on 2018/4/3; Much enhancement of description is desirable.]
JP-48 □ JIII (Japan Instititue of Invention and Innovation) (in Japanese) ;
JIPII (Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation) (in Japanese) ; (in English) ; Location jp Language jp, en Roles (b1) Dedicated association
Established in 1904 for promoting invention and proliferating Intellectual Property, and has its chapters in all prefectures in Japan.
JIII was established in 1904 for promoting invention and proliferating Intellectual Property, and has its chapters in all prefectures in Japan. JIPII was separated from JIII in 2015 as an organization for conducting seminars and surveys.
JP-58 □ JAIST (Japan Advaced Institute of Science and Technology) (Susumu Kunifuji) (in Japanese) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (d1) Universities
Active in research and teaching of creative thinking methodologies
Susumu Kunifuji was Professor (1992-2017) and is Emeritus Professor (2017-) at School of Knowledge Science of JAIST . He was inspired by Prof. Jiro Kawakita, originator of the KJ method, while his college days and has been working to develop the methods and tools for creative thinking.
JP-59 □ (The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering) (in Japanese); (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (d1) Universities
Educational project established in 2009 by the Center for Knowledge Structuring (The University of Tokyo) for fostering innovative leaders
“ is an educational project established in 2009 by the Center for Knowledge Structuring, The University of Tokyo, with the aim of fostering innovative leaders.” Professor Hideyuki Horii is the leader.
JP-60 □ Keio SDM (Keio University, Graduate School of System Design and Management) (in Japanese); (in English) Location jp Language jp, en Roles (d1) Universities
Currently the most active graduate school in Japan in educating/training innovative methodology.
“We provide our students opportunities to learn how to design innovative technological systems, to find solutions to social problems, and to become project leaders.” Currently Keio SDM is the most active graduate school in Japan in educating/training innovative methodology. Professor Takashi Maeno is the dean of SDM.
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Last updated on Jun. 30, 2020.. Access point: Editor: