World WTSP Catalog (TN2F Part) Index | |
World TRIZ Sites Project |
Surveyor: Toru Nakagawa (OGU) |
Catalog setting: Toru Nakagawa |
Posted: Jul. 28, 2019; Updated: Aug. 22, 2021 |
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 28, 2019)
Preliminary Internet Searches (2nd round) with Keyword TRIZ, Site language in English, in USA.
Internet Search with Yahoo.Japan has resulted in 91 sites. Tentatively evaluated as:
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog --- 6 sites
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ------------ 11 sites
□ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog --------------- 27 sites
△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ---------------- 24 sites
- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ------- 22 sitesIn the World WTSP Catalog, we include the ◎○□ sites.
Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites (2F) written in English and located in USA
Preliminary Search for TRIZ sites written in English and located in USA
Mar. 27, 2019, Toru Nakagawa
Mar. 31, 2019 Simplified for posting in the Web Toru Nakagawa
Conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: TRIZ
(b) Language of the sites: English
(c) Location of the sites: USA
(d) Searcher's location: USA
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.japan
(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the TRIZ search inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxDirect outputs of the survey:
91 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. The outputs are copied into a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Or else with your search engine (like Google) you may survey again with the keywords: TRIZ site:[URL of the site domain]
(for example: TRIZ site: working process (already done):
Visit the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Then click the URL of option (f) to see the result of Site search, and take a glance at the list of pages, and record the number of pages (which is shown at the top of the output of the site search).Name of the site, URL of the site, and number of TRIZ pages in the site are recorded.
--- This record of each site title is put at the top of the survey result, with the style of Heading 2.Then the sites are roughly/tentatively evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ □ △ -
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog
□ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog
△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs
- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP CatalogsThe sites are rearranged with the evaluation, and are shown in some (tentative) categorization.
Description of the ‘representative’ page is deleted, because of no significant information any more..Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines each.
Note that the same site may have pages written in English or in any other languages.Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Do further surveys (a) with keywords in wider scope for the sites written in English, (b) for the TRIZ-related sites written in any other languages, and merge the results, (c) for the TRIZ-related sites located in any other countries, and merge the results.
We should make USA WTSP Catalog for readers located in USA and World WTSP Catalog for people in the world.
Survey Results: (Simplified for posting in HTML (Mar. 30, 2019, TN)) ==> .docx file
68 sites rearranged in the order of their evaluation and type. ( 22 sites irrelevant/neglected are omitted in this list. )
(1) Evaluated ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 7 sites) ==
Site Code | Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Description |
Note |
Site search pages |
International TRIZ organization - |
◎ | MATRIZ (International TRIZ Association) | |
USA | en | (b1) Dedicated association, (b3) Ingternational conferences | 295 |
◎ | The Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies | |
USA | en | (b1) Dedicated association, (b3) Ingternational conferences | 1,110 |
Important public Web sites in TRIZ |
TN2F-03 | ◎ | Wikipedia | |
USA | en | (g3) Knowledge sharing | 737 |
TN2F-04 | ◎ | Ideation International, Inc. (Where Innovation Begins) | |
USA | en | (e4) Consultants, (e1) Method developers, (e2) Software/tool developers | 34 |
TN2F-05 | ◎ | ICG Training & Consulting | |
USA | en | (e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sharing, (e1) Method developers | 135 |
TN2F-06 | ◎ | TRIZ Power Tools ( | |
USA | en, many in automatic translation | (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (g3) Knowledge sharing | Desc (b); Intro (c): SiteIntro-TN2F-06-TRIZPowerTools-LarryBall.html |
25 |
Consultancy / Methods | TN2F-07 | ◎ | GEN-TRIZ | |
USA | en | (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants, (e8) Solution providers, (e7) Networking/matching | Desc. (b) Intro; (c) SiteIntro-TN2F-07-GENTRIZ-SimonLitvin.html "TRIZ Challenges and Approaches to Address Them" (Simon Litvin) (Apr. 18, 2021) |
31 |
(2) Evaluated ○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== ( 10 sites) ====
Site Code | Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Description |
Note |
Site search pages |
Consultancy / Methods |
TN2F-08 | ○ | iSixSigma | |
USA | en | (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a3) Hub sites, (g3) Knowledge sharing | See TN3D-07 |
84 |
Knowledge sharing |
TN2F-09 | ○L←○ | YouTube | |
USA (==> Global) | en, many | (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g10) Multimedia presentors | See TN3D-10 |
16,800 |
TN2F-10 | ○L←○ | SlideShare | |
USA (==> Global) | en | (g3) Knowledge sharing, (g10) Multimedia presentors | See TN3B-04 |
2,940 |
TN2F-11 | ○ | GoodReads | |
USA | en | (g3) Knowledge sharing | No | 416 |
TN2F-12 | ○ | Vimeo | |
USA | en | (g3) Knowledge sharing | No | 300 |
Publication |
TN2F-13 | ○ | ScienceDirect (Elsevier) | |
USA | en | (f2) Publishers | 1,130 |
TN2F-14 | ○L←○ | Springer : SpringerLink | |
USA | en | (f2) Publishers, (f3) Repository, (f1) Journals, | See TN3B-35 | 2,660 |
TN2F-15 | ○□←○ | ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library | |
USA | en | (f3) Repository, (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies | Eval changed into ○□ from ○ | 5,640 |
TN2F-16 | ○ | Strategies for Creative Problem Solving (University of Michigan) | |
USA | en | (f3) Repository, (d1) Universities | 63 |
Social Networking Servoces |
TN2F-17 | ○L←○ | |
USA | en | (g4) Social networks, (a3) Hub sites, | See TN3C-03 |
9,240 |
(3) Evaluated □ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 27 sites) ====
Site Code | Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Description |
Note |
Site search pages |
Organization |
TN2F-18 | ○L← □ | NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) | |
USA | en | (c2) National organizations, (d2) Researh institutes | See TN3E-20 |
89 |
TN2F-19 | □ | TRIZ Asia (TRIZ Association of Asia) | |
USA | en | (b1) Dedicated associations | 48 |
TN2F-20 | □ | I-SIM (International Society of Innovation Methods) | |
USA | en | (b1) Dedicated associations, (b3) International conferences | 24 |
Consultancy/methodology |
TN2F-21 | □ | TRIZ Consulting, Inc. | |
USA | en | (e4) Consultants | 22 |
TN2F-22 | □ | Technical Innovation Center, Inc | |
USA | en | (e4) Consultants | 58 |
TN2F-23 | □ | The TRIZ Group | |
USA | en | (e4) Consultants | 29 |
TN2F-24 | □ | NPD Solutions (New Product Development Consulting Service) | |
USA | en | 11 |
TN2F-25 | □ | SAE International | |
USA | en | 23 |
TN2F-26 | □ | Glenn Mazur | |
USA | en | (i1) Individual researchers | 14 |
TN2F-27 | □ | | |
USA | en | 36 |
TN2F-28 | □ | Routledge | |
USA | en | 51 |
TN2F-29 | ○←□ | Southbeach Modeller | |
UK ←USA | en | (e2) Software/tool developers | Description in Standard Form (b) (Aug. 1. 2022) | 29 |
Social Networking Services |
TN2F-30 | □ | Meetup | |
USA | en | (g4) Social networking | 372 |
TN2F-31 | □ | Idea Connection | |
USA | en | 37 |
TN2F-32 | □ | |
USA | en | (g4) Social networking | *** Note: many irrelevant | 91 |
Knowledge sharing |
TN2F-33 | □ | Quora | |
USA | en | 735 |
TN2F-34 | □ | IntechOpen | |
USA | en | 34 |
TN2F-35 | □ | TOC (Theory of Constraints).tv | |
USA | en | (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e1) Method develpers | 6 |
TN2F-36 | □ | ASQ (American Society for Quality) TV | |
USA | en | (g3) Knowledge sharing, (e1) Method develpers | 14 |
TN2F-37 | ○L←□ | Emerald Insight | |
USA | en | See TN3B-75 |
1,130 |
Publication |
TN2F-38 | □ | Academia | |
USA | en | (f3) Repository, (g4) Social networks, | See TN3A2-37 |
2,900 |
TN2F-39 | □ | SSRN(Social Science Research Network)Papers | |
USA | en | 239 |
TN2F-40 | □ | SAGE Publishing | |
USA | en | 600 |
TN2F-41 | □ | IEEE Xplore Digital Library | |
USA | en | 1,430 |
Personal / Blogs |
TN2F-42 | □ | Liberating Structures | |
USA | en | 120 |
TN2F-43 | □ | Dummies | |
USA | en | 11 |
TN2F-44 | □ | Information Architected | |
USA | en | 29 |
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country | Preliminary Search (Sept. 2018) .docx files in USA: in English , in Ger/Fr/It/Sp , in Russian |
Last updated on Aug. 1, 2022. Access point: Editor: