World WTSP Catalog (TN3C Part) Index | |
World TRIZ Sites Project |
Surveyor: Toru Nakagawa (OGU) |
Catalog setting: Toru Nakagawa |
Posted: Jul. , 2019; Updated: Apr. 27; May 31, 2022 |
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 29, 2019)
Preliminary Internet Searches (3rd round)
with Keyword Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology) ,
Site language in English, in the worldInternet Search with Yahoo.Japan has resulted in 194 sites. Tentatively evaluated as:the world
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog --- 3 sites
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ------------ 36 sites
□ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog --------------- 78 sites
△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ---------------- 70 sites
- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ------- 19 sitesIn the World WTSP Catalog, we include the ◎○□ sites.
Note (TN, Jul. 29, 2019): The evaluations in this case need to be checked mor severely.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 27, 2022)
This page has been revised much by extending the descriptions of many sites (mostly evaluated initially as □ or □△).
Site Description page | ◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ or ー Sites (Deleted from World Catalogs) |
Preliminary Internet Search (3C) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope
Preliminary Search for WTSP sites widely in the English Language in the whole world
(3C) Keyword: Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)
Jul. 5, 2019, Toru Nakagawa
The conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)
(b) Language of the sites: English
(c) Location of the sites: Not specified (i.e., the whole world)
(d) Searcher's location: Not used (i.e., neutral from Japan)
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.japan(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the search for TRIZ-related pages inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxResults:
200 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. Recorded in a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Survey again with the keyword site:[URL of the site domain] Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)Note: The search result this time looks very good, and relevant.
Further working process:
Visit the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Name of the site and URL of the site are recorded.
--- This record of site title is placed before the page title output by the search engine.Using the URL output by the option (f), the internal search of the site is carried out. The number of pages hit with this survey is recorded as the No. of pages. Taking a glance at the output page titles and text excerpts are useful for roughly understand the nature of the site.
For most of the sites, the description in 'About us' and similar pages are quoted here, for obtaining the rough idea of the sites.
Following the Practice Guide posted recently, information of Site Location, Site Language, and Roles of the site are recorded. However, Site Location is not easy to find in many cases, and Site Languages (especially besides English) are not checked thoroughly. The two information need to be examined later.
In the present case, I put much attention in finding the Roles of the site. (The 'About us' pages are useful to find the Roles.)
Then the sites are roughly evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ ☐ △ -
Note: In cases of two marks together, they mean evaluation choices not sure yet. E.g., □△ means '□or △'.
Note: There are many Web sites in the fields where I am not so familiar (e.g., innovation management as business,).
Many universities and graduate schools are detected. Since it is difficult to select good ones, most of them are evaluated as □. Probably we should better select somewhat more severely.
Thus the present evaluation should be regarded tentative and need to be checked by other people familiar in these various fields.After having processed all the sites, the record of the displayed page for each site is erased, because it has no usage any more.
Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Sites are now re-arranged according to the grade ◎ ○ □ △ -.
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 3 sites, including 3 already listed sites)
◎○: ( 0 sites, including 0 already listed site)○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (27 sites, including 10 already listed sites)
○□: ( 9 sites, including 1 already listed sites)☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (66 sites, including 7 already listed sites)
□△: (12 sites, including 1 already listed sites)△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ===== (67 sites, including 0 already listed sites)
△-: ( 3 sites, including 0 already listed sites)- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== ( 19 sites, including 0 already listed sites)
For each site, the description of "About us" are extracted from the site and shown.
The page shown by the search engine is now deleted, because of no significant value left.In the Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", the sites evaluated as ◎ ○ □ △ are shown in a tabular form.
Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines.
Survey Results: (Simplified for posting in HTML (Jul. 5, 2019, TN))
207 sites rearranged in the order of their evaluation.
Evaluation symbol; Site name; Site domain URL; No. of pages hit in the site search; Countly; Language; and Roles of the site
Note: The record shown below forms a big table. You may select the whole table at once and Copy & Paste it into MS Word or Excel without specifying any particular format.
(1) ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 3 sites, including 3 already listed sites)
Site Code |
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Description |
Note |
Site search pages |
◎L | Wikipedia | | USA (==> Global) | en, many | (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g5) Term dictionaries | See TN3D-08 | 1800 | |||
◎L | YouTube | | USA (==> Global) | en, many | (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g10) Multimedia presenters | See TN3D-10; | 12700000 | |||
◎ | | USA | en | (g4) Social networks, (a3) Hub sites, | Including: TN2A-15, TN2F-17, TN3B-23 | 46300000 | ||||
◎L←○L | Springer : Springer Link | | Netherland | en | (f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository, (f1) Journals, | See TN3B-35 | ||||
◎L←○L | Harvard Business Review | | USA | en | (f1) Journals, (d1) Universities, (a2) Public Web sites for information sending, | See TN3D-12 | 60900 | |||
◎L←□ | ISO (International Organization for Standardization) | | Switzerland (==> Global) | en, many | (c4) Professional organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, | See TN3D-02 | 6170 | |||
◎○L←○L | Science Direct | | UK | en | (f2) Publishers | See TN3D-16 | 846000 | |||
◎○←◎←〇 | Research Gate | | Germany | en | (f3) Repository, (g4) Social networking, | Including: TN2A-17, TN3A2-87, TN3B-20 |
13500000 |
(2) ○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (27 sites, including 10 already listed sites)
○□: ( 9 sites, including 1 already listed sites)
Site Code |
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Description |
Note |
Site search pages |
○ |
Strategyn |
en |
(e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending |
329 |
○ | (Innovation Management) |
Sweden |
en |
(a2) Public Web sites for information sending, (g8) (electric) Magazines |
10100 |
○ |
OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) |
France (==> International) |
en |
(c1) International organizations, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e8) Solution providers, (e9) Financial organizations |
Including TN3E-24 |
61800 |
○ |
IdeaScale |
en |
(e10) Software/Tool services, (e7) Networking/matching organizations |
4500 |
○ |
Capgemini |
France |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
78000 |
○ |
edX (a part of 2U) |
en |
(d7) Open education (MOOC etc.), (d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations |
Including: TN3D-13 |
996 |
○ |
Gartner |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, |
74900 |
○ |
University of Navarra : IESE Business School |
Spain |
en |
(d6)Dedicated education courses, (d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations |
2400 |
○ |
Class Central |
en |
(d7) Open education (MOOC etc.), (f5) Information retrieval (of MOOC curses) |
2110 |
○ |
Arthur D Little |
France |
en |
(d4) Consultants |
90 |
○ |
Forbes |
USA, |
en |
(g1) Mass media, (g2) Technology news (on business), (g8) (electric) Magazines |
Including: TN3C-14, TN3E-19 |
1240000 |
○ |
ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management) |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations |
○ |
McKinsey & Company |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, |
8160 |
○ |
Steve Blank |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (i3) Personal Website, |
76 |
○ |
The Tech Interactive |
en |
(g6) Museums, exhibitions, (d8) Public education, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (h3) Educational organizations, |
780 |
○ |
JTBD (Jobs-to-be-Done)(Tony Ulwick) |
en |
(e1) Method developers, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e4) Consultants |
100 |
○ |
Idea to Value (Edited by Nick Skillicorn) |
UK |
en |
(a2) Public Web sites for information sending, (e5) Training organizations, |
640 |
○L |
Emerald Publishing : Emerald Insight |
UK |
en |
(f3) Repository, (f2) Publishers, |
1950 |
○ |
MIT Technology Review |
en |
(f1) Journals, (g2) Technology news, (a2) Public Web sites for information sending |
8610 |
○←○L |
Coursera |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations |
9990 |
○L |
Wiley Online Library |
en |
(f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository, (f1) Journals, |
850000 |
〇L |
Taylor & Francis Online |
en |
(f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository, (f1) Journals, |
2000000 |
○←○□ |
Study Portals |
Netherlands |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations, (d7) Open education (MOOC etc.) |
66 |
○L←○□L | |
en |
(h3) Educational organizations, (d7) Open education (MOOC etc.) |
8930 |
○←□ |
Qmarkets |
Israel |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e1) Method developers, (e10) Software/Tool services, (e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, |
413 |
○←□ |
SRI International |
en |
(e11) Think Tanks, (e8) Solution providers, (e4) Consultants, |
○L←□L |
Emerald Publishing : Emerald Insight |
UK |
en |
(f3) Repository, (f2) Publishers, |
473000 |
○□ |
LEAD Innovation Management |
Austria |
en, es, de |
(e4) Consultants, (e7) Networking/maching organizations, (e1) Method developers |
513 |
○□←□ |
EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) |
EU |
en |
(c4) Professional organizations, (c5) Funding organizations, (e7) Networking/matching organizations |
6970 |
○□ |
Kearney : IMP³ROVE |
Germany |
en |
(e5) Training organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e4) Consultants, |
site renewed. |
○□ |
IMD (International Institute for Management Development) |
Switzerland |
en |
(d6)Dedicated education courses, (e5) Training organizations |
2970 |
○□ |
MDPI | |
Switzerland |
en |
(f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository, |
○□ |
EY (Ernst & Young Global Ltd.) - Building a better working world |
UK (==> Global) |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
24000 |
○□ |
World Scientific |
Singapore |
en |
(f2) Publishers |
Including: TN3B-83 |
43100 |
○□←○L← □ |
Taylor & Francis Group : Routledge |
en |
(f2) Publishers |
Also See (sub): TN3B-55, Also See (super): TN3D-44 |
32400 |
○□←□L |
Harvard University : Harvard Extension School |
en |
(d1) Universities |
Evaluation: ○□←□L |
76 |
○□←○L← □L |
MIT Sloan School of Management : MIT Sloan Management Review |
en |
(f1) Journals |
Also See (super): TN3B-13 ○ MIT Sloan School of Management |
8100 |
(3) ☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (66 sites, including 7 already listed sites)
□△: ( 12 sites, including 1 already listed sites)
Site Code |
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Description |
Note |
Site search pages |
□ |
Viima |
Finland |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, |
143 |
□ |
Siemens |
Germany |
en |
(h2) Companies |
6220 |
□ |
TechTarget : Search CIO |
en |
(g2) Technology news (IT) |
4640 |
□ |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e5) Training organizations, |
95 |
□ |
Open University (The Open University) : Future Learn |
UK |
en |
(d7) Open education (MOOC etc.), (h3) Educational organizations, |
88 |
□ |
University of Bologna : BBS (Bologna Business School) |
Italy |
en |
(d1) Universities; (d6)Dedicated education courses |
731 |
□ |
UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) |
Swizerland |
en |
(c1) International organizations |
86 |
□ |
Tokyo Tech (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
Japan |
en |
(d1) Universities |
339 |
□ |
InnoviSCOP: Funding research and innovation |
France |
en, fr |
(e11) Think Tanks, (e4) Consultants |
21 |
□ |
TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) |
Netherland |
en |
(d1) Universities |
13100 |
□ |
GOV.UK (Government of the United Kingdom) |
UK |
en |
(c2) National organizations |
186000 |
□ |
Germany |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, |
89 |
□ |
CBS (Copenhagen Business School) | |
Denmark |
en, Danish |
(d1) Universities |
8370 |
□ |
CertiProf |
en |
(e5) Training organizations |
37 |
□ |
Japan Government (The Government of Japan) |
Japan |
en, Japanese |
(c2) National organizations |
906 |
□ |
Zigurat - Global Institute of Technology |
Spain |
en, Spanish, Portuguese |
(e5) Training organizations |
295 |
□ |
JIM (Journal of Innovation Management) |
Portugal |
en |
(f1) Journals, (f9) Open access publishing |
9 |
□ |
KTH (Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm) |
Sweden |
en, Swedish |
(d1) Universities |
6510 |
□ |
InderScience Publishers |
Switzerland |
en |
(f1) Journals, (f9) Open access publishing |
16000 |
□ |
Amani Institute |
Brazil |
en |
(e5) Training organizations, (h3) Educational organizations |
1510 |
□ |
Board of Innovation |
Belgium |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
2720 |
□ |
JPND Research (EU Joint Program - Neurodegenerative Disease Research) |
EU |
en |
(d5) Research projects, (h4) User organizations, |
3580 |
□ |
FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) |
en |
(c2) National organizations |
Including: TN3D-93 |
7470 |
□ |
PA Consulting |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e8) Solution providers, |
□ |
WaveStone |
France |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
782 |
□ |
TU Dublin (Technological University Dublin) |
Ireland |
en |
(d1) Universities |
4570 |
□ |
Oxford Handbooks Online |
UK |
en |
(f2) Publishers, (f8) Handbooks |
31800 |
□ |
CEN and CENELEC (European Committees for Standardization) |
EU |
en |
(c4) Professional organizations, (c1) International organizations, |
195 |
□ |
NAP (The National Academies Press) |
en |
(f2) Publishers |
22200 |
□ |
Wazoku |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e1) Method developers, (e10) Software/Tool services, |
1610 |
□ |
Honda |
Japan |
en |
(h2) Companies |
1590 |
□ |
University of Cambridge : IfM (Institute for Manufacturing) |
UK |
en |
(d1) Universities, (e1) Method developers, |
□ |
Leeds University Business School |
UK |
en |
(d1) Universities |
2960 |
□ |
Innovation360 Group |
Sweden, USA |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations, |
383 |
□ |
London Business School |
UK |
en |
(d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations, |
6040 |
□ |
Erasmus University : RSM (Rotterdam School of Management,) |
Netherlands |
en |
(d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations, |
2950 |
□ |
EPFL (L'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) |
Switzerland |
en, fr |
(d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations, |
1530 |
□ |
École Polytechnique - Paris |
France |
en, fr |
(d1) Universities, (e5) Training organizations, (d7) Open education |
363 |
□ |
Martel Innovate |
Switzerland |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
505 |
□ |
Germany |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e4) Consultants, (e1) Method developers, |
150 |
□ |
Nokia |
Finland |
en |
(h2) Companies, (e8) Solution providers, |
6310 |
□ |
Hosei Universiy : HBS/IM/GMBA (The Hosei Business School of Innovation Management Global MBA program ) |
Japan |
en |
(d1) Universities, (d6)Dedicated education courses |
241 |
□ |
Phillips : Philips Engineering Solutions |
Netherlands |
en |
(h2) Companies, (e4) Consultants, (e8) Solution providers, |
495 |
□ |
Western University, Canada : Ivey Business School |
Canada |
en |
(d1) Universities, (d6)Dedicated education courses |
1890 |
□ |
Popular Science |
en |
(g1) Mass Media |
3740 |
□ |
BMJ (the BMJ) |
en |
(g2) Technology news (medical), (a2) Public Web sites for information sending, (e11) Think Tanks |
9420 |
□ |
Next in Tech |
en |
(g2) Technology news, (a3) Hub sites |
1090 |
□← □L |
FORTH innovation method |
Netherland |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations, |
30 |
□←□L |
User Testing Blog |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
44 |
□△←○ |
Inc. |
en |
(g1)Mass media |
Including TN3B-94; Eval changed into □△ from ○ |
37200 |
□△←□ |
JOTMI (Journal of Technology Management & Innovation) |
Chile |
en |
(f1) Journals |
2870 |
□△←□ |
OxLEP (Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership) |
UK |
en |
(c3) Manuscipal organizations |
491 |
□△←□ |
Vlerick Business School |
Belgium |
en |
(d1) Universities |
2620 |
□△ |
NUI Galway (National University of Ireland Galway) |
Ireland |
en |
(d1) Universities |
12400 |
□△ |
WPD (Western Power Distribution) |
UK |
en |
(h2) Companies |
2330 |
□△ |
University of Pisa : Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies - Pisa |
Italy |
en |
(d1) Universities, (d6)Dedicated education courses |
2100 |
□△ |
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (Australian Government) |
Australia |
en |
(c2) National organizations |
4750 |
□△ |
JKU (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria) : IFI (Institute of Innovation Management) |
Austria |
en |
(d1) Universities, (d2) Research institutes, |
271 |
□△ |
City of Chicago |
en |
(c3) Manicipal organzations |
6870 |
□△ |
University of Sussex |
UK |
en |
6300 |
(d1) Universities |
□△ |
GEM (Grenoble Ecole de Management) |
France |
fr, en |
(d1) Universities, (d6)Dedicated education courses |
823 |
□△ |
Japan Government : MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) |
Japan |
en |
(c2) National organizations |
1250 |
□△ |
Sweden Government Office |
Sweden |
en, Swedish |
(c2) National organizations |
1640 |
□△ |
University of Southampton : Southampton Business School |
UK |
en |
(d1) Universities, (d6)Dedicated education courses |
761 |
□△←□△L |
Creativity at Work |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
304 |
(5) Deleted from World WTSP Catalogs (△← or ー←)
Site Code | Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Description |
Note |
Site search pages |
△←□ |
Victorian Government, Australia |
Australia |
en |
(c3) Municipal organizations |
949 |
△←□ |
Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci |
France |
en |
(d1) Universities |
93 |
△← □L |
EMLV (Léonard de Vinci Business School) |
France |
en |
(d1) Universities |
335 |
ー←□ |
ADIM (Academy for Design Innovation Management) |
en |
(b2) Dedicated (academic) societies |
Not active. Deleted (Apr. 19, 2022) |
1,100 |
ー←□ |
en |
(e7) Networking/matching organizations |
Not accessible. Deleted (Apr. 20, 2022) |
5 |
ー←□ |
UNTIL (UN Technology Innovation Labs) |
en |
(c1) International organizations |
Not accessible. Deleted (Apr. 20, 2022) | 74 |
ー←□ |
MSG Global |
Switzerland |
en |
(e4) Consultants |
Not relevant. ー←□ | 85 |
ー←□L |
Medium |
en |
(g4) Social networks |
Deleted. |
Site Description page | ◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ or ー Sites (Deleted from World Catalogs) |
Last updated on Mar. 22, 2023. Access point: Editor: