WTSP Working Material: | |
Preliminary Internet Search (3D) of TRIZ-related Sites in a Wider Scope |
Posted: Sept. 12, 2019 |
For going to Japanese pages, press buttons.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 11, 2019)
This is the 5th trial of the '3rd round' Preliminary Internet Search of TRIZ-related Web sites in a wider scope. The sites written in English and located in the whold world are surveyed.
Extending the preceding cases further, the key words are set as:
(Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity)
(Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis)
(Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")
These Key words are designed to specify the goals first (i.e., Quality, Value, Cost, or Productivity), then the action for achieving them (i.e., Deploy, Engineering, Management, Control, or Analysis), and finally the ways of processing (i.e., Method, Technique, Theory, Process, or Case study). These Key words intend to complement the former Key words shuch as 'Creative Problem Solving' and 'Innovation'. This survey has resulted in 223 sites most of which are new and not overlapping with the former surveys.This page is designed similar to the previous pages of the (3A2)(3B) and (3C) cases:
In the present page, the process of searching and handling the sites is described first , and then the Web sites obtained with significance are shown in a simple tabular form where the sites are re-arranged according to the importance in our WTSP Catalogs.A .docx file is attached to show some more details of the individual sites. The initial part of the .docx file (describing the ◎ and ○ sites) is illustrated as examples at the bottome of this HTML page .
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country |
(3D) Quality/Value/Cost |
Preliminary Internet Search (3D) of TRIZ-related Sites in a Wider Scope
Preliminary Search for WTSP sites widely
in the English Language in the whole world(3D) Keyword:
(Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity) (Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis) (Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")
Toru Nakagawa Jul. 18, 2019, Internet search
Sept. 11, 2019 Processing finishedThe conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: (Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity) (Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis) (Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")
(b) Language of the sites: English
(c) Location of the sites: Not specified (i.e., the whole world)
(d) Searcher's location: Not used (i.e., neutral from Japan)
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.japan(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the search for TRIZ-related pages inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxResults:
223 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. Recorded in a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Survey again with the keyword site:[URL of the site domain] (Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity) (Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis) (Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")Note: The search result this time looks very good, and relevant.
Further working process:
Visit the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Name of the site and URL of the site are recorded.
--- This record of site title is placed before the page title output by the search engine.Using the URL output by the option (f), the internal search of the site is carried out. The number of pages hit with this survey is recorded as the No. of pages. Taking a glance at the output page titles and text excerpts are useful for roughly understand the nature of the site.
For most of the sites, the description in 'About us' and similar pages are quoted here, for obtaining the rough idea of the sites.
Following the Practice Guide posted recently, information of Site Location, Site Language, and Roles of the site are recorded. However, Site Location is not easy to find in many cases, and Site Languages (especially besides English) are not checked thoroughly. The two information need to be examined later.
In the present case, I put much attention in finding the Roles of the site. (The 'About us' pages are useful to find the Roles.)
Then the sites are roughly evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ ☐ △ -
Note: In cases of two marks together, they mean evaluation choices not sure yet. E.g., □△ means '□or △'.
Note: There are many Web sites, especially of companies, saying 'high quality products', 'supporting your business process management', etc. without showing the methods themselves. Difficult to distinguishing (or excluding) such sites on the user sides.
Thus the present evaluation should be regarded tentative and need to be checked by other people familiar in these various fields.After having processed all the sites, the record of the displayed page for each site is erased, because it has no usage any more.
Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Sites are now re-arranged according to the evaluation: ◎ ○ □ △ -.
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (14 sites, including 7 already listed sites)
◎○: ( 2 sites, including 1 already listed site)○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (29 sites, including 5 already listed sites)
○□: (9 sites, including 1 already listed sites)☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (78 sites, including 2 already listed sites)
□△: ( 8 sites, including 0 already listed sites)△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ===== ( 29 sites, including 0 already listed sites)
△-: (7 sites, including 0 already listed sites)- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== ( 41 sites, including 0 already listed sites)
For each site, the description of "About us" are extracted from the site and shown.
The page shown by the search engine is now deleted, because of no significant value left.In the Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", the sites evaluated as ◎ ○ □ △ are shown in a tabular form.
Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines.
Survey Results: (Simplified for posting in HTML (Jul. 5, 2019, TN))
207 sites rearranged in the order of their evaluation.
Evaluation symbol; Site name; Site domain URL; No. of pages hit in the site search; Countly; Language; and Roles of the site
Note: The record shown below forms a big table. You may select the whole table at once and Copy & Paste it into MS Word or Excel without specifying any particular format.
◎: Most important in the World Catalog ===== (14 sites, including 7 already listed sites) |
Eval |
Sitge name |
Site domain URL |
site search pages |
Country |
Language |
Roles |
◎ | ASQ (American Society of Quality) |
https://asq.org/ | 21,400 | USA | en | (b1) Dedicated associations | |
◎ |
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) |
https://www.iso.org/ | 14,100 |
Switzerland |
en |
(c1) International organizations |
◎ |
PMI (Project Management Institute) |
https://www.pmi.org | 8,310 |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training oganizations |
◎ |
Project Smart |
https://www.projectsmart.co.uk/ | 1,220 |
UK |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a2) Public Web site, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
◎ |
Value Based Management.net |
https://www.valuebasedmanagement.net/ | 344 |
Netherlands |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
◎ |
CFI (Corporate Finance Institute) |
https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com | 3,070 |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations, (e4) Consultants |
◎ |
iSixSigma |
https://www.isixsigma.com/ | 20,700 |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a2) Public Web site, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
◎L |
Wikipedia |
https://en.wikipedia.org/ | 505,000 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
◎L |
Springer |
https://www.springer.com/ | 104,000 |
en |
(f2) Publishers |
◎L |
YouTube |
https://www.youtube.com/ | 36,300,000 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
◎L |
Amazon |
https://www.amazon.co.jp/ | 21,300 |
en |
(f4) Book sellers |
◎L |
Harvard Business Review |
https://hbr.org/ | 21,400 |
en |
(d1) Universities |
◎L |
edX |
https://www.edx.org/ | 1,150 |
en |
(d1) Universities, (h3) Educational organizations |
◎L |
Stanford University |
https://web.stanford.edu/ | 42,400 |
en |
(d1) Universities |
------------------------------------------------------- |
◎○: ◎ or ○ ( 2 sites, including 1 already listed site) |
◎○ | ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) | https://www.asme.org/ | 6,450 | USA | en | (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (e5) Training organizations, | |
◎○L | Science Direct | https://www.sciencedirect.com/ | 20,900,000 | en | (f2) Publishers |
○ : Important in the World Catalog ====== ( 29 sites, including 5 already listed sites) |
Eval |
Sitge name |
Site domain URL |
site search pages |
Country |
Language |
Roles |
○ |
Infinity QS |
https://www.infinityqs.com/ | 1,640 |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers |
○ |
Semantic Scholar (AI2 (Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence)) |
https://www.semanticscholar.org/ | 3,490,000 |
en |
(f5) Information retrieval |
○ |
APQC (American Productivity & Quality Center) |
https://www.apqc.org/ | 3,850 |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (b3) International conferences |
○ |
Lean Enterprise Institute |
https://www.lean.org/ | 6,790 |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations |
○ |
Business News Daily |
https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/ | 1,580 |
en |
(g2) Technology news |
○ |
ISO Translated into Plain English |
https://www.praxiom.com/ | 299 |
Canada |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (c4) Professional organizations |
○ |
Guru99 |
https://www.guru99.com/ | 2,820 |
India |
en |
(e5) Training organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
○ |
Business.com |
https://www.business.com | 5,960 |
en |
(a3) Hub sites, (a1) Dedicatd for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
○ |
Minitab |
https://www.minitab.com/ | 1,140 |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e5) Training organizations, (e4) Consultants |
○ |
TutorialsPoint |
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/ | 34,900 |
India |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending |
○ |
CiteSeerX |
http://csxstatic.ist.psu.edu/home | 6,810,000 |
en |
(f5) Information retrieval, (f3) Repository |
○ |
AOM (Academy of Management) |
https://aom.org/ | 47,300 |
en |
(b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (f1) Journals |
○ |
BC (British Columbia) Open Textbooks |
https://opentextbc.ca/ | 4,580 |
Canada |
en |
(c3) Municipal organizations, (h3) Universities, (h3) Educational organizations |
○ |
PRIMO (Public Risk Management Organisation) |
https://www.primo-europe.eu/ | 240 |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (d5) Research project |
○ |
https://www.cio.com/ | 19,000 |
en |
(g2) Technology news, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (a2) Public Web sites |
○ |
DPM (The Digital Project Manager) |
https://thedigitalprojectmanager.com/ | 306 |
Canada |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e5) Training organizations, (e2) Software/tool developers |
○ |
Deacom |
https://deacom.com/ | 288 |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e8) Solution developers |
○ |
CMBOK (Case Management Body of Knowledge) (by CCMC (Commission for Case Manager Certification)) |
https://www.cmbodyofknowledge.com/ | 36 |
en |
(c4) Professional organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
○ |
SM (Strategic Management) Insight (by Ovidijus Jurevicius) |
https://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com | 48 |
Lithuania |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (i1) Individual researchers |
○ |
Quality Assurance Solutions |
https://www.quality-assurance-solutions.com/ | 605 |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (i1) Individual researchers |
○ |
Project Manager |
https://www.projectmanager.com/ | 861 |
New Zealand, USA |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations |
○ |
KM (Knowledge Management) World |
https://www.kmworld.com/ | 3,580 |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (f2) Publishers, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g2) Technology news |
○ |
Appian |
https://www.appian.com/ | 1,500 |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers |
○ |
Blue Ocean |
https://www.blueoceanstrategy.com/ | 404 |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers |
○L |
Emerald Insight |
https://www.emeraldinsight.com/ | 388,000 |
UK |
en |
(f2) Publisher |
○L |
J-Stage |
https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/ | 470,000 |
Japan |
en |
(f3) Repository, (c2) National organizations |
○L |
MindTools |
https://www.mindtools.com/ | 989 |
UK |
en |
(e1) Method developers |
○L |
Taylor & Francis Online |
https://www.tandfonline.com/ | 10,200, 000 |
en |
(f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository |
○L |
ToolsHero |
https://www.toolshero.com | 917 |
en |
------------------------------------------- |
○□: ○ or □ ( 9 sites, including 1 already listed sites) |
○□ |
WBDG (Whole Building Design Guide) |
https://www.wbdg.org/ | 5,340 |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (c2) National organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
○□ |
Method 123 |
https://www.method123.com/ | 322 |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers |
○□ |
MSG (Management Study Guide) |
https://www.managementstudyguide.com/ | 4,290 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing, (h3) Training organizations, (h3) Educational organizations |
○□ |
TargetProcess |
https://www.targetprocess.com/ | 1,560 |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, |
○□ |
IT Process Maps |
https://wiki.en.it-processmaps.com/ | 80 |
en, de |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
○□ |
STH (Software Testing Help) |
https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/ | 2,000 |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a3) Hub sites, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
○□ |
Quality Magazine |
https://www.qualitymag.com/ | 13,300 |
en |
(f1) Journals, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g2) Technology news |
○□ |
JMP Statistical Discovery from SAS |
https://www.jmp.com/ | 5,020 |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developer, (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations |
○□L |
https://www.jstor.org/ | 7,550,000 |
en |
(f3) Repository |
======================================================================== |
☐ : Worthy in the World Catalog ===== ( 78 sites, including 2 already listed sites) |
Eval |
Sitge name |
Site domain URL |
site search pages |
Country |
Language |
Roles |
□ |
Edraw |
https://www.edrawsoft.com/ | 3,140 |
(e2) Software/tool developer |
□ |
Cost Engineering |
https://www.costengineering.eu/ | 99 |
Netherlands |
(e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations |
□ |
Transition Support |
https://transition-support.com/ | 171 |
(e1) Method developers, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
YAWL (QUT (Queensland University of Technology)) |
https://yawlfoundation.org/ | 89 |
(d1) Universities, (e1) Method developers |
□ |
Investopedia |
https://www.investopedia.com | 24,800 |
(g3) Knowledge sharing, (g5) Term dictionaries |
□ |
Q-1 (Quality-One) |
https://quality-one.com/ | 331 |
(e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations |
□ |
Business Online Learning |
https://www.business-online-learning.com/ | 170 |
(e5) Training organizations |
□ |
Quality Control in Manufacturing Process |
https://www.qima.com/ | 724 |
Hong Kong |
(h1) Industrial organizations |
□ |
Software Testing Fundamental |
https://softwaretestingfundamentals.com/ | 47 |
(g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Roadmap to a Culture of Quality Improvement (NACCHO (National Association of County and City Health Officials)) |
https://qiroadmap.org/ | 61 |
(c4) Professional organizations |
□ |
SmartSheet |
https://www.smartsheet.com/ | 1,750 |
(e2) Software/tool developer, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
DataLyzer |
https://www.datalyzer.com/ | 90 |
(e2) Software/tools developers, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
QualityInspection.org (Renaud Anjoran) |
https://qualityinspection.org | 1,150 |
China |
(i4) Personal blog sites, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) |
https://www.aafp.org/ | 9,600 |
en |
(b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
VDMbee (The Value Management Platform) |
https://vdmbee.com | 168 |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers |
□ |
QPR Software Plc |
https://www.qpr.com/ | 404 |
Finland |
en |
(e2) Software/Tool developers, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
TSB (The Thriving Small Business) (Patricia Lotich) |
https://thethrivingsmallbusiness.com/ | 325 |
(e4) Consultants, (i4) Personal blog sites |
□ |
PM4ID (Project Management for Instructional Designers) |
https://pm4id.org/ | 53 |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing, (d1) Universities |
□ |
ClinLab Navigator |
https://www.clinlabnavigator.com/ | 731 |
(a1) Dedicated for Information Sending, (g2) Technology news, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
6Kare |
https://www.6kare.com/ | 28 |
Netherlands |
(e2) Software/tool developers |
□ |
PYX4 |
https://www.pyx4.com/ | 41 |
en, fr, es |
(e2) Software/tool developers |
□ |
WinSPC |
https://www.winspc.com | 97 |
(e2) Software/tool developers |
□ |
Project Management Academy |
https://projectmanagementacademy.net/ | 298 |
(e5) Training organizations |
□ |
ActiveOps |
https://activeops.com/ | 91 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers |
□ |
DCS (Dimensional Control Systems) |
https://www.3dcs.com/ | 91 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
DS (Dassault Systemes) BIOVIA |
https://www.3dsbiovia.com/ | 924 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e5) Training organizations, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
COST (The European Cooperation in Science and Technology) |
https://www.cost.eu/ | 219 |
(c5) Funding organization, |
□ |
Sparta Systems |
https://www.spartasystems.com/ | 59 |
(e2) Software/tool developers |
□ |
IVMA (Institute of Value Management Australia) |
https://www.ivma.org.au/ | 50 |
Australia |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e5) Training organization |
□ |
https://www.facton.com/ | 171 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers |
□ |
ROI Management Consulting |
https://www.roi-international.com/ | 292 |
Germany |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
□ |
BIA (Business Improvement Architects) |
https://bia.ca/ | 290 |
Canada |
(e4) Consultants, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Intelligen.Inc. |
https://www.intelligen.com/ | 56 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
Kestrel Management |
https://kestrelmanagement.com/ | 176 |
(e4) Consultants, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Project Management Skills (Michael Martinez) |
https://www.project-management-skills.com/ | 30 |
(i3) Personal Web site, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Quality by Vision |
https://www.qbyv.com/ | 38 |
(h2) Companies, (e2) Software/tool developers |
□ |
Capptions |
https://capptions.com/ | 31 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
DTI (Donation & Transplantation Institute) -TPM (Transplant Procurement Management) Foundation |
https://tpm-dti.com/ | 62 |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (e5) Training organizations, |
□ |
FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) |
https://www.fda.gov/ | 21,700 |
(c2) National organizations, |
□ |
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) |
https://oig.nasa.gov/ | 730 |
(c2) National organizations |
□ |
ISO 9000 Store (Standards Stores since 2001) |
https://the9000store.com/ | 266 |
(e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers, (e5) Training organizations |
□ |
https://www.plutora.com/ | 374 |
(d1) Method developers, (d2) Software/tools developers, (d4) Consultants |
□ |
DELMIA / Apriso (Dassault Systems) |
https://www.apriso.com | 1,610 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) |
https://www.fao.org/ | 148,000 |
en |
(c1) International organizations, |
□ |
EMA (European Medicines Agency) |
16,300 |
EU |
(c4) Professional organizations, (c1) International organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending |
□ |
More Steam |
https://www.moresteam.com/ | 425 |
(e5) Training organization, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
https://www.quest-global.com/ | 1,170 |
Singapore |
(h2) Companies, (e8) Solution providers, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Vitex Extrusion |
https://vitexextrusions.com/ | 70 |
(h2) Companies, (e8) Solution providers, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
https://www.cebos.com/ | 164 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants |
□ |
Eisenhower |
https://www.eisenhower.me/ | 17 |
Germany |
(e2) Software/tool developer |
□ |
ResearchLEAP |
https://researchleap.com/ | 2,160 |
(f1) Journals, (a2) Public Web sites, |
□ |
Camo Analytics |
https://www.camo.com/ | 639 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations |
□ |
Wrike |
https://www.wrike.com/ | 1,670 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
https://www.bmc.com/ |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution developers, |
□ |
Lean Production (Lean made easy by Vorne) |
https://www.leanproduction.com/ | 19 |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e2) Software/tool developers |
□ |
Saylor.org (Saylor Academy) |
https://learn.saylor.org/ | 3,020 |
(h3) Educational organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
TIBCO (TIBCO Software Inc.) |
https://www.tibco.com/ | 267 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
https://www.etq.com/ | 91 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
EFMD Global Network |
https://efmdglobal.org/ | 588 |
Belgium |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (c4) Professional organizations, (c1) International organizations, (d1) Universities |
□ |
Seebo |
https://www.seebo.com/ | 38 |
Israel |
(e1) Method developers, (e2) Software/tool developers, (h2) Companies, |
□ |
Interact |
https://www.interact-eu.net/ | 444 |
EU |
(c1) International organizations, (e7) Networking/matching organizations |
□ |
Architizer |
https://architizer.com/ | 1,510 |
(h1) Industrial organizations, (g6) Museums, exhibitions |
□ |
PM (Project Management) PrepCast (OSP International LLC) |
https://www.project-management-prepcast.com/ | 1,570 |
(e5) Training organizations |
□ |
Signavio |
https://www.signavio.com/ | 746 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e5) Training organizations |
□ |
Renishaw |
https://www.renishaw.com/ | 6,550 |
(h2) Companies, |
□ |
TIP Technologies |
https://www.tiptech.com/ | 160 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers |
□ |
Digite |
https://www.digite.com/ | 426 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution developers, |
□ |
Scrum Guides |
https://www.scrumguides.org/ | 3 |
(e1) Method developers, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Khan Academy |
https://www.khanacademy.org/ | 14,200 |
(h3) Educational organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□ |
Master Control |
https://www.mastercontrol.com/ | 3,170 |
(h2) Companies, (e8) Solution providers |
□ |
https://www.ansys.com/ | 7,780 |
(h2) Companies, (e2) Software/tool developers, |
□ |
Plex |
https://www.plex.com/ | 628 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers |
□ |
Pivotal |
https://pivotal.io/ | 7,250 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers |
□ |
Sitel |
https://www.sitel.com/ | 79 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers |
□ |
Xerox, Fuji Xerox |
https://www.xerox.com/ | 8,640 |
(h2) Companies, |
□ |
The Seattle Times |
https://www.seattletimes.com/ | 8,360 |
(g1) Mass media, (g2) Technology news, |
□L |
https://www.heflo.com/ | 328 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants |
□L |
Sparta Systems |
https://www.spartasystems.com/ | 369 |
------------------------------------------- |
□△: □ or △ ( 8 sites, including 0 already listed sites) |
□△ |
Engineering USA |
https://www.engusa.com/ | 301 |
(e4) Consultants |
□△ |
Business.org |
https://www.business.org | 218 |
(h4) User groups |
□△ |
Carnegie Mellon University |
https://www.cmu.edu/ | 9,630 |
(d1) Universities |
□△ |
Francesco Cirillo |
https://francescocirillo.com/ | 62 |
Germany |
(e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers |
□△ |
James Clear |
https://jamesclear.com/ | 98 |
(i3) Personal Web sites, (a1) Dedicated for information sending |
□△ |
Cerasis |
https://cerasis.com/ | 1,800 |
(e4) Consultants, (h2) Companies, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
□△ |
Sievo |
https://sievo.com | 60 |
Finland |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants |
□△ |
ENTSOG (the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas) |
https://www.entsog.eu/ | 1,180 |
(h1) Industrial organizations, (c1) Intgernational organizations |
======================================================================== |
△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ===== ( 29 sites, including 0 already listed sites) |
Eval |
Sitge name |
Site domain URL |
site search pages |
Country |
Language |
Roles |
△ |
Process Improvement Japan |
https://www.process-improvement-japan.com/ | 46 |
Jp, au |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
Tradex |
https://www.tradexfoods.com/t | 89 |
(h2) Companies |
△ |
Marposs |
https://www.marposs.com/ | 1,010 |
Italy |
(h2) Companies |
△ |
KURENAI (Kyoto University Research Information Repository) |
https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ | 19,900 |
Japan |
(d1) Universities |
△ |
Bruker |
https://www.bruker.com/ | 6,710 |
(h2) Companies |
△ |
Schenck Process |
https://www.schenckprocess.com/ | 1,150 |
Germany |
(h2) Companies |
△ |
HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) |
https://www.himss.org/ | 5,500 |
(h4) User organizations |
△ |
AccountingTools (Steven Bragg) |
https://www.accountingtools.com/ | 2,850 |
(i4) Personal Blog sites |
△ |
British Assessment Bureau |
https://www.british-assessment.co.uk/ | 242 |
UK |
(e5) Training organization |
△ |
LIDSEN Publishing Inc. |
https://www.lidsen.com/ | 81 |
(f2) Publishers |
△ |
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Farm Service Agency |
https://www.fsa.usda.gov/ | 11,800 |
(c2) National organizations |
△ |
Research Navi (National Diet Library, Japan) |
https://rnavi.ndl.go.jp/ | 16 |
Japan |
jp |
(f3) Repository, (c2) National organizations |
△ |
INVEST (Indian Value Engineering Society) |
https://www.invest-in.org/ | 17 |
India |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (e5) Training organizations |
△ |
Optimiza |
https://optimiza.me/ | 24 |
Jordan |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
KQERG (Kansai Quality Engineering Research Group, Japan) |
https://kqerg.jimdo.com/ | 2 |
Japan |
jp, en |
(b1) dedicated associations, (h4) User organizations, |
△ |
https://www.criq.qc.ca/ | 89 |
Canada |
(e4) Consultants |
△ |
PMC (PubMed Central, U.S. NIH/NLM) |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ |
(f3) Repository, (c2) National organization |
△ |
Improsys (Improvement in systems) |
https://www.improsys.in/ | 178 |
India |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants |
△ |
Sigma Thermal |
https://www.sigmathermal.com/ | 67 |
(h2) Companies, (e4) Consultants, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
△ |
Product Management 101 (Thaisa Fernandez) |
https://medium.com/productmanagement101/ | 1,980,000 |
(i4) Personal blog sites, |
△ |
Code Climate |
https://codeclimate.com/ | 908 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants |
△ |
Angular |
https://angular.io/ | 383 |
(h2) Companies, (e2) Software/tool developers |
△ |
Formpipe |
https://www.formpipe.com/ | 172 |
(e2) Software/tool developers, |
△ |
Arrow @ TU Dublin (Technological University Dublin) |
https://arrow.dit.ie/ | 9,500 |
Ireland |
(f3) Repository, (d1) Universities |
△ |
TenStep |
https://www.portfoliostep.com/ | 18 |
(e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations |
△ |
APB Consultant |
https://isoconsultantpune.com/ | 327 |
(e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organization |
△ |
GenieBelt |
https://geniebelt.com/ | 1,840 |
Denmark, UK |
(h2) Companies, (e8) Solution providers |
△ |
NeoCase |
https://www.neocasesoftware.com/ | 119 |
(e2) Software/tool developers |
△ |
Recording Connection |
https://www.recordingconnection.com/ | 765 |
(h3) Educational organizations, (e5) raining organizations |
================================== |
△-: △ or - ( 7 sites, including 0 already listed sites) |
△- |
Vision Engineering |
https://www.visioneng.jp | 9 |
Japan |
en |
(h2) Companies |
△- |
Yokogawa |
https://www.yokogawa.com/ | 85 |
Japan |
(h2) Companies |
△― |
https://www.ulvac-phi.com/ | 21 |
Japan |
(h2) Companies |
△― |
ADH Health Products, Inc. |
https://www.adhhealth.com | 27 |
(h2) Companies |
△- |
Roadmap |
https://roadmap.space/ | 10 |
(e2) Software/tool developers |
△- |
HealthKnowledge |
https://www.healthknowledge.org.uk/ | 605 |
UK |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing |
△- |
TechnoPath Clinical Diagnosis |
https://www.technopathclinicaldiagnostics.com/ | 38 |
(h2) Companies, (e8) Solution providers, (e2) SOfware/tool developwers |
Detailed Record of Sites in the .docx File for Further Work.
The initial part, describing the ◎ and ○ sites:
◎: Most important in the World Catalog ===== (14 sites, including 7 already listed sites)
◎ ASQ (American Society of Quality) asq.org/ 21,400
USA (b1) Dedicated associations このサイト内で検索
About: Who We Are: With individual and organizational members around the world, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world's corporations, organizations and communities to meet tomorrow's critical challenges. ASQ provides the quality community with training, professional certifications, and knowledge to a vast network of members of the global quality community. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, ASQ champions people passionate about quality in more than 130 countries. ASQ operates Regional Centers in North Asia, South Asia, Latin America and the Middle East/Africa. ASQ's global offices provide local access to the quality community, career development, credentials, knowledge, and information services. ASQ also collaborates with a network of World Partners® spanning 24 countries and further extends its global reach through a network of 14 registered service providers that deliver licensed ASQ training and certification exams in a specified territory.
ASQ's Vision: By making quality a global priority, an organizational imperative, and a personal ethic, ASQ becomes the community for everyone who seeks quality concepts, technology, or tools to improve themselves and their world.
ASQ's Mission: To increase the use and impact of quality in response to the diverse needs of the world.
◎ ISO (International Organization for Standardization) www.iso.org/
(c1) International organizations このサイト内で検索
About: What we do: We're a global network of the world's leading standardizers. Through our members (the national standards bodies in 163 different countries) we bring together experts from all over the world to develop International Standards.
◎ PMI (Project Management Institute) www.pmi.org 8,310 pages
USA en (b1) Dedicated associations, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training oganizations このサイト内で検索
About: Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world's leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession.
Through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research, we work to prepare more than three million professionals around the world for the Project Economy: the coming economy in which work, and individuals, are organized around projects.
Celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2019, we work in nearly every country around the world to advance careers, improve organizational success and further mature the project management profession through globally-recognized standards, certifications, communities, resources, tools, academic research, publications, professional development courses and networking opportunities.
As part of the PMI family, ProjectManagement.com creates online global communities that deliver more resources, better tools, larger networks and broader perspectives.
◎ Project Smart www.projectsmart.co.uk/ 1,220 pages
UK en (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a2) Public Web site, (g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
Top page: Project Smart is the project management resource that helps managers at all levels improve their performance. We provide an important knowledge base for those involved in managing projects of all kinds. With weekly exclusive updates, we keep you in touch with the latest project management thinking.
About: Project Smart launched in 2000 as a way to offer easy access to information about the project management profession and has grown from there. The philosophy of the website is to provide free, high-quality, ethical content in an accessible form while encouraging an open discussion. Website content is constantly updated, providing access to the latest project management thinking from a large group of subject matter experts.
Sections: Articles: Our library of articles provides valuable insights into the discipline of project management.
White papers: Our collection of white papers offers valuable insights into the discipline of project management.
Tools: A collection of twenty essential project management skills, methods, tools and competencies needed for success.
Books: Project Management Books
◎ Value Based Management.net www.valuebasedmanagement.net/ 344 pages
Netherlands en (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, このサイト内で検索
About: Value Based Management.net is a management portal specifically aimed at the information needs of senior executives with an interest in value creation, managing for value and valuation. We provide learning materials explaining management methods, models and theories on strategy, performance, finance, valuation, change, corporate governance, communication, marketing, leadership and responsibility with links to additional resources in the field.
Profile of Value Based Management.net : Management portal on value creation, managing for value and valuation. We provide information on strategy, performance, finance, valuation, change, corporate governance, communication, marketing, leadership and responsibility. Categories: articles, books, consultants, events, faqs, leaders, magazines, methods, news, opinion, organizations, research, etc. Independent (Editor) User-friendly (No password needed, free, well-organized, no pop-ups)
Sections in the Web: Articles, Boks, Dictionary, FAQ, Leaders, MBA Concepts, Organizations, Search
Categories: Strategy - Value creation; Valuation - Decision making; Organization - Change - Culture; Value of intangible assets; Leadership - Mnagement;
◎ CFI (Corporate Finance Institute) corporatefinanceinstitute.com 3,070 pages
(b1) Dedicated associations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations, (e4) Consultants このサイト内で検索
About: The modern financial analyst requires a well-rounded skill set that takes time to acquire. Some of the skills are developed in university, some are developed on the job, and some of the skills come from experience and developing a strong business intuition. At CFI, we combine all three skill sets -- theory, application, and intuition -- into a condensed, self-paced program that can be taken anytime, anywhere.
CFI's Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA)® was designed based on over 20 years of financial analyst training experience delivered by our instructors at large global banks and institutions such as BlackRock, Credit Suisse, HSBC, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Citi, and more.CFI courses give you practical skills, templates, and tools to move up the finance ladder. We pick up where business school leaves off to teach you on-the-job aspects of corporate finance, investment banking, corporate development, FP&A, treasury, accounting, and more.
CFI courses are taught by professional wall street trainers, who have been teaching classes for new hires at global investment banks for over twenty years.
◎ iSixSigma www.isixsigma.com/ 20,700 pages
USA (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a2) Public Web site, (g3) Knowledge sharing, このサイト内で検索
About: Founded in May of 2000 in Ridgefield, Connecticut, by Michael Cyger, iSixSigma is a diversified, high-tech B2B media business dedicated to providing essential information, research and how-to knowledge to help businesses and organizations worldwide improve execution.
iSixSigma provides the most comprehensive and essential Six Sigma resources available to businesses anywhere.
As the world's leading publisher and content provider for the Six Sigma community, iSixSigma helps hundreds of thousands of monthly readers learn new skills, advance their careers, and contribute to the success of their organizations through a wide range of articles, tools and practitioner forums.What We Do: Reaching hundreds of thousands of people each month through its websites, books, videos, podcasts, and subscription newsletter services, iSixSigma champions the idea that breakthrough process improvement can be accomplished by anyone within an organization. Our offerings include:
iSixSigma.com – has provided the most comprehensive and essential resources available to businesses at every stage of their Lean Six Sigma maturity and professionals at every skill level. Hundreds of thousands of monthly online readers learn new skills, advance their careers and contribute to the success of their organizations through a wide range of articles, blog posts, tools and a discussion forum.
iSixSigma Store – is an online store for templates, project examples, research reports, e-books, training materials, e-learning courses and much more – all delivered electronically for immediate download. The iSixSigma Marketplace is dedicated to providing excellence business management products for the business professional, student or instructor.What We Publish: We publish on topics that help companies become more intelligent and productive, including: Lean, Lean Six Sigma, Process Improvement, Leadership, Change Management, Theory of Constraints, BPM, …and a host of other methodologies.
◎L WIkipedia en.wikipedia.org/ 505,000
(g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
TN: There are many relevant keywords/terms explained in the Wikipedia
◎L Springer www.springer.com/ 104,000
(f2) Publishers このサイト内で検索
◎L YouTube www.youtube.com/ 36,300,000
USA (g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
◎L Amazon www.amazon.co.jp/
(f4) Book sellers このサイト内で検索
◎L Harvard Business Review hbr.org/ 21,400 pages
(d1) Universities このサイト内で検索
◎L edX www.edx.org/ 1,150 pages
(d1) Universities, (h3) Educational organizations このサイト内で検索
About: Our story: edX is the trusted platform for education and learning. Founded by Harvard and MIT, edX is home to more than 20 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world and industry-leading companies. As a global nonprofit, edX is transforming traditional education, removing the barriers of cost, location and access. Fulfilling the demand for people to learn on their own terms, edX is reimagining the possibilities of education, providing the highest-quality, stackable learning experiences including the groundbreaking MicroMasters® programs. Supporting learners at every stage, whether entering the job market, changing fields, seeking a promotion or exploring new interests, edX delivers courses for curious minds on topics ranging from data and computer science to leadership and communications. edX is where you go to learn.
◎L Stanford University web.stanford.edu/
(d1) Universities このサイト内で検索
◎○: ◎ or ○ ( 2 sites, including 1 already listed site)
◎○ ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) www.asme.org/ 6,450 pages
USA en (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (e5) Training organizations, このサイト内で検索
About ASME: ASME serves a wide-ranging engineering community through quality learning, the development of codes and standards, certifications, research, conferences and publications, government relations, and other forms of outreach.
ASME promotes the art, science & practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe.
ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods. Founded in 1880 by a small group of leading industrialists, ASME has grown through the decades to include more than 100,000 members in 140+ countries. Thirty-two thousand of these members are students.
Mission Statement: To serve diverse global communities by advancing, disseminating and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life; and communicating the excitement of engineering.
◎○L Science Direct www.sciencedirect.com/ 20,900,000
(f2) Publishers このサイト内で検索
○ : Important in the World Catalog ====== ( 29 sites, including 5 already listed sites)
○ Infinity QS www.infinityqs.com/ 1,640
(e4) Consultants, (e2) Software/tool developers このサイト内で検索
About: Our mission is to help organizations of all sizes achieve excellence in quality by providing software, services, and expertise that exceed expectations. Every InfinityQS® employee's interaction with our clients must reinforce this commitment to their organization, objectives, and goals.
Quality Policy: Quality is the foundation of our business. It extends beyond the products and services we deliver and into the core of how we operate as an organization.
History: InfinityQS was founded in 1989 by Michael A. Lyle and Christopher Kearsley. Veterans in the quality control industry, the founders saw unique marketing opportunities for manufacturers needing computerized controllers to automate various types of industrial equipment. Within the semiconductor industry, they found companies in further need of advanced analytical tools to help them better statistically monitor and control their manufacturing processes.
○ Semantic Scholar (AI2 (Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence)) www.semanticscholar.org/ 3,490,000
USA (f5) Information retrieval このサイト内で検索
Top: Semantic Scholar is a free, nonprofit, academic search engine from AI2.
How it works: We've pulled over 172 million scientific papers from sources like PubMed, Nature, and ArXiv. Our AI analyzes research papers and pulls out authors, references, figures, and topics. We link all of this information together into a comprehensive picture of cutting-edge research.
About: How Semantic Scholar can help you
○ APQC (American Productivity & Quality Center) www.apqc.org/ 3,850
USA (b1) Dedicated associations, (b3) International conferences このサイト内で検索
About: APQC (American Productivity & Quality Center) helps organizations work smarter, faster, and with greater confidence. It is the world's foremost authority in benchmarking, best practices, process and performance improvement, and knowledge management. APQC's unique structure as a member-based nonprofit makes it a differentiator in the marketplace. APQC partners with more than 500 member organizations worldwide in all industries. With more than 40 years of experience, APQC remains the world's leader in transforming organizations.
○ Lean Enterprise Institute www.lean.org/ 6,790
USA (b1) Dedicated associations このサイト内で検索
About: The Lean Enterprise Institute Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Boston, MA, with a mission to make things better through lean thinking and practice. Founded in 1997 by management expert James P. Womack, PhD, LEI conducts research, teaches educational workshops, publishes books and ebooks, runs conferences, and shares practical information about lean thinking and practice.
Our mission is to "Make things better, through lean thinking and practice." We carry out our mission through value streams: Lean Education, Lean Learning Materials, Co-Learning Partnerships, the Lean Summit conferences, and our website lean.org. In addition, we exchange information across the world through the Lean Global Network, consisting of more than a dozen nonprofit organizations similar to LEI, sharing a common mission in different countries.
○ Business News Daily www.businessnewsdaily.com/ 1,580
(g2) Technology news このサイト内で検索
About: Whether it's a food truck or a fashion line, a coffee shop or a consulting firm, Business News Daily's goal is to help entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams and to assist anyone working in a small business make smart decisions about products, services and ideas. Our reporting style is simple: We seek insights and advice from experts and then stick to the basics by bringing you concise, actionable information business owners can use to make the daily decisions required to start and grow their businesses.
Mission Statement: To provide the ideas, inspiration and solutions needed to help entrepreneurs and small business decision makers succeed.
Our History: Business News Daily was founded in 2010 as a resource for small business owners at all stages of their entrepreneurial journey. Our site is focused exclusively on giving small business advice, tutorials and insider insights. Business News Daily is owned by Business.com.
〇 ISO Translated into Plain English www.praxiom.com/ 299 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (c4) Professional organizations このサイト内で検索
Top page: We translate ISO management standards into Plain English. These standards are used to manage quality, to promote safety, to enhance security, to encourage sustainability, to control risk, to protect information, and to ensure that business continues whenever disruptive incidents occur. They're also used to protect the environment, the health and safety of workers, and the integrity of supply chains. Taken together, these standards offer a wealth of knowledge and information that both public and private organizations can use to improve their practices, to enhance their overall performance, and to achieve sustained success.
○ Guru99 www.guru99.com/ 2,820 pages
en (e5) Training organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
About Us: We at Guru99 strive to make quality education affordable to the masses. Over the years the cost of education has increased many folds to make it beyond the reach of many. You may be appalled to learn that even in most developed nations students resort to prostitution to pay up for their college tuition fees. We want to remove this financial barrier to good education. In fact, the only barrier to education must be an individuals thirst for knowledge.
Top page: Guru99 is totally new kind of learning experience. Here you learn by practice. We make tons of efforts to take boredom out of learning and make education a fun experience. Inside, you will find tons of video tutorials. All provided FREE!!!
List of Tutorials Library: Testing, Live projects, Performance testing, SAP (Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing), Defect tools, Enterprise testing, AI, Web, Test management, Big data, Must learn
○ Business.com www.business.com 5,960 pages
USA en (a3) Hub sites, (a1) Dedicatd for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
About: Our Mission: At Business.com, our mission is to help people grow their business, plain and simple. This is why millions of professionals in growing companies rely on Business.com to acquire the knowledge they need to run and advance their businesses and careers. Additionally, our vibrant community of business owners, marketers, and sales experts help further that knowledge through first-hand advice and engaging discussion.
Business.com is also where thousands of advertisers reach and engage our valuable and informed audience, helping to facilitate over half a million purchases each year, generating over $1.5 billion in sales.
○ Minitab www.minitab.com/ 1,140 pages
USA (e2) Software/tool developers, (e5) Training organizations, (e4) Consultants このサイト内で検索
Top page: What We Do: Minitab products help businesses increase efficiency and improve quality through smart data analysis.
Minitab® 19: Powerful statistical software everyone can use.
SPM® 8: Machine Learning and Predictive analytics software.
Companion by Minitab®: Tools and reporting to ensure process and product excellence.
○ TutorialsPoint www.tutorialspoint.com/ 34,900 pages
India (h3) Educational organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending このサイト内で検索
About: Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. The journey commenced with a single tutorial on HTML in 2006 and elated by the response it generated, we worked our way to adding fresh tutorials to our repository which now proudly flaunts a wealth of tutorials and allied articles on topics ranging from programming languages to web designing to academics and much more. 40 million readers read 100 million pages every month
Our content and resources are freely available and we prefer to keep it that way to encourage our readers acquire as many skills as they would like to. We don't force our readers to sign up with us or submit their details either. No preconditions and no impediments. Simply Easy Learning!Mission: Our mission is to deliver Simply Easy Learning with clear, crisp, and to-the-point content on a wide range of technical and non-technical subjects without any preconditions and impediments.
Team @ Tutorials Point: We are bunch of professionals from almost each corner of India, educated from different institutes, with technical and non-technical backgrounds, and with lot of other non commonalities but we have a common thing which is that we all are striving hard to bring the highest quality tutorials for our lovely readers.
○ CiteSeerX http://csxstatic.ist.psu.edu/home 6,810,000
USA (f5) Information retrieval, (f3) Repository このサイト内で検索
About: CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that has focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge. Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeerx attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. CiteSeerx has developed new methods and algorithms to index PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web. Citeseerx provides the following features.
○ AOM (Academy of Management) aom.org/ 47,300 pages
USA en (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (f1) Journals このサイト内で検索
About AOM: The Academy of Management is the preeminent professional association for management and organization scholars. Our worldwide members are professors and Ph.D. students in business schools at universities, academics in related social science and other fields, and practitioners who value knowledge creation and application. Founded in 1936, our global community today is nearly 20,000 strong, spanning more than 120 countries.
OUR VISION: We inspire and enable a better world through our scholarship and teaching about management and organizations.
OUR MISSION: To build a vibrant and supportive community of scholars by markedly expanding opportunities to connect and explore ideas.Journals & Publications: The Academy of Management (AOM) is committed to advancing our understanding about theory, empirical results, education, and practice in the field of management. AOM publishes six journals, each of which broadly contributes to this objective while emphasizing particular scholarly aspects.
Academy of Management Review (AMR) provides a forum to explicate theoretical insights and developments.
Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) publishes empirical articles that advance theory-based knowledge.
Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) publishes exploratory empirical research of management and organizational phenomena that theories do not adequately explain.
Academy of Management Annals (Annals) features critical and provocative reviews of the evidence emerging from management research.
Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) provides a forum to examine learning processes and management education.
Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) publishes accessible articles about important issues concerning management and business.In addition to our journals, AOM publishes a newsletter, and our annual meeting Best Papers Proceedings, both of which are available in electronic format.
○ BC (British Columbia) Open Textbooks opentextbc.ca/ 4,580 pages
Canada (c3) Municipal organizations, (h3) Universities, (h3) Educational organizations このサイト内で検索
Top page: BCcampus Open Education contributes to the development of an open future for teaching practices and educational resources.
BC Open Textbooks: Open Textbooks Adapted and Created by BC FacultyWhat is Open Education?
What are Open Educational Resources? : In the BCcampus Open Education Self-Publishing Guide, we've shared our definition of open educational resources (OER): "teaching, learning, and research resources that, through permissions granted by their creator, allow others to use, distribute, keep, or make changes to them."
What are open textbooks? : A subset of OER, open textbooks, including those found in the B.C. Open Textbook Collection, can help improve the learning experience for students while mitigating the financial barriers keeping them from achieving their academic goals.
What are open educational resources?: Modifying materials to better suit student needs, and engaging in learning design that addresses individuals is essential for creating impactful learning experiences for students.
What are Creative Commons and open licensing? : Copyright, attribution, and shareability – how are they related, and why is this important for open education?
What are Canada's open education initiatives? : Each province and territory in Canada is responsible for managing its own education requirements – there isn't a federal body to connect the educational initiatives across the nation, but the members of Canada OER have stepped up to help create a cohesive effort, specifically for open education, across the country.
○ PRIMO (Public Risk Management Organisation) www.primo-europe.eu/ 240 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (d5) Research project このサイト内で検索
About: The association Public Risk Management Organisation (PRIMO) is placed under Belgian Law as "PRIMO Europe vzw" on the 6th of December 2007 in Brussels and constituted in compliance with Title III of the Belgian Law of 27th of June 1921 (as amended by the Law of 2nd of May, 2002) as an international non-profit association.
She is founded by UDITE (Union des Dirigeants Territoriaux de l'Europe, The Union of Local Authority Chief Executives of Europe) in cooperation with EIRM (European Institute for Risk Management) and Marsh.Mission and Focus: PRIMO is established with the aim of advancing the knowledge and use of risk management within the local governmental sector, as well as the public sector at large, in Europe. To achieve this purpose PRIMO Europe will provide a comprehensive web library with risk management information, newsletters, education and conferences.
PRIMO's long-term aim is to establish risk management as a natural and integral part of good public governance. It comprises a pan-European umbrella organization of independent PRIMO national chapters and other organizations within the public sector 16 European countries, covering 16.000 managers.
○ CIO www.cio.com/ 19,000 pages
USA (g2) Technology news, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (a2) Public Web sites このサイト内で検索
About: CIO attracts the highest concentration of enterprise CIOs and business technology executives with unparalleled peer insight and expertise on business strategy, innovation, and leadership. CIO readers gain key insights on career development for themselves and their employees, including certifications, hiring practices, and skills development, along with a strong foundation in digital transformation of their businesses.
○ DPM (The Digital Project Manager) thedigitalprojectmanager.com/ 306 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e5) Training organizations, (e2) Software/tool developers このサイト内で検索
About: Founded in 2011, The Digital Project Manager has become one of the largest and most credible platforms for digital project management information and thought leadership. With feature articles, how-to guides, tools, reviews, jobs and funnies, The Digital Project Manager draws on the rapidly expanding, global audience of digital project managers.
Top page: Why Is Project Management Important?
1. Strategic Alignment: Project management is important because it ensures what is being delivered, is right, and will deliver real value against the business opportunity.
2. Leadership: because it brings leadership and direction to projects.
3. Clear Focus & Objectives : because it ensures there's a proper plan for executing on strategic goals.
4. Realistic Project Planning : because it ensures proper expectations are set around what can be delivered, by when, and for how much.
5. Quality Control: because it ensures the quality of whatever is being delivered, consistently hits the mark.
6. Risk Management: because it ensures risks are properly managed and mitigated against to avoid becoming issues.
7. Orderly Process : because it ensures the right people do the right things, at the right time – it ensures proper project process is followed throughout the project lifecycle.
8. Continuous Oversight : because it ensures a project's progress is tracked and reported properly.
9. Subject Matter Expertise: because someone needs to be able to understand if everyone's doing what they should.
10. Managing and Learning from Success and Failure : because it learns from the successes and failures of the past.
○ Deacom deacom.com/ 288 pages
USA (e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e8) Solution developers このサイト内で検索
About: Deacom was founded by Jay Deakins in 1995 in the basement of his split-level home outside of Philadelphia. After owning a process manufacturing company, Jay saw an opportunity in the market for an ERP that could solve the unique challenges process manufacturers face. Jay built the DEACOM ERP platform from the ground up while balancing programming, support, implementation, and sales with family time.
25 years, 140 employees, and 225 customers later, Deacom remains a thriving business dedicated to the success of process manufacturers around the globe. Jay continues to be the Founder and CEO, working with the Deacom team members to push the company to new heights.Top page: ERP Software for Manufacturers & Distributors: DEACOM is the enterprise resource planning system designed to meet all of your critical business needs within one, cohesive system
○ CMBOK (Case Management Body of Knowledge) (by CCMC (Commission for Case Manager Certification)) www.cmbodyofknowledge.com/ 36 pages
USA (c4) Professional organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, このサイト内で検索
About: The knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies of case managers are major factors in assuring the provision of safe and superior quality healthcare services to clients and their support systems, including their families, significant others, friends, caregivers, and others. The more current case managers are, the more they are able to demonstrate effectiveness in their case management practice and achieve desired outcomes.
To realize its mission to advance the practice of case management, the Commission for Case Manager Certification (the Commission) developed a case management knowledge framework for case managers and other healthcare professionals directly or indirectly involved in case management practice and across the continuum of health and human services and care settings. This case management knowledge framework is called the CMBOK. Unlike any other resource in the industry, the CMBOK is the only comprehensive body of knowledge that is peer-reviewed and available online for case managers and other healthcare professionals.
○ SM (Strategic Management) Insight (by Ovidijus Jurevicius) www.strategicmanagementinsight.com 48 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (i1) Individual researchers このサイト内で検索
About: SM Insight is a dedicated source of information about strategic management. We are driven by our own passion for strategic management as a field, and we aim to provide unrivaled access to information on the subject. We love strategic management, and we love writing about it for you.
We offer a high standard of quality and strive to source and deliver the best material for your use. We are trusted by over 50 universitites worldwide, including the universities and schools in the U.S., UK, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Argentina, China, as their source for strategic management material.
As customer satisfaction is very important to us, we ensure your search ends with us, and invite you to consider SM Insight your one stop shop for all things strategic management. Our website hosts a variety of material, from articles and research pieces to practical studies and real life applications of strategic management by well-known companies.About Ovidijus Jurevicius: Ovidijus is the founder of SM Insight and the lead writer since 2013. His interest and studies in strategic management turned into SM Insight project, the No.1 source on the subject online. He's been using his knowledge on strategic management and swot analysis to analyze the businesses for the last 5 years. His work is published in many publications, including three books.
Strategy tools: This section covers the essential and the most popular business strategy tools used by companies to implement their strategic plans and achieve a sustained competitive advantage. We only offer the well-researched and well-explained tools that can be instantly used by everyone!
○ Quality Assurance Solutions www.quality-assurance-solutions.com/ 605 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (i1) Individual researchers このサイト内で検索
Top page: Quality Assurance Solutions supports you in starting or improving your QA program. This site provides tools, articles, plans and recommendations to help you implement a sound and solid QA program. I assist beginners, small businesses, organizations and Quality Professionals. Our motto is "Spreading the QA Word." I want to provide as much useful information as possible about the QA World.
QA includes the application of management theories, statistics, business systems, teamwork, continuous improvement tools, data collection, standards, leadership and training. The more you study it, the more expansive it becomes. I think those of us in this field enjoy it because of this diversity.
○ Project Manager www.projectmanager.com/ 861 pages
New Zealand, USA (e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations このサイト内で検索
About: We started out in 2008 with the goal of helping project managers find out whether their projects are on track. Within just 12 months of going live, NASA and the United Nations were using our service, and now more than 20,000 managers and teams in 101 countries use it daily. Watch the video above to hear our story.
○ KM (Knowledge Management) World www.kmworld.com/ 3,580 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (f2) Publishers, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g2) Technology news このサイト内で検索
About: KMWorld is the leading publisher, conference organizer, and information provider serving the knowledge management, content management, and document management markets. We inform more than 11,000 print subscribers about the components and processes — and related success stories — that together offer solutions for improving your business performance. With access to many of the most knowledgeable writers and analysts in the industry, KMWorld also offers a number of special publications, including: the KMWorld Best Practices White Papers series — delivering high-value, educational content from industry-leading solutions providers, free from marketing hype and distraction, and the KMWorld Buyer's Guide — a print and electronic resource that will shorten your search for a vendor or simply help identify sources for KM tools.
KMWorld Magazine is free to qualified subscribers and is published monthly, with combined issues July/August and November/December. Subscribe today for free! Our newsletter, KMWorld Newslinks is also available free to qualified subscribers. KMWorld has an ongoing series of web events on the latest trends and best practices in knowledge management.
○ Appian www.appian.com/ 1,500 pages
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers このサイト内で検索
About: Who is Appian? Appian provides a low-code development platform that accelerates the creation of high-impact business applications. Many of the world's largest organizations use Appian applications to improve customer experience, achieve operational excellence, and simplify global risk management and compliance.
About Appian: Before Appian was a company, it was an idea. Not about a product or a market, but about the culture needed to sustain innovation and value. Appian was founded on the belief that talented and passionate people, given the power to be heard and the autonomy to excel, will deliver amazing results. Today, Appian is a recognized global leader in multiple enterprise technology markets. Markets called intelligent business process management systems (iBPMS), dynamic case management (DCM), digital process automation (DPA), and low-code development. Regardless of what you call it, our mission is the same. We're here to simplify what it takes to turn great ideas into powerful business applications that deliver significant value.
○ Blue Ocean www.blueoceanstrategy.com/ 404 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers このサイト内で検索
About: About the Authors: W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne are Professors of Strategy at INSEAD and authors of The New York Times Bestseller Blue Ocean Shift and the 3.6 million global bestseller Blue Ocean Strategy
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne are Professors of Strategy at INSEAD, one of the world's top business schools, and co-directors of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute in Fontainebleau, France. For ten straight years, Kim and Mauborgne have been ranked in the top five management gurus in the world by Thinkers50. They are the authors of the over 4 million copy international bestseller Blue Ocean Strategy which is recognized as one of the most iconic and impactful strategy books ever written, and a New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Los Angeles Times Bestseller Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing – Proven Steps to Inspire Confidence and Seize New Growth.A Roadmap To Help Organizations Face New Challenges With Confidence: With a speed and enthusiasm we did not expect, individuals, governments, companies, and nonprofits around the globe started to look at their world through the lens of red and blue oceans. The terms 'red oceans', 'blue oceans', and 'blue ocean strategy' soon entered the business vernacular. And the discussion moved from "What is blue ocean strategy?", to "How do we actually apply its theory and tools to shift from red to blue oceans?". To meet this new challenge, we studied the organizations that had applied our theory and methodology to create and capture blue oceans. We analyzed their successes and failures and drew lessons to understand not only the common factors leading to a successful blue ocean shift but also the pitfalls and hurdles that got in the way. After more than a decade of new analysis, we published our second book, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, Blue Ocean Shift. Blue Ocean Shift provides a roadmap any organization can apply to move from red to blue oceans in a way that their people own and drive the process to succeed.
○L Emerald Insight www.emeraldinsight.com/ 388,000
(f2) Publisher のサイト内で検索
About Emerald: A global publisher linking research and practice
○L J-Stage www.jstage.jst.go.jp/ 470,000 pages
Japan (f3) Repository, (c2) National organizations このサイト内で検索
○L MindTools www.mindtools.com/ 989 pages
(e1) Method developers このサイト内で検索
○L Taylor & Francis Online www.tandfonline.com/ 10,200, 000 pages
(f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository このサイト内で検索
○L ToolsHero www.toolshero.com 917 pages
○□: ○ or □ ( 9 sites, including 1 already listed sites)
○□ WBDG (Whole Building Design Guide) www.wbdg.org/ 5,340 pages
USA en (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (c2) National organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
About: WBDG is a gateway to up-to-date information on integrated 'whole building' design techniques and technologies. The goal of 'Whole Building' Design is to create a successful high-performance building by applying an integrated design and team approach to the project during the planning and programming phases.
The WBDG is the only web-based portal providing government and industry practitioners with one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria and technology from a 'whole buildings' perspective. Currently organized into three major categories—Design Guidance, Project Management and Operations & Maintenance—at the heart of the WBDG are Resource Pages, reductive summaries on particular topics.
Development of the WBDG is a collaborative effort among federal agencies, private sector companies, non-profit organizations and educational institutions. Its success depends on industry and government experts contributing their knowledge and experience to better serve the building community.
○□ Method 123 www.method123.com/ 322 pages
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers このサイト内で検索
About: Method123 has more than 1,400,000 customers worldwide. We were the first company to release project management templates online in 2001, so we have a long track record in helping teams deliver projects more successfully. Our Project Management Template Kit offers the complete set of templates needed to manage projects. They are the most comprehensive templates on the web. Our Project Management Methodology includes all of the Method123 templates, as well as an entire methodology for managing projects.
○□ MSG (Management Study Guide) www.managementstudyguide.com/ 4,290 pages
(g3) Knowledge sharing, (h3) Training organizations, (h3) Educational organizations このサイト内で検索
About: ManagementStudyGuide.com is an educational portal launched in 2008 with the vision of providing students and corporate workforces worldwide with access to rich, easy to understand, frequently updated instruction on many management related topics.
Management Study Guide is ISO 9001:2015 Certified Education Provider (View Certificate). Learning at MSG is highly practical and directed towards the needs of the industry. MSG's instructional content is developed and regularly updated by MSG experts who have substantial educational and industry experience.
MSG is a leading global provider of management & skill based education addressing the needs 3,000,000+ members across 198+ Countries. Our unique step-by-step, online learning model along with amazing 200+ courses prepared by top notch professionals from the Industry help participants achieve their goals successfully. All our training programs are job oriented skill based programs demanded by the Industry.List of subjects: Management basics, Management functions, Organizational behaviour, Marketing, People management, Operations, Finance, Economics
○□ TargetProcess www.targetprocess.com/ 1,560 pages
USA en (e2) Software/tool developers, このサイト内で検索
About: Company: We don't just make Agile software —it's how we built our company. Since November 2004, Targetprocess has enabled businesses to sustain a start-up culture while scaling their Agile teams. We built our company on steady, organic growth, generated almost entirely from customer referrals. We figured that if we needed or wanted to grow quickly, we'd invest in our technology. We didn't want to interrupt the process of building our entirely original, award-winning visual management tool. Betting on our product worked. Targetprocess started as a five-person company (honestly, a group of guys who wanted to tinker with the idea of Agile on their free nights and weekends). We've since grown to a team of over 120 international employees. You can find Targetprocess employees everywhere, from Belarus to Berlin to Buffalo. Our ability to scale with a distributed team draws on the culture derived from Agile principles. We make Agile project management software that you can use without a thick operations manual.
○□ IT Process Maps wiki.en.it-processmaps.com/ 80 pages
en, de (e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
About: About ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library): ITIL® describes best practices for the effective and efficient provision of IT services. ITIL® (the "IT Infrastructure Library") was first developed at the end of the 1980's by the Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA), a government agency in Great Britain. The reason for commissioning the CCTA was a lack of quality in the IT services procured by the British Government, and a method had to be found to achieve better quality at lower cost. So the CCTA set out to develop recommendations for the effective and efficient provision of IT services. This resulted in a catalogue of best practices for IT organizations, which today is known as "ITIL", the most widely accepted approach to IT service management.
ITIL has grown into a huge framework, so at some point back in 2007 we concluded that an ITIL Wiki is the best way of making this content widely accessible. The ITIL Wiki [1] includes detailed descriptions of the ITIL processes and sub-processes, complete with their inputs and outputs, ITIL roles and metrics (ITIL KPIs), plus a set of free ITIL templates and checklists from our ITIL® Process Map.
A fresh approach to ITIL®: The ITIL Process Map is a 'translation' of ITIL® into legible, easy to read process maps in Microsoft Visio®, ARIS™ and other process management platforms. It explains how ITIL really works and does away with the need to sift through the books with thousands of pages.
The ITIL Process Map covers the complete ITIL V3 Service Lifecycle: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, and Continual Service Improvement.
○□ STH (Software Testing Help) www.softwaretestinghelp.com/ 2,000 pages
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a3) Hub sites, (g3) Knowledge sharing このサイト内で検索
About: SoftwaretestingHelp.com: STH is one of the most popular blogs focusing on Software Testing and Quality Assurance topics. This blog is growing up so fast and currently, we have around thousands of testing professionals who visit every day and gain help from this blog.
Quick Stats: 2.0 million+ monthly page views; 200,000+ Email and RSS subscribers; 70,000+ Facebook fans; 30,000+ Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn followers; Most interactive Software Testing portal with 37,000+ manually approved reader's comments; Since 2006 – One of the most trusted Software Testing QA portalsThe reason behind starting this blog was to assist software testing and quality assurance professionals with their testing related queries. I want to cover each and every topic related to software testing which will be helpful for fresher's as well as experienced testing professionals. You are the part of this mission and I hope you would join us along the way.
The topics which we cover on this blog include – software testing tutorials, methodologies, manual testing, automation testing, testing tools, interview questions, web testing, testing templates, quality assurance, testing certifications, books, career guidance, job openings, latest testing trends, news, and much more that cannot be listed here on a single page.
○□ Quality Magazine www.qualitymag.com/ 13,300 pages
(f1) Journals, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g2) Technology news このサイト内で検
About: Quality serves the quality assurance and process improvement needs of more than 50,000 manufacturing professionals. We report on the use of sound metrology methods, statistical analysis and process improvement techniques to significantly improve quality on the shop floor and in manufacturing planning.
Editorial coverage focuses on the practical application of and latest advancements in Metrology Methods and Equipment, Software and Analytical Tools and Quality Management and Standards. We also provide 2 special sections – Vision & Sensors and NDT – which offer practical how-to editorial.
○□ JMP Statistical Discovery from SAS www.jmp.com/ 5,020 pages
USA (e2) Software/tool developer, (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations このサイト内で検索
About: The JMP and SAS Connection: JMP has been a part of SAS since the first version of JMP statistical discovery software was launched in 1989, bringing interactive data visualization and analysis to the desktop. SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative solutions, SAS helps customers at more than 60,000 sites improve performance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976 SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®
About JMP: JMP is a business unit of SAS that produces interactive software for desktop statistical discovery. Pronounced "jump," its name suggests a leap in interactivity, a move in a new direction. John Sall, SAS co-founder and Executive Vice President, created this dynamic software and remains its chief architect and leader of the JMP division. Introduced in 1989 with scientists and engineers in mind, JMP has grown into a family of statistical discovery products used worldwide in almost every industry. From its beginnings, JMP software has empowered its users by enabling interactive analytics on the desktop.
JMP products continue to complement – and are often deployed with – SAS solutions that provide server-based business intelligence. The SAS commitment to accuracy, value and quality is evident in every JMP software release. Training, technical support, licensing and distribution are provided to JMP users the world over through SAS. Teams specializing in JMP products are located in the United States, Europe, China and Japan.
○□L JSTOR www.jstor.org/ 7,550,000
USA (f3) Repository このサイト内で検索
About: JSTOR is a digital library for scholars, researchers, and students. JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. We help you explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. We collaborate with the academic community to help libraries connect students and faculty to vital content while lowering costs and increasing shelf space, provide independent researchers with free and low-cost access to scholarship, and help publishers reach new audiences and preserve their content for future generations.
JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization that also includes Artstor, Ithaka S+R, and Portico.
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Last updated on Apr. 3, 2020.. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp