WTSP:  WTSP Catalogs Introduction 2022

WTSP Catalogs Introduction 
Introduction to World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites

Toru Nakagawa (Project Leader of WTSP; Osaka Gakuin University, Japan)

Jan. 22, 2022

Posted:  Jan. 24, 2022   Updated:  Jan. 26, 2022

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  Editor's Note@iToru Nakagawa, Jan. 24, 2022)     

This is an Introduction to the WTSP World Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites, for ordinary users without assuming any preceeding knowledge about WTSP or its Catalogs. 

Here I show the Abstract of this Introduction:

(1) Catalogs of TRIZ-related Websites in the World have been developed by a volunteer-based international project WTSP.

(2) The Catalogs are now available publicly without charge both for  interactive use at the WTSP site and for downloading, printing, and interactive use at user's PC.

(3) The Catalogs cover various websites in the fields of TRIZ (including modernized TRIZ) and around-TRIZ more widely (i.e., creative problem solving in general, including quality/value/project management, IP, etc.).

(4) Various websites dedicated for the roles of information sending, research, development, promotion, publishing, etc. of such TRIZ-related methodologies are collected.

(5) Websites are found more useful as units of information resources than (smaller) webpages, papers, patents, etc. and (larger) journals, conferences, books, etc., because they are kept updated for many years with unity/quality/scope of information by some group or organization, in openly accessible forms.

(6) Individual websites are introduced briefly by surveyors/recommenders, and in one-page standard form and (optionally) much longer by the website owners. 

(7) Websites are evaluated in respect to their quality/usefulness/attractiveness/ accessibility/scopes/etc. and shown in 5 grades (›  for world level, ’ for country level, and |j.

(8) Current World WTSP Catalogs (Beta Edition)  list 23   and 39 › websites in TRIZ while 33   and 127 › websites around TRIZ. 

(9) We are working further to make our WTSP Catalogs more useful and attractive for users as well as professionals by voluntary cooperation of many colleagues in the world.

(10) Let's work Together ! Connected !!

Here is the Table of Contents (of this Introduction written in PowerPoint):

Introduction to World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites


[1] Introduction: Purposes/Aims and Basic Strategy

Purposes and Aims ;  Basic Strategies

[2] Activities for Building WTSP Catalogs

Activities for Building WTSP Catalogs: TRIZ Sites ;  Activities for Building WTSP Catalogs : Around]TRIZ Sites ;  Evaluation of Websites

[3] Structure of World WTSP Catalogs (Beta Edition)

Main Catalogs in the World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around]TRIZ Sites ;  Structure of a sample WTSP Catalog page ;  Structure of the World WTSP Catalogs (Users' View) ;  Example of Brief Site Introduction by a Surveyor ;  Example of Site Description in the WTSP Standard Form (1 page in A1) ;  Example of (Optional) Close Introduction by the Site Owner ;  Various 'Roles of sites'

[4] Most Important Sites in the World WTSP Catalogs

World TRIZ Sites Catalog  23 Most Important Sites ;  Illustration of WTSP World TRIZ Sites Catalog (›) Index part  (Abbreviated) ; 
World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalog  33 Most Important sites ;  Illustration of WTSP World Around]TRIZ Sites Catalog (›j Index part  (Abbreviated)

[5] Concluding Remarks

User's Evaluation ;  WTSP Project: Aims (Oct. 2018) Revisited ;  For Further Enhancement of the World WTSP Catalogs ;  References on the World WTSP Catalogs ;  Thank you for your attention. WTSP Global Co]editors


This Introduction is not a manual for operation.  You can operate the Catalogs easily, because the catalogs are simply tables of websites having hyperlinks to the description of those sites.  You may use the Catalogs interactively at the WTSP website, or download the Catalogs for Print (in PDF) and print them or use them interactively on your own PC just as on the WTSP website. 

Enjoy reading and using the WTSP Catalogs.  And please recommend the Catalogs to your colleagues, and support to improve/enhance the WTSP Catalogs further.

Note (TN, Jan. 26, 2022) :  The figure showing the "[3B] Structure of a sample WTSP Catalog page" has been revised to show the obvious feature of accessing from the Catalog page to the referred websites in the Internet. 


Top of this page

Slides top


1. Purpose/Strategy

2. Activities

3. Structure of Catalogs

4. Important sites

5. Concluding


Slides PDF


Japanese page


@@Introduction to World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites               ===> Slides (.pdf)  





(1) Catalogs of TRIZ-related Websites in the World have been developed by a volunteer-based international project WTSP.

(2) The Catalogs are now available publicly without charge both for  interactive use at the WTSP site and for downloading, printing, and interactive use at user's PC.

(3) The Catalogs cover various websites in the fields of TRIZ (including modernized TRIZ) and around-TRIZ more widely (i.e., creative problem solving in general, including quality/value/project management, IP, etc.).

(4) Various websites dedicated for the roles of information sending, research, development, promotion, publishing, etc. of such TRIZ-related methodologies are collected.

(5) Websites are found more useful as units of information resources than (smaller) webpages, papers, patents, etc. and (larger) journals, conferences, books, etc., because they are kept updated for many years with unity/quality/scope of information by some group or organization, in openly accessible forms.

(6) Individual websites are introduced briefly by surveyors/recommenders, and in one-page standard form and (optionally) much longer by the website owners. 

(7) Websites are evaluated in respect to their quality/usefulness/attractiveness/ accessibility/scopes/etc. and shown in 5 grades (›  for world level, ’ for country level, and |j.

(8) Current World WTSP Catalogs (Beta Edition)  list 23   and 39 › websites in TRIZ while 33   and 127 › websites around TRIZ. 

(9) We are working further to make our WTSP Catalogs more useful and attractive for users as well as professionals by voluntary cooperation of many colleagues in the world.

(10) Let's work Together ! Connected !!


[1] Introduction: Purposes/Aims and Basic Strategy


[2] Activities for Building WTSP Catalogs


[3] Structure of World WTSP Catalogs (Beta Edition)


[4] Most Important Sites in the World WTSP Catalogs


[5]  Conc.uding Remarks


[5D]  References on the World WTSP Catalogs      buttons have hyperlinks

WTSP project Website:  https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/ 

World WTSP Catalogs Top page (with introductions)

World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites: (A) Top page (with instructions)
          (A1P)  Top Catalog (j for Print   
          (A2P)  Basic Catalog (›j for Print   

World WTSP Catalogs of Around-TRIZ Sites:  (C) Top page (with instructions)
          (C1P)  Top Catalog (j for Print   
          (C2P)  Basic Catalog (›j for Print    

Guidelines for building WTSP Catalogs 
WTSP Standard Form for describing a website  (.docx) 
Multiple sets of indexing schemes for the WTSP Catalogs

WTSP Appeal 2021 (Sept. 2021)  
Paper:  WTSP (4) World WTSP Catalogs  ETRIA TFC2021 (Sept. 2021) 
Mission and Philosophy of WTSP (Aug. 2021)  
Introduction to World WTSP Catalogs (this article) (Jan. 2022) 
Index page of the WTSP Project  


Top of this page

Slides top


1. Purpose/Strategy

2. Activities

3. Structure of Catalogs

4. Important sites

5. Concluding


Slides PDF


Japanese page


Intorduction to WTSP Catalogs

World WTSP Catalogs  Top page

(A) World TRIZ Sites Catalogs

(A1) Index ◎

(A2) Index ◎〇

(A1P) Catalog for Print ◎

(A2P) Catalog for Print ◎〇

(C) World Around- TRIZ Sites Catalogs

(C1) Index ◎

(C2) Index ◎〇

(C3) Index □

(C1P) Catalog for Print ◎

(C2P) Catalog for Print ◎〇


Top of this page

WTSP Project Welcome page

WTSP Index page

(A1) Policies

(A2) Organization

(A3) Platform

(A4) Guidelines

(A5) Access to the Project Outputs

(A6) Publicized Outputs

(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version)

(A9) Introductions to WTSP Catalogs 

World WTSP Catalogs Top Page  
(B3) WTSP News 2019 (B4) WTSP News 2020 (B5) WTSP News 2021

(B6) WTSP News 2022

(B7) WTSP News 2023


WTSP Appeal (Jun. 2018)

Summary slides (TFC 2019)

WTSP Paper (3) ETRIA TFC2020

WTSP Paper (4) ETRIA TFC2021

WTSP Paper (5) ETRIA TFC2022

Presentation slides (TFC 2022)

Japanese page of WTSP Index page

General Index  (A) Editorial (B) References Links News & activities Software tools (C) Papers, case studies, articles, Lectures, course materials (D) Forum   Search in this site General Index 
Home Page New Information for children and high-school students for students and the general public for engineers (introduction) for Practitioners CrePS System Documents USIT Manual & Case Studies Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives (USIT) WTSP Project World WTSP Catalogs Home Page

Last updated on Mar. 22, 2023.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp